The Uncomfortable Truth 

…about “Free Will”

I was just reviewing a Brad Cullen article I’d written about the power of choice.

A paragraph from it underscores the challenge for many of us:

We’ve been told that “God has created us with a free will” – well, if we’ve been programmed to believe that we’re in for a shock. Because EVERYONE I’ve ever met responds automatically (in other words reacts to, rather than chooses) all sorts of triggering mechanisms.

Since I’m going on ninety, some might say that there has to be a bit of wisdom that comes with all those years. I can say that much of the “natural” wisdom that comes with having lived all these years has to do with perfect hindsight related to all the poor choices I’ve made along the way.

Are these really choices or just programmed outcomes.

Whether they were REALLY poor choices depends upon how I’m willing to look at them from differing points of view, including “unnatural” wisdom that comes from the Teacher beyond my mind, but with whom I have a connection within and by which I felt prompted to make this choice:

There’s a product that has just gone through beta testing and is being offered at a very reasonable price called Powerful Mindset Videos TM that has brought me very rapidly to the point of awareness of some early programming that was actually keeping me from making choices that were for my better good.

The process is amazing in that it occurs automatically subscribing to the program has been one of the better choices I’ve ever made, new-found energy, the sense of freedom, creativity, confidence and feeling of empowerment and self-esteem is phenomenal.

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