Nothing is Impossible IF –

I Believe Enough, in What?

You KNOW this is impossible so you’ll never see it…until you believe enough.


First of all, I can prove that “nothing is impossible to anyone who believes enough,” is exactly what the ancient passage says in the original language, but there are still two other questions to be answered to make it come true for any individual.

The first question is, IF this is true, how do I get to the point of believing enough so it actually becomes possible for me?

The second question is, in what or whom, exactly, do I have to have enough belief to make it come true for me?

If you’re willing to believe this quote came through the mouth of the one who was also quoted as saying, before there was an Abraham (or anything else) I AM that I AM, you’ve just taken the first step.

I have long been quoting something else that purportedly came through the mouth of the same man:

“Everything you’ve seen me do and say, anyone who believes in me (enough) will do the same things and even greater things.”

Therefore, only one question remains, HOW does anyone get to the point of believing enough?

Is it time to learn how..? Hop on!!!

As a starting point, we might want to look at the context in which the “nothing is impossible to anyone who believes enough” quote came about. That’s the first lesson and it is a mind opener and, if you allow it, a life changer.

Next comes the challenge of asking myself, do I really want to get to the point of believing that nothing is impossible, when I KNOW there are some things that are impossible?

That’s the barrier – knowledge that needs to be replaced because it isn’t true with knowledge that is the truth, by looking at it from an entirely different, scientific perspective.


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If you are willing and want to become an “anyone” (who believes enough), write or call TODAY!

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