What if this Means THAT?

How rich is your memory bank?

Over the last several weeks a passage buried in my memory bank has kept reverberating around in the conscious part of my mind – I finally asked this morning, what/if anything I was supposed to do with it.

I just typed the first few words of the passage into Google, I was fairly sure it was in Hebrews, in the New Testament of the Christian Bible, but it is in Chronicles, the last book of the Torah.

A picture came into my mind of three people whom I love deeply who have been chronically suffering from (I practically stumbled over the words “Chronically” and “Chronicles” and just now asked, “is this the connection I’m supposed to be making?”) maladies which are to be proving resistant to medical treatment.

Almost anyone who has been speaking the English language for any length of time knows the word “chronically” means persistent and recurring over a long period.

Who are your advisers?

Here I’m talking with my “imaginary” group of ten historically famous men, including Jesus, thought of by many as, “Christ the Lord,” and Moses thought of by many as the writer of the first five books of the Torah; and Muhammad, thought of by many as having transcribed the Qur’an as dictated by the angel Gabriel and Siddhartha Gautama, known to many as “The Lord Buddha” and Lao Tzu, thought of by many as the author of the Tao. I’m supposed to be sharing this and I suppose I’ll be given light as to the reason a bit later on in the writing.

Here’s one version of the passage in English:


“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal them.”


My imaginary group and I have an agreement: We want only the desires and purposes of I AM that, I AM which according to the Torah, was the VOICE that introduced itself from a burning bush as the God of Abraham and according to the Christian Bible Jesus said, “before there was an Abraham, I AM.”

Beliefs that create bars can be let go of.

This isn’t to be about “the group,” but what was interesting is not just that all ten were in agreement, but that Muhammad and Lao Tzu asserted, respectively, that Allah is I AM that, I AM, and the Tao is I AM that, I AM.

What this piece is all about is the above quoted passage and how it is being interpreted in the NOW with help from the referenced, again, “imaginary” group of ten related to healing of physical bodies.

The key to healing, for many, and recognized by practitioners across a wide spectrum of healing modalities, including, but not limited to so-called “western medicine” is for patients to realize that resistance to letting go of, that is, releasing limiting beliefs –and to some that requires “humbling themselves” to accept what they have believed and preached to others as truth– is the primary cause that keeps their conditions chronic!

The VOICE from the middle of the fire in a bush that didn’t burn, confirmed by Moses, TODAY, said, “I AM that, I AM and this is my name to be used by all future generations.”

If you “miss” God, there is someone willing to take his/her/it’s place.

What if the reason for chronic illness is just that simple? That is, the resistance to believing and/or even allowing the words, “I AM that, I AM,” to come through the suffering mouths, is the resistance, “the sin” (which from my studies of the words in the original languages, translated thusly, actually means to “miss God)” is simply to refuse to be called by and to speak the name the VOICE said was God?

What if this Means THAT?


If this does mean THAT, then the fulfilling of the promise of “I will heal them” may be as simple as to humbly ask, “Are these words, ‘I AM that, I AM,’ that important? Is that YOUR name and should I begin allowing you to speak those words through me?”

As I and my publisher Ryan Bruce have been saying “forever” don’t trust our words, go to the SOURCE, directly.


Before there was a “Brad Cullen” or anyone else, I AM that, I AM.




Interested in getting more? This will be the introduction to a forthcoming book . . . I AM that, and Will Heal Them under the longtime authoring partnership of “Brad Cullen and “Ryan Bruce” which has been self-publishing for the past seven years under our brand:





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