The Mind IS the Body …the Body IS the Mind

…and now then, what is the function of the brain?

You mean all my thinking is not contained in this piece of meat?

The point of the Brad Cullen book, Integration of the Mind© published and copyrighted by SHS Publishing, is threefold and the point of view behind YOU WITHOUT LIMITS free “Workshops,” that is, science tells us that:

  1. Everyone of the, literally, billions of cells contained in these body-bags we occupy, from the tips of our toes to tops of our heads, contains a neurotransmitter which receives and transmits information along the entire nervous system which comprises all parts of what we refer to as the human mind, both conscious and other–than–conscious. These parts include, but are not limited to the brain.
  2. The function of the brain is to process all the signals or vibratory messages, if you prefer, sent by each of the cells.
  3. The other-than-conscious parts of the mind have the ability to process multiplied millions of bits of information and that multiplied millions of times faster than the conscious or cognitive – critical thinking part and, in fact, if not trained to do otherwise, the conscious part of the mind slows and impedes what the other-than-conscious part is apparently designed to do. This partly because the conscious part of the mind draws conclusions or judgments based on partial or perceived truth or “reality.”

We have access to other levels of the mind...when integrated.

What science has not yet proven, but many scientists suspect, and some of those strongly believe, that there is a Universal Mind (call it what you will) from which the minds, contained in these body-bags we occupy, can receive and use, once we learn to get the critical thinking, judgmental, conscious part out of the way.

I prefer calling this Universal Mind, HER/HIM/IT, our SPIRIT-PARENT …for myriad reasons –all of which I am willing to share with anyone who is interested–or, to be blunt about how I really feel, has the ears to hear and/or eyes to see– and all that takes is a willingness to look at a point of view that may be different without adjudging it “right” or “wrong” …and the willingness to get beyond the need to argue with a point of view that may seem totally different than the one to which they currently have.

Additionally, what I (call me “that crazy Brad Cullen” if you want), refer to as the Collective Consciousness is the combined consciousness or MIND of the millions of living beings on this planet which all are connected to Universal Mind (by whatever other title or name) but are NOT the Universal Consciousness or, as I refer to HER/HIM/IT our SPIRIT-PARENT, by whatever other title or name.

Some refer to the immediately foregoing point of view as “duality.” So be it, unless you get your mind around my current point of view, you won’t understand why I am so hung up on what I wrote in the Integration of the Mind or why I AM equally hung up on …the group process employed in the YOU WITHOUT LIMITS free “Workshops.”

– bc

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