Living Stress-Free

Universe sustaining power…within.

           …by vibrating naturally and automatically at the same frequency that runs and sustains the Universe, being a reflection of the brightest creative light, co-creating for eternity.

          This is the destiny and possibility of and for every man and woman on this planet all they have to do is declare it and then choose it as each step unfolds for them individually and directly from the source of all creation, “whosoever will may come.”

The destructive thought that comes along, the enemy of co-creating, because we’ve been programmed to think “easier said than done” which is, in itself, the enemy of living and operating stress and tension free always has us looking for the advice of “experts,” all with differing points of view and thus, slices of the same truth from the same source and which each person can receive her/his own slice of truth directly, by being exposed to the creator of the whole truth.

Time for programming to end.

We’ve been programmed to believe we need an intermediary, when all the great luminaries have declared the same Light and Truth is available to all.

How? There’s the rub, the “how” is different for each individual and when we believe we have to get expert advice instead of going directly, we miss out on the TRUTH that is uniquely available to each of us.

The key to one path available is to make the declaration long before you are able to believe in the possibility that you already are connected to the source of all creativity.

I have shared with people for many years (and confessed that there may be a shorter way) that how I came to break through, finally, believing, that all things really are possible, by a simple instruction, that came to me and at first it frightened my, because I thought I might be guilty of blasphemy.

Is your parent Spirit?

As I have witnessed countless others having their own breakthroughs, by them adopting the declaration – I’m, once again, sharing it as one of the many “how to” approaches: Here goes:

   “I AM in and of the will of our SPIRIT-PARENT, your presence and power is upon me; I want and have nothing else and no other thought or feeling has a permanent place in me.”      

        I became convinced that I was supposed to declare this several times a day (and still do, some twenty-plus years later), I’ve found that others have received their breakthroughs by getting the words that worked for them, rather than my words, asking: “Is this something I should do and what words will work more effectively for me?”


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