My Thirteenth Lesson

Overcoming the Law of Force

Only you can activate the power of this law.

(With the Law of Harmonious Attraction)

Instead of working to control anything or anyone else, whether loved ones, friends, business associates or potential clients, I needed to learn to be controlled by the LIGHT, LOVE; POWER AND PRESENCE emanating from our SPIRIT-PARENT.

I had spent a good deal of my earlier life in manipulating and teaching others how to manipulate people to buy those things that did not serve their better good, but rather with one goal in mind: To make a sale!

I wasn’t driven by the desire to make a commission, but rather, simply, for the emotional high of making a sale!

I even built a successful (on the surface) training business using this, “Law of Force,” by encapsulating psychological principles of motivation and the real reasons people did anything, into a process of sales, sales management and sales training.

The business was successful on the basis of cash flow and continually getting new large corporate clients to which I could adapt these principles for their particular business.

Follow Source, to a different destination.

I knew I was missing something. I found what the missing piece to both my business and my life was, but within just a few weeks of finding it, I lost everything. A partner in the business, a CPA no less, had taken close to $100,000* out of our business bank account; ostensibly to invest in something that would further the business, but without my knowledge or the knowledge of four other partners.

His action forced the closure of the business …or, perhaps better said, with the added wisdom collected over many years and experience, it served as an excellent excuse to change direction. Basically, since I’m in a “confessional” mode, I simply saw no other solution at the time, so I forced the closure.

* Worth just a bit over a million dollars in today’s value.

This is a long story, the details of which would serve only as a distraction right now; it was a blessing in disguise, because it served to point me back to the piece of the puzzle I had discovered only a few weeks previously and which began to serve as a beacon of light that would lead me for the next fifty years and to NOW.

Some say it's Jesus...I say I AM.

That beacon of light was a truth, for me (the way I express it may not be truth for you), but per usual, I’m just sharing my experience and that small sliver of the Greater Light that I have been shoving down the throats of the religious ever since I learned it, some fifty plus years ago, with the “law of force.”

Hopefully this article will be delivered in the overwhelming LOVE of the “Law of Harmonious Attraction,” but the truth, for me, continues to be confirmed and even dramatically so this morning as I met with my “mental-spiritual master/mind.

That truth is powerfully expressed by the one who was quoted as saying: “I AM the light of the world” and in other quotes proved that he meant something quite different than the religious perception of some …and the differentiation is that it wasn’t his LIGHT, but the light of the ONE who lived in him and further could/would live in anyone who believed enough to take a leap of faith in that same direction!

I’m being guided to stop here in order to continue this theme for what comes next in, my fourteenth lesson …just ahead.

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