Do I Really Have a Choice?

Does it matter what you choose?

The answer to the title question, just as the answer is to most questions related to living -and having the power to choose- is HUGE …and that answer is both “yes” and “no.”

We’ve been told that “God has created us with a free will” – well, if we’ve been programmed to believe that, we’re in for a shock. Because EVERYONE I’ve ever met responds automatically (in other words reacts rather than chooses) to all sorts of triggering mechanisms.

In other words, choice is an excellent ideal to pursue, but when we are fixed in an opinion …no matter how ridiculous that opinion may seem to others, we react in defense of that opinion and are not operating from a place of free will at all; we do everything in our power to maintain and defend that opinion … and that’s only one example.

What if we are programmed to react out of fear at the sight of spiders, snakes, alligators, bees or whatever (someone may argue that they have allergic reactions to bees –just for example– so their fear of them is justified …and no argument there, but doesn’t it underscore another point at which both free will and the power to choose are non-existent or, at the very least, sorely limited)?

You can turn it all around.

How about some habits that we may not like, but over which we seem to have no power to overcome? We can include anything, but let’s not ignore things such as reacting with impatience or even rage over something we have absolutely no ability to control such as traffic or, perhaps, just how somebody else is driving …on the surface this seems silly …maybe so, but part of the human malady is wasting energy, reacting with negative emotions over situations we are absolutely powerless to change.

The fact is that we do have the power to choose, but we have to get to the point that we can access that power – if you are willing to accept the foregoing sentence as the truth …the next question is in order: ARE YOU READY TO MAKE THE CHOICE TO GET RID OF YOUR FEARS (AND ANY AND ALL OTHER REASONABLE JUSTIFICATIONS INCLUDING ALLERGIES) OR OTHER DEBILITATING AND VERY REAL DISEASES CONFIRMED BY QUALIFIED MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS …OR ANY OTHER CAUSES?

Ooh, now we’re meddling aren’t we?


Well, let’s meddle a bit further, how did you answer the question in bold typeface above, did you declare that you are ready to make the choice?

Can you even make these choices for yourself?

So, after examining some things you’d like to change, but thus far have not been able to access the power to follow through, are you ready to admit that perhaps you may have been created with a free will, but there are some areas of life in which it certainly doesn’t seem so?

If, of course, your personal belief system dictates that God, by whatever other title or name, determined your status in life or allowed it for whatever purposes that are known only to God …then, from my point of view, there is no reason to read any further, because you don’t have any choice in the matter …and I certainly have no business meddling with such a belief system.

It’s your choice, do you want to read further and see if there may be an easier way to approach accessing the power to choose differently in many areas of life that aren’t working as well as you like?

What if there is a way that is a proper fit for you and your belief system …that brings about optimum health, optimum prosperity and the ability to make a contribution to others that, up to now, has eluded you; and it is available in a simple way that brings about these things automatically – and overcomes habits that you desire to no longer have control over you?

Don't miss the point, read it twice.

We’re talking about a collaborative project of Ryan Bruce and Brad Cullen called Virtual Reality Workshops which is based on the material we compiled for a pilot project for member companies of a business association. The following is a sample:

Missing the Point

Just because a vast majority of the world’s population believes something to be true may prove many things, but not necessarily that it is true.

I recently read a fascinating study revealing a variety of ways how public polls are influenced either negatively or positively and was amazed by a list of books that took up 23 pages of bibliography, which the authors of the study included and freely admitted did not all support their data.

Their introduction to the Bibliography seemed intensely and confidently candid as well as persuasive to their points of view: “Polling science, such as it is, is a contentious and intensely politicized field. No reader should assume that any author listed herein agrees with the views expressed in this study. We are presenting these references to those readers who would like to review our data and the conclusions we derived from it, to arrive at their own conclusions.”

Are your results just a predictable?

One example I found compelling me to agree with the point that data derived from polling is easily slanted one way or another had to do with a house-to-house poll conducted in a residential area near Dallas – Fort Worth by twenty pollsters about global warming.

What proved noteworthy, to me, was that the pollsters all received the same instructions with only one variance. In order to reduce the possibility of the poll providing slanted results, all twenty were instructed to read from their information the following: “In order to assure that this poll produces an unbiased result and accurately reflects the opinion you give, I will read the questions exactly as they are written without any deviation.”

What varied in the instruction was that one group of five were told that the questions would produce a 30% negative result, that is, approximately 30% of the people polled would indicate that they didn’t believe in global warming. Another five of the pollsters were told that the results would be evenly split; that is, approximately half would voice the opinion that the data was fact and half would opine in the negative. A third group of five was told they could expect a 70% positive result. The final group of five was told that the poll was designed to get an overwhelmingly positive result.

What can you possibly control with Virtual Reality?

The results proved only that whatever the pollsters were led to expect would be the result achieved …the last group obtaining 94% of the people they polled believed firmly in global warming.

The point of this, to me, isn’t about global warming or even about the accuracy of opinion polls, but how the perception of reality was affected by the expectations of the pollsters and how those expectations were transmitted unknowingly.

Many things impact what we perceive as “reality” …what we expect is one small, but powerful example – what goes on in that other-than-conscious collection of parts of the mind contained in these human body-bags we occupy and what Ryan recently coined as the “Master Mental Processor” is an array of programming collected and stored from birth (or some would insist that the collection of programming began at conception) from experiences, teachers, parents, siblings, religious and scientific dogma, cultural influences and so on – all perceived individually as “my reality.”

When seen for what it is, some of us, who believe in a free will and always having the power to choose, make a decision to change the programming and convert it into a much improved reality.

Sometime in the coming week you will be receiving an invitation by e-mail from Ryan Bruce to attend, by phone, a Virtual Reality Workshop …it’s FREE and has some other free bonuses attached. Please be on the lookout for it.


New Podcast: 115 – Do I Really Have a Choice

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