Are You Lacking Anything? You Don’t Have To! You Need This 1 Thing….

Is your bucket empty? There is so much to fill it with!

This One Thing You Lack

This is it! The essence of everything …all boiled down to just one simple thing; get this one thing and then you have everything.

Are you ready to receive this one thing that you lack? Jesus said it in myriad ways to different people and it always boiled down to just one thing …but different for everyone.

When you get to my advanced years, you know, over three quarters of a century of being around on this planet …I’ve met a whole slew of different people, had bunches of experiences, all of which add up to my tendency to bore everyone with stories that indicate many different, seemingly essential things to do or be in order to breakthrough into what we term healing power and spiritual healing.

Now I’m suggesting you forget everything else, but this one simple thing. This one simple thing is the key that unlocks the door to ALL things both spiritual and physical.

Well, before we spring it on you, let’s remind ourselves of just a few things …different things Jesus said, again, to different people.

How then, can I say with such certainty that for YOU there is only one simple thing? I mean, to one rich man he said, “Sell everything you have and give the proceeds to the poor.” Concentrating on that one could have you working in soup kitchens, food banks or working with a Mother Teresa type on the streets of Calcutta. To those who had found the “secret” in volunteering for such, he had a different thing to say: “You will always have the poor with you.” Oops you can’t boil any of that down to one simple thing, now can you?

I’ll bet a dollar to a donut that you, dear friend, have one of your own favorites you can remind me of. Save it, after lo, these going on eighty years, occupying space on this planet …I’ve heard them all.

Here’s the one that we all need to hear clearly, get it straight, and just DO IT! That’s right, this one is for everyone. Yep, still something Jesus said and if you will hear it, really hear it, and just do it NOW …you’ll have everything. You’ll stop comparing yourself to anyone else; you’ll stop striving for anything, because you will know, finally, that you have the key to everything.

But you have to concentrate on keeping this key, really stay focused or you’ll lose it and be right back to zilch, nada, a huge big zero.

Here it is, without further adieu: “Put the kingdom of God in number one priority and everything else comes to you automatically and effortlessly.” Yep, that’s an accurate translation from the original language and it is for YOU.

Here is the challenge these words pose for you. You’ve most likely heard them before and heard them preached at you by some human voice bereft of anything meaningful to you …and you most likely don’t have a clue as to how to actually put (or in King James English, “seek first”) the kingdom of God in number one priority.

We’ve already revisited words of Jesus that could mean that the poor dwelling on the streets of Calcutta are always going to be there. Does that mean you aren’t supposed to help them? Well no, that was not the intention, the intention is to get you to the place of knowing where to go look for the kingdom of God so that you could find that one simple thing you lack and from which every other possible thing you want will come to you automatically and effortlessly. If it is so simple, why not just spit it out? I hear you …will this guy ever get to the point? What would be the point of that if you are just going to miss it again?

Seek and you will find.

Okay, if you insist, here it is, once again. This for nobody else but YOU …this is all about YOU. Now then, are you ready?

Jesus again, “What is it to you what I tell anyone else? You come and follow me.” That’s it, the Word of God, your SPIRIT-PARENT, Creator of the universe and everything in it, SOURCE of all, speaking through Jesus, writing though Brad Cullen telling YOU where to look where to go so that you know what the kingdom of God is for YOU and where to look for it.

Are you ready? The same SOURCE speaking through Jesus saying, through Brad Cullen writing, “THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS WITHIN YOU, DON’T GO HERE, DON’T GO THERE” …now then, stop reading this, stop listening to the radio, the television, the preacher from behind the pulpit, go off where you can be alone and listen to YOUR Daddy/Mommy within tell you the one thing YOU lack. Now, ask what’s next.

What is the SOURCE telling author Brad Cullen or publisher, Ryan Bruce? What’s that to you? You come and follow I AM, the SOURCE. That’s it, simple enough?

Oh yeah, the promise that accompanies this is that everything else you want comes effortlessly and automatically. The only effort to this seeking is breaking though all the mental nonsense YOU are loaded down with. Take it to the SOURCE, within and let her/him speak through you to us!

We’ll be careful to thank Daddy/Mommy …and you for sharing. That’s it, folks, the point.

In Freedom,


Not clear on what to do yet?  Listen here and you may find what you are looking for: Podcast 24 Sept 1 2010 – This One Thing You Lack

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