(How I Was Transformed from Dunce to Genius

How many points of view can studying 1 book make? Infinitesimal...

How many points of view can studying 1 book make? Infinitesimal…


Researching and studying information supplied by others may be useful, for some specific purpose or another, but it is not what helped me get past the “realization” that I wasn’t very smart into connecting with SUPREME INTELLIGENCE and no longer concerned with the obstacle to my learning anything that really matters to me.

Because of this connection, some people, with far more formal education than I, even think I’m brilliant! Little do they know I’m the same “dunce” (intellectually) that I’ve always been, I’ve merely learned to stop depending upon “little mind,” the conscious, thinking or “aware” part of the mind and be transported into thinking in the same way Albert Einstein (particularly) thought.

You can create more with imagination than with anything else.

You can create more with imagination than with anything else.

If you’ve ever been in awe of the “genius” of Albert Einstein, you may want to pay close attention to this little essay. If you will simply read this recipe through many times and do exactly what it says, you will be brought to your own place of supreme intelligence and brilliance.

The Key to My Own “Brilliant Thinking,” believe it or not, was to learn to stop trying to think! To learn to stop trying to compete with people who were “obviously” far more “intelligent,” “gifted” or “spiritual” than I.

Let my final step to “true brilliance” be your first and perhaps ONLY step …if you already know you are far smarter than I (by judging what I’ve said, thus far, as pure goat droppings), you will get nothing from reading any further, please just go away in peace.

If, however, this has given you a spark of hope …do read on. Not as instruction – but as a simple recipe for breaking out of the trap of “little mind” into the broad expanse of how Albert Einstein came up with the formula that ushered us into the “nuclear age.”

Don't stop till you get enough.

Don’t stop till you get enough.

The mistake made by many people who begin to want to get beyond their own limited thinking is to skim through book after book, attend all sorts of classes, attempting to cram information into their minds …STOP IT!

Again, research and study of information supplied by other humans (we tend to refer to as “education”) may be useful for specific situations. This recipe is aimed, however, at drawing out of you the vast reservoir of information already stored inside you with which to solve any problem, overcome any challenge or obstacle, get beyond any limitation and which preceded your physical birth; that is, before you took on the mistaken identity of being “fully human” and forgot about who you really are; trapped in “little mind.”

Go ahead take the first step.

Just one more step.

Back to my final step which can be your first step, or perhaps the only step you need. It began early one morning while taking a break from a writing project that was becoming laborious. I began playing a particular game, at which I consistently lost far more than I won, and started beating up on myself for “wasting time.” I was startled by a thought which was so clear that I believed, at the time, to be an audible voice. “Stop judging!”

“Stop judging what,” I asked, “the game itself or my playing it?” …almost as soon as I asked, I knew the answer: “BOTH!”

The “voice” continued: “Play the game by depending on me, do this as an exercise, not to win immediately, but by depending upon me and you will understand the point of the exercise is to set up the game so that it is ultimately impossible to lose.”

The game is really in your Integrated Mind.

The game is really in your Integrated Mind.

For the next several days the thought kept intruding into everything I was doing, “What’s the point of the exercise? DON’T MISS THE POINT!” Since that day, many months ago, I have won over 1100 consecutive numbered games which previously, with much concentration of “little mind” my average was most likely winning well under 30% of the time.

I did a little research on the game in Google and found that, depending upon which expert you believe, of the one million games sequentially numbered from 1 to 1,000,000, there are somewhere between 5 & 8 games which “they” say are impossible to win …I have since that day, easily won all eight of these games which are listed by number as impossible to win –EVEN WITH A COMPUTER PROGRAM– I just can’t tell you how I can do it …AND THAT’S THE POINT!

An Integrated Mind will always win.

An Integrated Mind will always win.

The voice, “me,” which I refer to as MEGA-me is that which I also refer to as the “superconscious” part of the mind of this body I occupy …NOT, mind you, the SUPREME INTELLIGENCE to which I referred earlier, but that part of the mind that I have instructed with “little mind,” again, the conscious, thinking, “aware” part of the mind that, in my case, I admit, DOESN’T KNOW SQUAT, to be controlled 24/7 by CREATIVE POWER, SUPER INTELLIGENCE or our SPIRIT-PARENT or “God,” by whatever other title or name …and I prefer I AM.

Just to be honest about what I believe, which doesn’t have to matter to you, I AM an integral part (particle) of this I AM which is totally beyond the ability of “little mind” to conceptualize or begin to understand AND it doesn’t matter, I simply trust that MEGA-me is guided and directed 24/7 by I AM and I have been given permission by I AM to say “I AM” and, by so doing, I keep “little mind” from interfering and I AM a genius tapping into SUPREME INTELLIGENCE and CREATIVE POWER (verbs not nouns, whereas I AM is a noun).

Do you have to believe the way I believe to also become intellectually brilliant, how do I know? I DON’T KNOW SQUAT, remember?

I do have a three part exercise that has helped the process for me and if you request it I’ll be more than happy to share …one part at a time.

Just write sekou@youwithoutlimits.life or doug@youwithoutlimits.life



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