Can This Perspective Improve Your Life?

Is the premise concluded?

Is the premise concluded?

I was awakened abruptly one morning, several days ago, hearing the word “premise.” To me the word meant a basic understanding …such as: some people have the premise that church attendance is a good thing.

Later that same day, I was writing something for a YOU WITHOUT LIMITS presentation in the Caribbean Island nation of St. Kitts and Nevis; and the word came back to me and that my life had been changed dramatically when I had adopted a particular premise.

This premise came from an insight I had received from putting three separate quotes attributed to Jesus, which I had read in a Greek New Testament, together: (1) “What you have heard me say and the things you have seen me do …anyone can do and say if they believe in me.” (2) “Nothing shall be impossible for any individual who believes enough.” (3) “The things you have seen me do and the words you have heard me speak were not mine. They are the works and words of the ONE who lives in me.”

Stop it Brad!!!

Stop it Brad!!!

How I wrote that for the presentation was: “What Jesus said about what he said was that he didn’t say it.” I told them that a new perspective about something could begin if they re-read those words several times until they hit them over the head.

What I’m saying here is that looking at (adopting the perspective of) all three quotes through the prism of (3) above, turned me into a worker of miracles because “I” was no longer trying to do anything. I was relying upon the same CREATIVE POWER upon which Jesus was relying and it wasn’t “his,” per se,’ nor is it “my” per se’ …I was freed from this trap of the ego-driven, “my” ministry; and it changed everything for me.

Some have called this personal ego-driven, self-interest ministry by anyone, “The Great Lie” …an interesting point of view!

That’s the premise. It was the catalyst that caused me to refuse to any longer stand behind a pulpit and say things to people who sat on pews listening to powerless men spout platitudes and wonder why they didn’t do or say anything that the ONE who spoke through Jesus had said all of us could and would do if we believed enough.

I AM speaking to you...

I AM speaking to you…

Believing enough isn’t to be worn as a badge of honor, sitting on a pew listening to another fellow, powerless human wearing the badge of “her” or “his” personal and powerless ministry; …believing enough means “simply” allowing the same I AM that spoke through Jesus (“before there was an Abraham, I AM”) to speak through YOU …and the beginning of operating in the presence and power of I AM is being open to I AM speaking and doing instead of “i” doing anything …first as a premise  then actively desiring and pursuing it to happen …UNTIL it does.

You can either reject all this on the basis that it is blatantly imperious …or you can begin by simply accepting it as a different perspective and look at it that way and that your point of view is different …and that’s perfectly okay.

This, however, is the premise behind YOU WITHOUT LIMITS …small groups exploring ways to help one another go beyond former, self-imposed limiting beliefs.



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