Reversing the Process of Aging

Part Two…the alternatives

Keep an open mind, but not so open that your brains fall out!

I promised, back in the beginning of this series, that if we would open our minds to a simple possibility we would also be able to see an alternative to aging other than death …which, of course is certainly one alternative, is it not? See how “crazy” we can make things if our heads are stuck in the sand of there is no other escape, well there is, but we need to have our minds opened to it. How, Daddy, how?

Speaking of crazy, an estimated twenty people jump off the Golden Gate Bridge each year which, of course, is certainly one terrifying way to stop aging …but we’re looking for reversal. “Crazy” may be the wrong word, but certainly you will agree that the person who does so has limited her or his belief to “ending it all” is the only way to solve whatever challenge they may have; perhaps we can even open our minds to what may be influencing them to such a horrific end(ing).

Let’s use this as a segue into looking at some of the spiritual issues for just a moment by reviewing the prayer of my new friend Bob that I shared last time which basically was, “I can’t stand the pain any longer, please just take me home” and which, in my mind, triggered a complete healing …all the pain and suffering gone, within just two days.

Now then, was the purpose of the prayer achieved? Depends upon how we look at it; some people would mean by, “I can’t stand the pain, please just take me home,” that they wanted to die and go to heaven.

Think about it, is that what you would mean? If so, are you ready for an alternative?

Bob certainly got an alternative …was it better? Depends, again upon your perspective …based on my perspective, Bob enjoys his physical life immensely and probably is quite happy that his prayer was answered differently than having to go through death. But that, after all, is from my perspective.

Want to Enjoy Life...Get a Puppy.

Let’s consider an issue that Ryan Bruce and I see so clearly and what the crux of it is. Jesus introduced us to the fact that there are two spiritual “fathers” …one to which he referred to as the chief ruler of the physical realm at least on this planet earth, whom he said is the power over things controlled by money; Jesus also called him the father of lies. From the original language one could make the argument that the word translated as “lies” could also be rendered “illusion” so that we could legitimately ask if Jesus was saying that the physical world is illusory, some scholars believe exactly that.

I have made the following statement on podcasts, but I don’t think I have ever put it into an article: To the degree that organized Christian groups are ruled by money, the above referenced power is the ipso facto ruler of that group. If you would like to hear me say it vocally, for the record, go to the top menu bar on this website and click on the tab “Podcasts,” then scroll down and click on number 27 and when you finish that one go back through the same process and listen to #28.

Before we forget it, the other father, some of us think of as “our heavenly Father” rules over the spiritual realm. This raises all kinds of unanswerable questions IF that is the only way we look at it. In other words, there are answers, but not if our minds our stuck in only one perspective.


Where is your Garden of Eden?

If you can accept the possibility that the Biblical “Garden of Eden” is a real place, albeit in the spirit or unseen realm; and further that, in the original language, the term translated in English as “eternal life” literally refers to the parallel existence that is ongoing right this moment in which there is no “beginning or ending” and which can be accessed or entered into NOW, in this moment, then you can start living with an entirely different view of things. So then, what I am urging is that we at least ask: What if this is a possibility?

One of the things the religious have done to us, in their argument that there is an “afterlife” which they refer to as heaven, is to build a tradition which is basically understood as that this parallel existence popularly referred to as heaven can be entered into only at the death of these physical body bags we occupy.

It is important to realize that my argument here is limited to the word “only.” You see, there is a passage in the Bible which clearly reveals an alternative.

Let’s help those of you who already believe that heaven is a real place, the place where God (by whatever other title or name) has HER/HIS/ITS [Jesus clearly indicated that God is without gender …a SPIRIT to be worshipped in spirit and in truth, but has a perfect parent Daddy/Mommy element and, therefore, the reference to “He” and “She” is not out of line here] and, those whom also already believe that the can be Bible a resource for truth, can perhaps expand your view to include something written in it.

Read the following aloud and hear, really hear, it: The above referenced passage clearly reveals that there is a kind of “faith” that is not only available, but that without which there is no pleasing God. This “faith” is a never ending, close personal relationship with God, beginning this moment and never ending …and further, avoids physical death altogether! I didn’t say it, the writer of the New Testament book, Hebrews, said it and it is quite clear that is what is being said, even in a rather poor English translation.

There you have it; the entrance to this “Garden of Eden” existence called “eternity,” that is, right now, this moment, is being rejoined with your perfect SPIRIT-PARENT and it means having constant fellowship with HER/HIM/IT and, again, beginning right NOW! As with any relationship, it has to have a beginning.

One way this relationship can be initiated by us is by calling out to our SPIRIT-PARENT right now, and saying “help, I want this kind of “faith” and to keep calling out until we get past the barriers in our own minds to receiving it, because it already exists and it is simply religious, or anti-religious (two sides of the same coin) conditioning that gets in the way of receiving it …a perfect departure back to discussing my friend’s prayer to be taken home …and, for that matter, all “prayer.”

You see, my new friend, Bob, trusts our “heavenly” Daddy, but it is the other “father” the “father of lies” who would have liked to have sent him “home” via death …because Jesus said that is this, “father of lies,” small “g” god’s primary purpose, that is, to kill these body bags we occupy.

Bob received healing which is part of the over-all purpose of our SPIRIT-PARENT …so that even if Bob’s prayer was amiss, our Dad stepped in.

As to “all prayer” …if we can get it into our consciousness that the kind of “prayer” Jesus taught was that of making a declaration, not asking, but declaring …in fact even demanding …not demanding Dad to do something, but making the declaration that it is already done. In a recent podcast I told the story of a woman who was healed of debilitating (and also terminal as declared by her doctors) form of muscular dystrophy, to which several Christian friends (among which the most vocal was her husband), were urging her to give up her painful fight and just “let go” and die to escape the pain.

Her husband called me and asked if I would come to talk to her. When I arrived at their home he admitted his motive was for me to convince her that she needed to let go and die to get relief from her pain and suffering. I asked him if he believed in Jesus Christ, and he responded emphatically, “Oh yes, of course, I just want her to trust him and let go.”

Don't Eat the Fruit! Ask Source Instead.

The story is worth repeating because it makes the point succinctly. I asked the woman if she wanted to be healed. She said, just as emphatically, “Oh yes” …at this I turned to her husband and said, that I was glad he said that he believed in Jesus, because Jesus said that he had come to bring abundant life (in both the physical and spiritual realms, but the enemy had but one two-fold purpose: Destroy our faith in and connection to Dad and kill these bodies we occupy. I basically was telling him that he and others who were urging her to give up were serving the enemy.

I told them that our first job was to declare that she was healed and then to get rid of all the obstacles which included some spiritual stuff actually invited by her friends’ prayers. After four years of a losing battle with the disease, in just a short time she was (and remains) fully recovered!

Now the way to stay in the Garden of Eden is by avoiding the mistake made by the original couple. Don’t eat fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. What this means is, when we are confronted by a religious/education serpent telling us how to be wise …don’t buy it. Instead, immediately say: “Daddy I don’t know beans …HELP!”

Now let’s see what Ryan Bruce wants to discuss about this article… Podcast 46 Dec 13 2010 Reversing the Aging Process pt 2

In Freedom,


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