It Doesn’t Matter unless it Matters

It’s OK, the snake is a vegetarian.

Life in the physical realm is filled with rushing to judgment about a perceived problem and then rushing in to fix it with a perceived solution.

The first issue to deal with, if you feel disposed to read any further is a matter of semantics and, yes, it matters totally.

If you have a firm belief that “everything (seen with the limited vision of human eyes) is spiritual,” then everything that follows will make no sense whatsoever.

If, on the other hand, you are willing to allow for some semantic and perceptual differences, perhaps we can proceed to a point of meaningful dialogue.

The limits to our human vision compared to that of an eagle is one example, the limits to our physical vision; when considered in perceiving color related to other birds, reptiles and mammals we begin to realize and accept our inferiority.

How infinite is your universe?

Spiritually we can say we live in an infinite universe, but with the “naked” eye we can only see as far as the horizon and if we consider that as we advance toward the horizon, our vision is still limited to the new horizon.

With technology we can enhance our vision tremendously – does that make technology “spiritual?” Even with the ability to see just how HUGE is the known universe via the Hubble Space Telescope, our “vision,” individually, is limited by our perceptions and which to say are myriad is still an understatement.

Does it matter? Well that depends upon our individual points of view; the Bhagavad Gita, the Bible, the Qur’an, the Tao and the Torah all point to a battle in the spirit realm which is not seen with human eyes and misperceived by those who want to carry out battle on the physical realm.


There’s no problem that can’t be avoided…until…

There are others who want to not only argue that there is no battle or war, nor do we have any enemies at the spiritual level; everything, they say, is love. Does it matter? Here is the point at which meaningful dialogue could begin if it weren’t for the fact that our finite, human perceptions and points of view get in the way.

There is a way out of the dilemma, but not if we refuse to acknowledge the problem; and further, if we insist that our widely differing, individual human points of view are the solution. If that were true, beloved sisters and brothers, we could have peace on earth unless, perhaps, it has been determined in the spirit realm that it is not to be.

If a loving God was in control of everything on earth and various spiritual realms or even life on some other planet(s) war wouldn’t exist, but then that is only one point of view about the meaning of a “loving God” and we’re back to semantics, are we not?

Do I still believe (which doesn’t make it true) that there is a way out of the dilemma? Of course, or I wouldn’t be writing this, but deception can only be overcome when we recognize that the human view toward it means acknowledging that one perceived step toward solving the problem is still human perception which some will agree is another word for deception and, is it possible that may just be a matter of semantics?


Before there was a Brad Cullen, I AM that, I AM – and so are YOU!

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