My Sixteenth Lesson

Getting Beyond the 3rd Dimension Trap

Third dimension is a trap.

Step inside...or not.

Why would anyone refer to the 3rd dimension as a trap? Walk with me down a path and you’ll have a much better idea. I realize that must seem just a bit patronizing to some, but please consider that what most of us are programmed to believe is that this physical plane upon which we tend to think humanity is the highest life-form of material existence …and we believe that, because we can perceive those things which we see and put labels on them, we are god-like.

Others who refuse to accept such a lofty self-view, some of whom shudder at those placing the made-in-the-image-of-God depiction, considering it blasphemy.

First of all we have to deal with the fact that we’ve been programmed to believe that what goes on in the physical universe, which by definition is the third dimension, constitutes “reality.” Some modern day philosopher-types and personal growth gurus hedge their bets a bit and refer to the third dimensional, physical universe as “this reality.”

Don't believe your senses, they lie sometimes.

Others write the 3rd dimension off as an illusion. Niels Bohr, the Nobel Prize winning physicist made the comment that, “if quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet; everything we refer to as ‘real’ is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.”

Our five senses and our perceptions derived from them have deceived us …WE’VE BEEN LIED TO! You don’t have to take crazy old Brad Cullen’s word for it, leaders in the fields of such sophisticated sciences as molecular chemistry and biology which deal with what we call “matter” have proved that matter doesn’t matter. If that doesn’t make the 3rd dimension a trap I don’t know what does.

atomic structure assumptions or bad guess.

So many lies...Here's one from Bohr.

The scientific view that the atom was the smallest particle in the universe fell with the discovery that the atom itself is made up of even smaller, subatomic elements. What was even more shocking was the revelation that these subatomic particles emit various “strange energies.”

Way back in the early 1900s, physicists started to explore the relationship between energy and the structure of matter. In doing so, the belief that a physical, Newtonian material universe which was at the very heart of scientific knowledge took a serious hit and the realization that matter is nothing but an illusion replaced it. Scientists began to recognize that everything in the Universe is made out of energy.

School children today learn long before they reach high school that the desks they sit at are not solid, but rather a rapidly moving bunch of molecules. Quantum physicists discovered that physical atoms are made up of vortices of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating, each one radiating on its own unique energy frequency. Therefore, if we really want to observe ourselves and find out what we are, we are really beings of energy and vibration, radiating at our own unique vibration this is a fact verified by scientific experiments.

We’ve learned that, “seeing is believing,” is bull-dung, even scientists understand that believing is seeing is the correct order of things.

What do you believe when you can't see?

In recent conversations with my publisher and close friend, Ryan Bruce, has argued that he doesn’t see the 3rd dimension as a trap and he has promised to interview me about My Sixteenth Lesson, which means we’ll get to hear his views – this should provide us with at least one answer to the question I posed in #15.

Let’s review that ending right here and now and get set for My Seventeenth Lesson:

We could say, then, could we not, that the appropriate sequence for going beyond the 3rd dimension into other dimensions – “realms,” if you would, is going within to meet the Teacher who lives there. This still leaves those who haven’t yet discovered how to access the INNER TEACHER in the dilemma of, “how in the dickens can I do that?”

How, indeed? PARTICULARLY IF I BELIEVE EVERYTHING I CAN EXPERIENCE IN THE 3rd DIMENSION IS “REAL.” I repeat, “It’s a trap.” What say you, Mr.Bruce?

New Podcast; 127 – Sixteenth Lesson

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