Get to the Heart of the Matter

Part Five

In Part Four, I heartily recommended a book, I’m just now on page 53 in the third and very slow reading of it. Obviously I still think highly of it.

It may be different every time

BUT the reason you may want to resist either allowing or molding the contents into a system is so that you remain open to be guided differently in every situation.

I just now asked how I could put into writing what I was so clearly being shown and this thought came into my mind (in quotes because it seemed to be an audible voice directing me:

“TAKE THREE SIMPLE STEPS to REDIRECT your mental focus . . .

1) Acknowledge that something is currently impossible; the reason is unimportant.

2) Turn it over to the Superconscious part of you which knows it is possible.

3) Make a decision to do whatever you are instructed (whether from a feeling, an idea, something you heard or read) to follow the instructions which you receive and that you feel comfortable are for you.”

Get a guide

How to do this will be different for each individual, hopefully it will open many doors for each. I share below how I activate the shift from limited conscious and unconscious to Superconscious, infinite, creativity and for me, it is BOTH within AND beyond; certainly beyond my ability to understand/explain how or why it works.  


The recommended book provides many ideas and approaches, but the author seems to tend toward a system rather than depending upon guidance from the Superconscious, though admittedly, such guidance is part of his system.

So how do you turn it over to Superconscious to shift from impossibility skepticism to possibility thinking?

Pray Your Way

What works for me, incorporates the three steps given above:

I say or “pray,” if you will, “I have not been able to accomplish this with the conscious and unconscious parts of my mind, but I believe nothing is impossible for you, please show me the way to make lasting changes toward a life I love, a life of vibrant health and vitality, thank YOU!”

When I do this, invariably I get instruction; sometimes it’s direct from the SOURCE as is this article, other times it comes from a book or an article or other external means. Sometimes I’m guided to demand that it be done, other times it seems that a polite request is more appropriate. The most powerful question I’ve ever been given is, “What else is possible?”

In Freedom,


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