In The Beginning (28)


Do You ask Google or Source?

            “So, what’s your question, hon?” Jan asked her husband; when all of us had finished reading.

            “Well, Brad, the first time I read this was a couple of years ago when you offered one of your books free as an aid to healing on the website and the original of this article was inserted into it …I think the title of the book was “Living Excited” or something like that. Recently you posted this new version on your website and after I read it I thought I might write you to talk about these,” at that he took off his glasses and held them between his thumb and forefinger by one side of the nose grip.

            “So this morning I felt like I was supposed to read it again and I asked and heard the words, ‘it is time,’ and I felt like Spirit meant that I should get this thing of my eyesight out on the table with all of you …I know we’re moving into something big, way beyond my current ability to see or believe, yet I know it is coming, without being able to believe it or see it. I want to be able to share the miracle of a healing of my eyesight as the confidence that I’ve seen in you, Brad, what can you tell me about these eyes that seem to be on a level with yours before whatever happened to you?”

            Spirit told me to answer him. “Walt, I know you directed your question to Brad, but I was just instructed to answer.” I looked over at Brad, and he just nodded knowingly. “What I’ve just been instructed to say is that you already have perfect eyesight and what our SPIRIT-PARENT and Close Friend said to you this morning, that is, ‘it is time,’ is your sign to reach out and receive the gift that has been waiting for you since the first time you believed it was possible …I’m seeing that was when you were about ten or eleven, is that about right?”

Walk until you get an answer.

            Brad interrupted, “How do you go about getting clarity for things you know, Walt, things that you are not yet able to believe or see, as you put it a few moments ago?”

            “I go off by myself just as I did this morning, I walked down to the beach and a couple hundred yards to the right of our home there is this very private little place that has an old rusty metal chair …I sat there and tapped on my knees with the palms of my hands, just like this;” Walt demonstrated.

“It took me a half hour and I finally just knew that I was to go back to the house and print the copies of your articles. I knew it was okay to ask when we got together, thankfully, when I asked all of you if you had any objections. My wife and Jeff were given the word ‘protocol’ and we had a truly divine interruption of the presence and power of SPIRIT like something I’ve never seen before …I’m sorry, I’m rambling what is next?”

            “Well, I never would have thought this would have come to me to do,” Jan spoke somberly, “but I’m supposed to give you the words that you will be speaking to hundreds of individuals all over the world, Walt, one person at a time …looks like we’re going to be doing some traveling with these folks. Say these words and you will see perfectly, without your glasses, ‘I can see.”

            “I can see,” Walt intoned almost in a flat monotone. Then he literally jumped to his feet and almost danced as he said, “Oh my word, I really can! I can see, I can see, I can see! Oh, my darling wife I am so grateful that these words came through you. What a beautiful group of wonderful people you are, we are; I see clearer than I’ve ever seen in my entire life.”

This keeps coming up…

            “Well now, I’ve just been given the green light to say something,” Brad began, “this is leapfrog all over again. Here you were, Walt, directing a question to me and I’m sitting over here smugly knowing that I was going to be the vessel through whom your perfect sight would be given, then my darling wife …wow, I’ll have more to say about that in just a second,” grabbing  my wrist affectionately, “was given the insight to speak SPIRIT’S words to you that your eyesight has been waiting for you since you were ten or eleven and some memory clicked in you and then Jan was given the words not just for you, but for hundreds of other people who similarly have been prepared for years.

            “My hesitation a moment ago was when I mimicked Walt saying, ‘my darling wife,’ I had a twinge because it isn’t technically true in the worldly sense of a legal marriage. Spirit gave somebody a word years ago, that I thought was stunning at the time and I’d forgotten all about it until just now.

“Spirit assures me that it is to be applied to Jeanne and me …many people apply some words that came through the mouth of Jesus as meaning a prohibition against divorce …and the word was related to a couple who had been together for many years and some church folks were urging them to get married by a preacher and make it ‘legal.’ The preacher received the word that what God has joined together, let man not put asunder …and that if he married them so that their union would be recognized by the State of Alabama, that he would be putting their union, which God had brought about, asunder the laws of man and that it would be totally inappropriate.

“The six of us are to have a celebration sometime this weekend to commemorate our SPIRIT-PARENT’s joining together of Jeanne and me.”

            “Yes!” I almost screamed the word in joy as Spirit gave it to me. The other four nodded their agreement.

            The same purple and gold flame reappeared that was just above Walt’s head when Spirit came upon him for the words he was given that first night for the five of us. It was about the wall that was constructed by every religion; these “walls” were keeping the adherents of each of those religions from entering the garden of LIFE where they could reunite with SOURCE:

We get to have a garden again?

“All these things I have given you this day, the two of you will be able to write and share as part of the Leapfrog message, for which I have ordained you; yes I AM about to open doors nobody has been able to walk through before. You are all to remember the word ‘cells’ that you are receiving from I AM.

            “This is amazing,” Walt said to everyone, “I wasn’t given those words as a thought and given permission to speak them, which happens to me quite often; those were the words of our SPIRIT-PARENT flowing right through me. Did any of you detect a difference of any kind?”

            “These are the signs of your unity and oneness of and with I AM. You have experienced MY presence and power and now you are living stones of a singular tabernacle that I AM has constructed. You need no other preparation; you ARE THE I AM presence working and going where I lead you to work and go; pointing directly to I AM as the only SOURCE.

“I AM available to all who come as Walt came to me this morning – and you may break your fast and enjoy your time together. I will lead in this as well.”

Jeff stopped …looking stunned, but comfortable at the same time, the seeming dichotomy that each of us were beginning to experience repeatedly. “Well, Walt, I see what you mean now …that just flowed through me without any conscious thought whatever.”

            “I’m wondering if the thought I just had would work for us,” Brad said, barely above a whisper, “We do something back in Florida, each evening before we meet for a time of wild happenings, not unlike what have taken place here just now… always different. It is somewhat of a ritual, but it seems to be honored by SPIRIT and has continued to bring the twelve of us closer together…”

            “This is amazing, I interrupted, I’m supposed to share this with you and I feel no embarrassment whatever, we are so close. Anyway I know exactly what Brad is about to introduce and I was just nudged to interrupt, if that’s okay with you, my love” …he waved his right hand low and out to the other four in a silent gesture of agreement.

Who knew this could burn you?

            I shared the story of our immediate attraction and the freedom in it that started when Brad’s flight arrived and we began to understand that we were meant to be together; then how we both got an overdose of sun and decided to run up to Captain Cook to get some munchies and some sunburn ointment.

“Both of us have been not only celibate for over twenty years, but we both have not had any physical contact in any romantic way for all that time. Therefore we’d had felt some inhibitions which we kind of nervously, and laughing at ourselves talked our way through. Brad, suggested we get this four liter jug of the cheapest Chianti you can imagine that is the same brand of wine they use for a ‘communion’ of sorts back at their …oops, our home base a little ways south of Jacksonville on the  beach.

“Well, between applying the sunburn lotion to each other’s burned places and drinking enough of the communal stuff, we were able to get past whatever inhibitions were keeping us from getting it on” …I said this with a giggle, that got everyone laughing. “Brad and I both relived the moment, from just holding hands as I spoke.

“Anyway,” I continued, I have never participated in the communion that he wrote about in the first novel, but I would like to break our oh so brief fast by breaking out the jug and some cheddar with saltine crackers and see where it goes. You guys, up for it?”


This time Roberta said something that brought us to an awareness level about some differences that we carried around in our minds which really doesn’t matter even though some people have a hard time letting them go. She spoke eloquently that she was seeing clearly that THE I AM presence was to be introduced to small groups that represented the word “cells” that had come through Walt earlier.

“This ritual,” Rob continued, “that you mention in the first Leapfrog novel was very meaningful to me and helped me truly see Jesus as my elder brother and one of the passages in the New Testament you refer to every now and then, Brad, has the same kind of effect on me. ‘Jesus Christ …who is the same yesterday, today and forever!’ All the religious stuff about Jesus and the arguments about who he is and was are dissolved for me with that passage and along with the ‘communion’ ritual you guys go through of celebrating his presence in the NOW …well, what I guess I’m saying that I would enjoy sharing his presence; I’m seeing some of us being in India with a cell of people who refer to Jesus as an ‘ascended master’ or being with some Middle East country with those who are more comfortable with Jesus being a great prophet. To me he is all those things and the same yesterday, today and forever, for me, removes the need to differentiate.

Rob continued, beginning with her patented and marvelous giggle, “Besides I’d like to see if that stuff can produce the same result in Jeff and maybe I can start glowing like Jeanne, you guys think that’s a good idea?”

“My midget Sister,” I tried to say sternly, “you are outrageous …and wonderful,” I added lovingly …after what I hoped was a dramatic enough pause. “Are we all in accord?”

Perfect…right here.

Walt said, “With these private quarters you’ve been able to provide and this nice setting here by the pool, sounds like everything has been prepared perfectly. I’m ready to relax for the next two days …and I just bet SPIRIT will bring things to our minds to share with each other; bring on the wine, cheese and crackers is my vote. Let’s meet with Jesus.

“If one of us can keep properly alert,” Walt continued, “as the designated driver, I know a fabulous restaurant down on Alii Drive; it’s right on the water and I would love to buy everyone dinner with Jan’s grocery money – it’s open ‘til around midnight and they have a lighted area underwater that attracts the giant manta rays as well as all kinds of other tropical fish, some of which you won’t see anywhere else in the world and we can see right from our table. Let’s call for reservations. I know the owner and he’ll fix us up with a great table.”

We opted for communion and then a nap and would let Walt do the honors of making dinner reservations for later and since he drank almost nothing anyway; as Jan put it, “let’s leave the driving to Walt!”  

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