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4th Dimension

Practical and Successful Living

Real Power and Knowing! Access your own personal truth, freedom and life.  It’s not a dream it’s real and right NOW!

Scientific experiments have proven the existence of such a place; to which we don’t “go,” that is, travel to the 4th Dimension; in fact, “travel” is a 3rd Dimension term. Some mystic types refer to inter-dimension transfer as “translating.” If we have, thus far, refused to consider the reality, or at least the possible reality of a parallel existence, whether we call it “4th Dimension,” “kingdom of heaven,” or “eternal life,” (to me all three are interchangeable) we have relegated ourselves to the death and dying world of the physical senses.

If you prefer a paper copy of this, you can order it through Amazon or Createspace by clicking here: Available on Amazon



Being Jesus is guaranteed to upset and shake your traditional understanding and concepts. Being Jesus is you and I being connected to the SPIRIT-PARENT SOURCE in the same way as Jesus was connected to Her/Him/It. How can that be possible? Read on…

You see, when Jesus literally said that anyone (you and I) who believe enough will perform the same supernatural-seeming “works”.

If you prefer a paper copy of this, you can order it through Amazon or Createspace by clicking here: Available on Amazon!




Want to find out who you really are? The Unrecognized You Discovered is a personal journey that you need to make to move closer in your relationship with the Source of all that is.

A book that defines many things from a different spiritual perspective, but more than that, provides a simple and stunning answer to the question: Who am I?

Now that I know, what am I supposed to do? Guaranteed not to be a smooth ride; all aboard!

If you prefer a paper copy of this, you can order it through Amazon or Createspace by clicking here: Buy NOW



Have you tried religion and the prescription it recommends? then you must be still searching. The way religion packaged the truth makes it impossible to open the chest. In Unlocking Your Treasure Chest, Brad Cullen shares his personal experiences on how to get to the treasure. If you want more out of life, reading this book is a must!

Brad’s First and most popular book is sure to open your personal Treasure Chest.

If you prefer a paper copy of this, you can order it through Amazon or Createspace by clicking here:  Buy NOW



Leapfrog is a book that unsettles beliefs that you and I hold on to so tightly. It will challenge your thinking and maybe even teach you a few things.  Well at least it did for me and thousands of others.

Keep an open mind, heart and don’t block the spirit within you from expression.  Most of all have fun!  There is joy in this book, now go an enjoy, it’s sure to open your personal Treasure Chest.

If you prefer a paper copy of this, you can order it through Amazon or Createspace by clicking here: Buy NOW

Think and Grow Rich
by Napoleon Hill

A landmark book in changing your life. Truly a must read for every student of connecting with all that is!

Get a copy of this book in our Free Books section.

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