My Third lesson – Imagination, the Golden Key to Everything

Just ask Albert, he knows.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” –Albert Einstein

The challenge for some of us is that we use up all the potential power and creativity of our imaginations with worry – that is, either visualizing all sorts of things that could go wrong …and which, by worrying about them tend to attract them to us. We also spend time worrying about how to get out of the situations that we have already attracted to ourselves and therefore, stay trapped in them.

This is the side to the “law of attraction” less talked about, but realized by far more people than the other side.

In my latest book, Integration of the Mind and the fun exercise manual designed to accompany it, the companion, one of the primary purposes is to help interrupt old patterns of thinking that keep us mired in the limitations of less than perfect health and extreme abundance.

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When asking “what now” a few moments ago I was blown away with an amazing thought.

A point emphasized in the book is that the latest scientific research into the mind has proven, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that we can actually rewrite our individual genetic codes so that these body-bags we occupy can receive healing from myriad diseases, as well as the removal of a tendency toward relative poverty.

What’s the first step? The answer to that is a simple choosing to do so. If we choose to believe that we have no choice in the matter …AND THAT IS also A CHOICE …then we are choosing to use the “law of attraction” in a way that is NOT attracting our better good.

Here’s an excerpt from the companion that will help provide a way of escape:

…I’d been corrected and instructed to make this a “fun exercise manual” rather than a “workbook.” When I asked how to do that I received a one word answer: “Laughter.”

You are encouraged from right out of the starting gate to laugh at me and anything I say that doesn’t fit into your present frame of reference. There are lots of things in the book, Integration of the Mind, that you may find challenging …to say the least.

The primary point of the book and the companion is that until the conscious AND the subconscious parts of the mind come into agreement with one another the creative part of the mind called imagination is quite limited – and here will be a huge challenge for some folks, because it has religious overtones.

Me and Brad are fine, it's the rest of the world that's crazy.

You need only remember that my publisher and long time friend, Ryan Bruce, is often given to calling me a “religious whacko.” The only thing I can say …and have said in my defense is, “Okay then, why do you publish what I write?”

Here’s your first cause for laughter at us both. Ryan formed a publishing company, SHS Publishing in Vancouver, B.C. for the express purpose of publishing Brad Cullen books and he put up a website,, in May of 2010, for the purpose of carrying Brad Cullen articles and podcasts …the latter which are recorded phone calls of Ryan interviewing me, often because he can’t make heads or tails out of some cockamamie thing I’ve written …or so he says.

It is laughable, because Ryan is an astute entrepreneur with many thriving business enterprises, yet until now, he’s never made a dime from SHS Publishing. All though he is convinced that Integration of the Mind is going to change all that.

Indeed, it is already showing signs of being in the “best seller” category, heading toward sales in the multiplied millions.

There is a serious side; hundreds of people, all over the globe, have repeatedly reported that some Brad Cullen article or book was the catalyst that caused them to become open to receiving physical and/or emotional healing directly from the SOURCE of all physical and emotional health and prosperity.

Even Obama laughs at Brad.

You can start laughing again, because far more people have walked away, ticked off over something I said, because it rubbed them the wrong way. YOUR first lesson, therefore and again, is to learn to laugh at me; then, hopefully, this will be the bridge to learning to laugh at yourself. Why might that be important?

Little did I realize how empowering the question I just asked, “what is the appropriate question I should be asking this moment?” related to making the instruction I’d received to make this a fun exercise manual – I’ll use Albert Einstein’s word about where he got his crazy answers to the crazy questions he posed – he said he got his answers from the “ether” …one of the things I gleaned from reading a lot of quotes of dear uncle Albert is that he believed that the ideas he got via the wave length and vibrations of this ether, were being broadcast by a Supreme Being, by whatever other title or name.

When I cried out for HELP this a.m., because I was getting nowhere in the pursuit of YOU having fun, via this manual, the idea came to type into Google “laughter therapy” – and I was blown away by all the pages and pages that demonstrate scientific proof that laughter really is the best medicine …cures all kinds of even very serious human anomalies. There are even some links to some YouTube videos that will teach you how to laugh; I didn’t realize how hard it is for some people to even smile, let alone laugh!

Give me more writing Brad!!!!

I get into trouble all the time for seeing something as very funny and laughing about it when others see the need to frown and be somber over the very same thing.

Now publisher, Ryan Bruce’s, purpose in assigning this writing task to me was to help readers maximize what they would learn from Integration of the Mind.

Since I readily admit that I don’t know squat, which might tend to breed the question, “How is it that something I write will help anyone maximize learning anything of value?” BUT, you see, I have access to all the wisdom of the universe and I’m here to tell you that the purpose of the book and this manual is to encourage you to go to the same SOURCE to get what WORKS FOR YOU …and if you don’t know what questions to ask in order to get what works …ask, “what question should I be asking?”

Why is this important? Because most of us get into the habit of asking close-looped questions that come out of our own experiences, culture and programming and therefore we have a tendency to get both questions and answers out of the subconscious parts of the minds of these body-bags we occupy …and both questions and answers serve only to reinforce our prior conclusions, judgments, opinions and prejudices – all of which we tend to think of as knowledge.

If it is true that questions excite our imaginations and creativity, whereas answers which lead to judgment and conclusions (“knowledge”), are what keep us in a horribly limited state, then the first suggestion that will prove to be both fun and productive is related to this issue of ASKING APPROPRIATE QUESTIONS.

As we go through this manual points of focus in my book, Integration of the Mind, we’re going to attempt to get you to question everything I say, by (you) getting in the habit of saying, “interesting point of view – and then voicing your own point of view,” and then laughing at both points of view, because that’s all they are …LIMITED POINTS OF VIEW (period) …and why on earth get embroiled in trying to prove you’re right and I’m wrong when both are only limited points of view.

In this way, I was shown, in a vision this morning (see? just what Ryan said, a religious whacko), that for millions of people, Integration of the Mind will become THEIR journey and an exciting one at that!

NEW PODCAST: 119 – Third Lesson

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