Jump for Joy!

Can you get there just by doing this?

Can you get there just by doing this?

We often hear that the secret to personal growth and the ability to think in expanded ways is to think positively and feel appreciation and gratitude. These are, indeed, excellent tools, but which can also lead us astray.

While positive thinking and feeling appreciation or gratitude are definitely powerful practices, they can turn us against getting the gift of insight that can come through any painful experiences or negative thoughts.

IF RATHER THAN RESISTING them or being in denial, we welcome them as friends we can shift them into a place of creativity and healing.

Get into the zone, any way you can.

Get into the zone, any way you can.

We can do this and get into a zone of power, healing and overcoming disease, discomfort, negativity and limitations by simply confronting the discomfort and beginning the healing process by going “inside” and asking: “Okay, what is it that I can gain from this?”

Resistance and avoidance strategies fail to acknowledge the reason why these thoughts, pains and feelings arise. Instead of alleviating negativity, if anything, they perpetuate it.

While and, again, it is true that positive thinking and feelings of gratitude and appreciation boost energy and even improve other physicality, such as breathing, heart rate and even the immune function, this knowledge tends towards our having a negative approach toward negative thoughts and experiences, including the pain and discomfort of disease by just wanting to be healed or delivered instead of absorbing whatever lesson there is to absorb.

How do you know if it's good or bad, when you haven''t seen all the cards?

How do you know if it’s good or bad, when you haven”t seen all the cards?

It’s natural to want to only have only positive thoughts and feelings. It’s also natural to see any negativity including pain or “bad” experiences as the enemy of our dreams and goals and thus to fear and avoid them at all costs.

IT IS ALSO NATURAL TO SCOFF AT A “CRAZY” IDEA such as welcoming such negativity as “friends.”

But hold on, where I got this crazy notion was something in the Bible written by the half brother of Jesus, a guy by the name of James. Here’s one version of it:

“When all kinds of trials and temptations crowd into your lives my brothers, don’t resent them as intruders, but welcome them as friends and jump for joy!”

(James 1:2)

Strength and beauty formed under great pressure.

Strength and beauty formed under great pressure.

There seems to be quite a bit of clinical evidence that whatever we resist or avoid gets stronger, because we help build its strength and importance by pushing it to a level at which it can avoid confrontation and healing. Another way of saying it might be; by denying it or just lamenting over it we are pushing against it and allowing it to avoid exposure to the LIGHT where positive energy can overcome it.

When we avoid negativity or thinking about pain or even deny that it exists, the causes go unnoticed and they get stored in the other-than-conscious parts of our minds and continue to bother us and get even more deeply rooted in us subconsciously.

Simply accepting pain, disease or other negativity as a “gift” doesn’t bring it to the LIGHT either, but if we begin to TRUST in another part of the mind, which we call the superconscious, to provide solutions and answers and learn to get the part of the mind we call the conscious part (which, the conscious, is aware of all kinds of physical, 3rd dimension, “evidence” and comes up with judgments or conclusions) to relinquish its control to superconscious by asking the question, “Okay, what can I gain from this” and expect a genius response …and be willing to wait just a little while for it, you will receive your gift.

There is something waiting for you, just open the box.

There is something waiting for you, just open the box.

This takes TRUST …the essence of YOU WITHOUT LIMITS – a small group approach to getting healing and emancipation answers via collective consciousness AND beyond.

A facilitator often starts off a new group by simply asking, “Why are we here?” Then, with whatever responses this question evokes, goes “inside” and silently asks, “What now?” and the fun begins!

Get your free copy of the updated Handbook for Facilitators. We’ll even help you start your own small group (where everyone is a facilitator).

Write Sekou@youwithoutlimits.life or doug@youwihoutlimits.life



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