Spiritual Healing Versus Mental Healing, What do You Believe?

Brad CullenPRINCIPLE:  Spiritual Healing of, and Healing Power over, physical disease is both an enigma and a paradox. When we couple enigma with paradox together …both terms, to a large extent, themselves, enigmatic and paradoxical because of numerous and different dictionary definitions, then add into the mix the word principle and we have created an intellectual challenge that exceeds the intellectual capacity of this author …because, to the human brain a principle is something we should be able to understand intellectually. In this case, my brain, at least the way it is currently wired, simply cannot “get” it.

In simple terms, since I cannot understand what’s being said, so far, how can I expect anyone else to understand it? I don’t. Here’s the deal: For our purposes of this discussion we’re going to define paradox as a seeming contradiction and therefore a seeming impossibility. Seeming, because that’s the enigma, herein defined as a mysterious riddle. A paradox only seems to be impossible, but it isn’tthat, dear friends, is the mystery, the enigma.

Before you walk away shaking your head at the ridiculousness of what I’m writing so far… consider that the atomic blast that obliterated Hiroshima and all of its inhabitants into one huge, mushroom cloud of particulate debris.   The blast was created by applying Albert Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity. The blast goes beyond our understanding; and even dear old Albert didn’t exactly understand his own thesis. He explained that the equation came to him out of the ether. We all remember it as E=mc2 …that is, energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. There now, that explains everything, doesn’t it?

What you may not know is that the controversy in the scientific community created by Albert and his theory which, don’t forget, was proved by the billions of particles in the above referenced mushroom cloud (and, therefore, no longer mere theory), was not resolved until just recently …years after the horrific explosion. Albert had declared that light was made up of photons… not waves as Newton had postulated in his “Law of Gravity” …the foundation of modern physics.

The controversy raged between physicists, basically, because carefully controlled scientific experiment proves that light is made of waves, so far we have Newton’s group of classic physicists 1, Einstein’s, the quantum (sub microscopic) mechanics group, zip. Ah, then came the just as carefully controlled scientific experiment that proves that light is made up of particles which Al had dubbed as photons. Game tied, one to one. The controversy about who was correct raged on. The resolution came about after a simple word was introduced to replace the word and.

You see, physicists could not accept that light could be made up of photons and waves …that would just not do. However, since and, again, experiment proved both were correct the solution was that light was either photons or waves, depending upon which experiment was employed. Neither experiment proved both. One experiment proves that light is made up of waves and the other experiment proves that light is made up of photons; One OR the other.

Now then, do I understand what I’m talking about? Hardly! So what’s the point? The point is that I don’t need to understand the how or why of the above picture of the flash which changed our thinking forever. Nuclear power exists. Healing power and spiritual healing exist… I’m living proof. You can argue about it all you want and I will say, “Yep, you’re right,” because healing systems using mental power provide the same kinds of proof in others. They were healed!

Therefore, the point is that there need be no argument. Either/both bring about results. Oh yeah, the new word that replaces and in the scientific community? Complementarity – here’s the definition from the Science Dictionary (see publisher’s note below)

The concept that the underlying properties of entities (especially subatomic particles) may manifest themselves in contradictory forms at different times, depending on the conditions of observation; thus, any physical model of an entity exclusively in terms of one form or the other will be necessarily incomplete. For example, although a unified quantum mechanical understanding of such phenomena as light has been developed, light sometimes exhibits properties of waves and sometimes properties of particles (an example of wave-particle duality). See also uncertainty principle.

The American Heritage® Science Dictionary
Copyright © 2002. Published by Houghton Mifflin. All rights reserved.
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Now then, our goal is to encourage you to go directly to the SOURCE …and to share our ideas and experiences to help you on your journey… toward perfect health and abundance, plus to provide an outlet for your comments, ideas and questions. Please write whenever you feel so inclined.

Yours in freedom,

Brad Cullen

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