Seems to Conflict With Itself

Your truth! What is truth but a point of view.

Your truth! What is truth but a point of view.

A well-known personal development personality makes an argument which is somewhat laughable; as in all arguments …the whole TRUTH tends to be “lost.”

First, both sides of the argument are offered, apparently unconsciously, by this same individual:


          The source of everything is within you – you don’t need to rely on anything or anybody else, including me! It’s time to take off the blinders and truly recognize that there is no “higher power” but your own.  This is the first and most important step toward freedom…”


Do you need to connect or are you already one?

Do you need to connect or are you already one?

Sounds pretty convincing doesn’t it? This, the theme of her “page one,” …and the argument she poses is not without some validity. As with everything else in our crazy, 3rd dimension “reality,” however, it can be anywhere from 5% to 95% true.

Well, the truth of the foregoing depends upon an individual’s point of view; but let’s look at her “page two” which begins with this thought:


“Let’s take a second to fully understand how the law of attraction really works. The first stage of creation is thought. Before anything manifests into physical reality, there is always a concept, visualization or idea that is given energy through our thoughts. The Universe responds to the kind of energy you are giving off. It does not discriminate between good or bad – whatever the strongest vibration is, is what receives the focus.”


Accessing universal subconscious requires consciousness.

Accessing universal subconscious requires consciousness.

This sounds pretty convincing as well, does it not? Wait a minute …who/what is this “Universe” which responds to this “no greater power than your own” she posed on page one? In other words, what she seems to be saying, from my point of view, is that if we want to understand what she says we need to “fully understand,” then we had better make sure that this “no higher power but your own” is aligned with a power that is, according to her own words, greater than our own …and that is this Universe she mentions.

The fact is, again, from my perspective, she is makes a great point on the next page about how allowing negative emotions such as guilt, anger, fear, etc, to rule us we can sidetrack ourselves from being the creative beings we were designed to be. So then, if her point is so great as I’m saying, why, then, am I focusing on her own argument she is unconsciously making?

You Without Limits straight ahead.

You Without Limits straight ahead.

The answer to the foregoing question is quite simple and, again, from my perspective. So many purveyors of personal development and, from my point of view, she is one of the better ones, talk about “all the power you need is within you …and that it is the only power you need.” I’m not arguing against that position, what I’m trying to point out here, is that this particular writer I’m quoting is making the argument against her own position UNCONSCIOUSLY.

What Mark/Ryan and Doug/Brad have discovered for us …and are sharing with those who are open to hearing it, has to do with BOTH positions being true …and one way to harness BOTH is through something we introduced via the Brad Cullen book, Integration of the Mind © 2014 SHS Publishing Vancouver, Canada and the non-profit organization it spawned called, YOU WITHOUT LIMITS, through which we provide free small group workshops LIVE, either on-line or in-person.

Please Visit: and see how you can take advantage of BOTH.

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