Further to the Bleeping Point

Was it magic, spiritual mumbo jumbo or something totally different?

Was it magic, spiritual mumbo jumbo or something totally different?

          This is intended to be a somewhat instructional article about how to do something you may not have previously thought was possible for you and that is to access the same information from the same SOURCE as did Albert Einstein.

I’m feeling the need to underscore something about Albert Einstein …who is considered by many to be one of the greatest minds of the 20th century.

Don't challenge Brad's assertions, he will be up all night correcting you.

Don’t challenge Brad’s assertions, he will be up all night correcting you.

In the immediately preceding article, Don’t Miss the Bleeping Point, some folks missed a key point and thought I was bringing up an argument between atheism and theism …the point I was attempting to make being that both were merely two sides of the same coin …about which we could say, both are merely intellectual POSITIONS or beliefs, and neither position can be proved …so why even bring it up, let alone argue about it?

I bring it up because people have a tendency to think I am bringing religion into this …whatever we might want to call “this.” This and the fact many have written to me insisting that Einstein was an atheist – which is more than a little frustrating …only because it is a quirk of so-called communication that, within humans, language is the primary means by which we communicate …and words like “atheism” mean too many different things to too many different people to communicate ANYTHING MEANINGFUL TO ANYONE!

Did Albert really say all these things...you better check.

Did Albert really say all these things…you better check.

Here are a few quotes from the “great mind” that may or may not help settle the issue for you …and if you are wondering why I am belaboring the point – I shall explain, but first the quotes of dear Uncle Al:

“Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind.”

“My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble minds.”

Was Albert a theist or did he just lack the technical language to express his true belief? Ask Albert, not me.

Was Albert a theist or did he just lack the technical language to express his true belief? Ask Albert, not me.

“Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe – a spirit vastly superior to that of man, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble.”

Then this granddaddy of all quotes which should end any argument about how Einstein thought of himself with regard to a belief in God (by whatever other title or name):

“The finest emotion of which we are capable is the mystic emotion. Herein lies the germ of all art and all true science. Anyone to whom this feeling is alien, who is no longer capable of wonderment and lives in a state of fear, is a dead man. To know that what is impenetrable for us really exists and manifests itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty, whose gross forms alone are intelligible to our poor faculties – this knowledge, this feeling … that is the core of the true religious sentiment. In this sense, and in this sense alone, I rank myself among profoundly religious men.”

The result is not the man, the result is a consequence of progression.

Is the result the man, or is the result a consequence of scientific progression?

There you have it and my explanation for belaboring this point is simple. Albert Einstein claimed that his Relativity equations which I like to say were ultimately responsible for the scientific research that split the atom and did marvelous things such as blowing up Hiroshima and ushering us into the Nuclear Age …all came from beyond his own ability to think consciously – he had to engage his imagination, his intuition, he said: “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

I’m going to get down and dirty about something. Both Mark/Ryan and I, Brad/Doug, co-founders of YOU WITHOUT LIMITS are, at times, considered by our partners and associates as “geniuses” because of the solutions we come up with to seemingly insurmountable business problems.

Brad and Ryan's Source is available to everyone.

Brad and Ryan’s Source is available to everyone.

We both laugh at the notion of either of us being geniuses as preposterous; these solutions which are always simple come from the same SOURCE as that which Uncle Al received his.

An important note needs to be inserted here and is a quote from a noted professor of Physics at Stanford University, Leonard Susskind, “You shouldn’t be concerned about not understanding Quantum Mechanics; physicists don’t understand it either.”

How exactly does this thing work anyway?

How exactly does this thing work anyway?

We’re talking about something quite simple here …it is akin to flipping a light switch to “on …and a room in which you couldn’t see anything “miraculously” is changed to being able to see anything upon which your eyes can focus. YOU DO NOT NEED TO UNDERSTAND ELECTRICITY TO FLIP A LIGHT SWITCH!

As Einstein said, we have created a society that insists upon not only understanding complicated information, but putting the ability to think consciously on a pedestal of supremacy when it should be the servant.

We are ready now to give you a hint as to how YOU can begin to put the conscious part of your mind in its proper position of servitude – how we do it is to ASK, “What now?” …and expect to get answers from beyond our conscious ability to think or understand anything.

Now, for me, this is quite simple because it started with a belief that something which came through* the mouth of Jesus was true: “Nothing shall be impossible to any individual who believes enough.” I came to the point of believing it was true by getting a personal revelation of the context of how and why he said it and then, in that context, FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, proving the truth of it.  

I have thus learned that I can depend upon my other-than-conscious parts of the mind of this body-bag I occupy, which I know, again, from experience, are connected to the same SOURCE as Uncle Al.

Coming up next: Going Deeper to Get the Point


Stay tuned …Meanwhile, please visit www.youwithoutlimits.life


YOU WITHOUT LIMITS Free Workshops …one way to get to the point!


* This is germane to the issue of accessing the SOURCE (by whatever other title or name) …as Jesus also said, “You have seen the miracles I have performed and heard the words I have spoken; I neither performed the miracles nor spoke the words, our SPIRIT-PARENT in me performed the miracles and spoke the words.” …and to the point of YOU WITHOUT LIMITS – Jesus also said, “Anyone who believes enough will do and be the same…” In order to get to that point, one must get off his or her religious pew listening to powerless men and women talk about Jesus and access the same SOURCE!

…Life becomes simple …the person without limits says, I didn’t do this, the SOURCE did these things through me. Get it?


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