My Fifteenth Lesson

– In Sequence and Other Necessities –

All things in this 3 dimensional experience happen in sequence. Not in the 4th.

In this third dimension, which we’ve been programmed to believe is “reality,” there is a sequence to everything: that is, before this can happen – that must happen first.

For example, one of the things that Jesus was quoted as saying, related to the theme we’ve been covering lately, that is, automation …before things, including what many of us today consider necessities, which are food, clothing, housing and the “non-essentials” of abundant prosperity, we have to “seek first” (in a more modern vernacular, put in the place of number one priority), “the kingdom of God.”

That’s the sequence – make sure of that and everything else will come about “as a matter of course” …or today we say, “Automatically.”

If this is true, then wouldn’t it behoove us to know just how in the dickens do we put whatever (also in the dickens) is the “kingdom of God” in the priority position of uno numero?

Is it time to control the "Automatic" in your life?

So, what now? I just asked …meaning what do I say to anyone next?

“If you want to keep it in the context of the quote from 2,000 years ago, use a quote from the same source,  “Don’t look here or there for the kingdom of God, for it is within you.”

We could say, then, could we not, that the appropriate sequence for going beyond the 3rd dimension into other dimensions – “realms,” if you would, is going within to meet the Teacher who lives there. This still leaves those who haven’t yet discovered how to access the INNER TEACHER in the dilemma of, “how in the dickens can I do that?”

How, indeed?

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