Judging cannot be overcome

By Learning How

Using this gavel can harm you in ways you’ll never expect.

Do you believe in the ancient edict, “Do not judge, or you will be judged?” A more accurate translation is: “If you judge you stand in the judgment that already exists.”

If you do believe that either version of this ancient edict applies to everyone, you really need what follows, because we ALL judge.

…And, if you don’t believe you judge, you are already doing so because a part of your mind has already come to the conclusion that you don’t need what follows.

Overcoming judging means shifting to the part of your mind that doesn’t judge and the part of the mind with which you learn is the part of the mind that is programmed to judge. EVERY ADULT HUMAN IS CONTROLLED BY THAT PART OF THE MIND.

Who or what is really in control of your mind?

Another edict from the same source says, “Unless you come as a little child you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.” That same part of the mind which is controlling you is already judging that what follows is too complicated or some kind of religious nonsense.

It is neither, but you cannot receive the truth of it until you shift out of that part of the mind which IS controlling you; and you cannot shift parts by learning, it can only be received as a little child.

Imagine being free from this insidious trap of “standing” and, in other words “being caught” in the judgment that already exists.

Our adult minds have learned from religious teaching that this judgment comes in the “final days,” the truth is that if you are caught in judgment, this might just as well be your final day.

Freedom from pain and disease can only be received as a little child, not a “mature, thinking adult,” …IT CANNOT BE LEARNED!

Want help? Cry out, like a child and keep crying UNTIL, just as a child, you get. If you need a little baby brother, who has no degrees and doesn’t know squat, I can help.


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