Tell the World What You Believe, Hold Nothing Back! Pt 2

SPIRIT Shockwave, Breakthrough – Part Two

The Power of Spirit is unlimited.

…So Then, Just What Is YOUR Truth?

So, last time out, I basically said that it doesn’t matter what you believe. Is that true for you? I spend an inordinate amount of time griping about the complicated systems designed by human beings that purport to bring about physical and emotional healing.

It was pointed out to me, this a.m., I do the very same thing. Over the past five years I have shared enough stuff on this website to bury any and all simplicity for which I clamor.

Within the last few days I witnessed two people being healed – one a lady with allergies, the other a 47 year old guy who talked about his frustration of being dyslexic his whole life and not being able to read.

When we ask ourselves, am I really ready for this?

The same simple remedy worked for both. I asked (silently) what I was supposed to do and in both instances received quite similar, simple, instructions.

I’m not going to share what those instructions were, because somebody is sure to turn it into a system. What is the point? IT WAS A MOMENT OF TRUTH FOR EACH. Both the lady and the man are NOW exclaiming how much better their lives are and in both instances a deeply grooved pattern of belief was disrupted …“I am allergic to” and “I am dyslexic.”

In both instances the seeming “miracle” took place because they realized their authority to get past it and how to combat it if they ever get lied to again. The lie takes place in the mind with the thought, “Oh no, it’s back!” In neither case did I express the crudity that I’m about to express …but I have expressed it in the past to emphasize this point: “BULLSHIT! It is not back and each of them knows how to deal with it and will.” In other words, the change shall be sustained.

Their former belief, which was true, because they believed it was true, was obviously a lie with which they had lived for many years – it matters because it kept them in bondage. Their new truth is only a start and they both realize that “I” didn’t do anything except to pass on what I got which, in their particular cases, was quite similar.

Will you break the chain of your belief?

I feel compelled to repeat a response I sent to a longtime friend this morning who forwarded a brief “daily devotional piece” to me, written by a Roman Catholic priest in the Franciscan order, extolling the virtue of the last paragraph:

If I have a calling, Den, AND I do — I am chosen because I choose to be chosen, you dig? This paragraph encapsulates anything and everything I can do for everyone – just a beggar telling other beggars where I got food …so they can go get theirs!

“Walter Brueggemann has given his whole life to understanding the Hebrew Scriptures, and is my favorite Old Testament Christian scholar, hands down. I think he is a prophet himself. In the end, he says that the only consistent pattern he could find in the way God works with God’s people is that there is no pattern!

We didn't need all those rules anyway. There's only one that counts.

“There is no one image of God in the Bible. There must be at least 50, I would think. God is always breaking God’s own rules to get to this person, to change this situation, to transform this event. If you are honest about the text, this should be clear.

“You do realize, I hope, that every time God forgives, God is breaking God’s own rules, and saying relationship with YOU matters more than God being right! I would base my life on that assertion.”

(ME TOO …and, in fact, I do base my life on that)!

Now, I feel compelled to add that the truth about the many facets of “God” by whatever other title or name, AND found in the “sacred” writings of the Qur’an and the Vedic scriptures and those of many other religions, as well as the Bible, and quoted by innumerable learned scholars of each.

I repeat and it is quite simple …if what the priest said so eloquently is the truth for you, then, isn’t it time to quit hanging onto any belief system, or any particular writer or teacher?

Sometimes relying on a codified belief system is limiting. Is it time for a change?

I’m just a beggar chosen because of one simple thing I learned by asking our (your and my) SPIRIT-PARENT what the difference between “many are called, but few are chosen” (?) The answer came gently, but forcefully:

“I choose everyone who chooses to be chosen.”

As I hope you realize that two different people just decided to take the first step and choose to be chosen to have a direct relationship with BWOTON …and if you don’t know who that is, go back and read Part One.

Just continuing to keep it simple, hopefully you will do the same!


New Podcast: 132 Tell the World PT 2

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