I Could Tell You but Will You Get the Point?

Brad Cullen

An Alternative End(ing)…..Will You Get The Point?

(A brief rest from quantum)

In a very real sense, when we are in harmony with the purposes of our creative SPIRIT-PARENT SOURCE we are co-creators and to a very large degree we get to determine outcomes. The question then, really, is only how do we get in harmony with Her/His/Its purposes so as to change the endings of our individual stories?

If we open our eyes to one brief excerpt from just one passage in the Bible we can get a big clue as to how to be in harmony with the SOURCE of everything: “Without faith it is impossible to please God,” and then look at another passage still in the Bible, but from a different perspective than what some people assume that it means: “What is the point of gaining the whole world if, in the end, you lose your soul.”

What happens if you lose your soul?

Backing up to “in the end,” and starting there …because, if we miss it, we miss the key meaning of the passage. What “end” do some of us naturally assume is being portrayed here and is there a possible alternative to it?

I am supposed to change directions for just a moment to help some of you get on the same page I am on here. If you tune in to our “Podcast” tab on the top menu bar of this website, [www.spiritualhealingsource.com] that are telephone conversations of which the publisher of books by Brad Cullen and the sponsor of this website, Ryan Bruce, makes recordings …you will notice that he and I often make references to the fact that neither of us any longer call ourselves “Christians.”

How that came into being is when I was led through a series of events that became the catalyst to begin writing critically about the difference between what Jesus said and Christianity teaches. That criticism began when I was teaching and speaking from behind a pulpit in a “Bible believing church.”

I had been invited to hold a week of healing and deliverance meetings at a church in Anchorage, Alaska which wound up continuing for five months!

That first week, which had seen many dramatic evidences of the presence and power of SPIRIT, culminated on the final night with my being instructed by SPIRIT to ask two questions: One, “who is Jesus Christ? Two, “where is Jesus Christ right now, this moment?”

The entire story of what happened and how it caused me to finally be obedient to do what I had been repeatedly shown I should do …leave organized Christianity behind me, is in the forthcoming book which Ryan is soon to publish called, Quantum Leapfrog, Tap into Your Super Computer.

I’ve been slow to learn to listen, hear and obey and it took a few years to get the message to the point of finally refusing to even refer to myself as a Christian. Ryan and I met over twelve years ago and I began sharing my experiences with him …and he began to become infected with the same startling truth as I, that is, teachers in Christianity, as a whole, teach many things which are the opposite of what Jesus said!

Could Death really be Abolished?

This brings us back to when I was led to momentarily change directions. An alternative ending to what Christianity teaches is the “ending” which is in opposition to what Jesus presented. He came to abolish death …do away with it entirely. Yes, that is what he said, literally! I’m hardly the first writer to point out this glaring variance, between the truth of what Jesus said and the lie Christianity spreads in so many insidious ways, but the writer who first brought my attention to this wonderful news was J.B. Phillips in,”Your God Is Too Small: A Guide for Believers and Skeptics Alike

One alternative ending to your individual story can be entering eternal life without experiencing physical death. Of course it sounds crazy, but hey, haven’t we been discussing things that are scientifically proven to be “real” but sound crazy to our minds until they’ve been conditioned somewhat? After all, quantum mechanics and “neutrinos” and “double slit experiments” and the like are a bit more than “mere” mind expanding, wouldn’t you say?

Well, let me suggest some conditioning – click here right now! (don’t forget when you are through reading the article to click on podcast #22 at the bottom) Podcast 22 August 25 2010 21 day challenge day 17 if this doesn’t give you a huge boost of faith it simply means you weren’t ready to hear it yet …you will be ready and soon – that’s my faith for YOU!

In Freedom,

Brad Cullen

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