The Three Synonyms

According to One Bible Writer (John) LOVE, LIGHT and SPIRIT are, one and all, synonyms for “God” …by whatever other title or name.

One Source, call it what you want.

One Source, call it what you want.

Let’s try a different approach, instead of arguing about which name is “the proper name,” let’s use a verb and think for a moment in terms of what “God” is, did, and does and just for a moment see if we can simply agree upon CREATIVE POWER as being descriptive.

I recognize that CREATIVE POWER won’t work for those who believe that “God” by whatever term we use …verb or otherwise, doesn’t exist. For those of you who, may be willing to remain in this potential dialogue, let’s add the word accessible; that is, accessible CREATIVE POWER …in other words, CREATIVE POWER into which we can tap and use.

Let’s now take the three referenced synonyms and add the word active …that is, active LOVE, active LIGHT and active SPIRIT.

The light is inside you.

The light is inside you.

If you are able to remain in the dialogue by being willing to embrace all the foregoing as a mere possibility, only, nothing cast in concrete, let’s proceed with a question: How can I tap into this CREATIVE POWER?

Because LOVE and SPIRIT are not easily definable, in that both mean too many things to too many different people, let’s try using LIGHT.

If, for just a moment, you will simply imagine the brightest light you’ve ever seen and now imagine that every cell in the body you occupy is infused with this LIGHT – so that this LIGHT is glowing through your pores and therefore can be seen by others, without any effort on your part, you have one answer to, “how can I tap into this CREATIVE POWER?”

If you find it challenging to imagine such a thing, we have an exercise that may help …write or

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