One Key to Accelerated and Sustained Learning


No need for a key, the super conscious is always openThe reason I have been so slow to learn some things, earlier in this life, is that I didn’t realize that I had been trapped into using just a small part of the mind of this body-bag which I occupy.

You see, I’m a spirit occupying a human body, rather than a human being with a spirit as I had been taught. This distinction alone has freed me to think with the giants of thought.

I’m even able, now, to understand Einstein’s theories of relativity! This has me wondering if my purpose for coming here may be to help other spirits learn that they too, once they have the simple key, can learn anything they want and also how to express it (not that everyone will “get” it) anymore than they “get” Einstein …and, of course, not everyone is interested in understanding Einstein.

So, just what is this simple key?

What is possible when you’re not trapped?

This simple key is understanding that the cognitive, thinking, “aware” part of the mind, while a marvelously beautiful instrument, is a terrible thing in which to be trapped and by which to be LIMITED!

This realization IS the key to open the door to the almost unlimited super- conscious part of the mind which is the highway to the MIND which created, is still creating and IS ALL, without any limits and this MIND is far beyond the almost unlimited, superconscious part of the human mind.

Having the key was useless until I learned where my lock is and how to insert the key. One important clue, for me, was to realize everyone learns in different ways by different means. With this clue I learned I had the master key and could insert it into all kinds of different locks.

-Brad Cullen





No need for a key, the subconscious is always open.

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