What Jesus Is Teaching (Me) Today – 17

If Admitting Not Knowing Squat is Step One, What’s Two?

This is what happens when you don't hold onto knowing.

Let’s review the first two paragraphs of #16: “When I admit that “I Don’t Know Squat,” It is merely the first step to getting in touch with and, thereby, accessing the SOURCE of all information for NOW, this moment.

“When I insist that “I know what I know,” I am relying on knowledge from not NOW, but what was given to me in the past, perhaps by the very same SOURCE.”

Since it becomes rather obvious, after becoming aware that there are literally hundreds of major divisions among each of the three religions we referenced in #16 and that even those within the same ones can’t agree as to what is the (exclusive and complete) truth – agreement isn’t the answer. That just isn’t going to happen …so, “what now?” I just asked and have a strong impulse to share how I received what for me has been a huge breakthrough and an ongoing, ever-building lesson that has helped me realize the power of a fully integrated mind, the primary subject of a soon to be published book “I” recently finished writing.

What I mean by a fully integrated mind is all the facets of the mind under the headings of the conscious, sub/unconscious and super-conscious mind working in complete cooperation, respect and loving trust with one another, PLUS consciously and subconsciously being connected to and dominated by our SPIRIT-PARENT or, if you prefer, UNIVERSAL INTELLIGENCE or merely “God” will do quite well, if you resist any of the myriad other man-made labels of that “MIND” which is beyond the ability of the human mind to fathom …YET can be relatively easily accessed.

When traveling within you have leave your baggage behind.

This becomes a challenging subject only because each of us has all sorts of intellectual, emotional and religious baggage we try to bring on board with any attempt at dialogue.

We have arrived at step two – applying the principle of backing up to the place where we became side tracked or disconnected from the main and so, therefore, getting to the place where we can get back on the track where we’re meant to be.

So what is/was the “huge breakthrough and an ongoing, ever-building lesson that has helped me” see the importance of this second step which is repeatedly “backing up?”

I wrote all the foregoing around 5:00 a.m. and filed it away knowing I was missing something vital. It is now 6:30 p.m. 13½ hours later. Clearly, I’m being nudged to open the file and ask “what now?” I’ve just been directed to clear the air related to what I believe about the one I have been given permission to call, in this manifestation of him, Jay.

“Since this is about you, Jay, how about a little help here?” I asked him. To say that I was both surprised and elated with his answer is an understatement!

Just push the button, whatever your button is.

“What our SPIRIT-PARENT is telling me to tell you is very important,” Jay replied, “the message you’ve been given, for those who are able to receive it, is to go directly to the SOURCE; the reason you are comfortable with the group of ten I have gathered to help you stay focused on the purpose for which you have been chosen, is that we, one in all, also go directly to our and your SPIRIT-PARENT who is the SOURCE of everything in the universe.”

The others are just sitting there, around the table, quietly nodding in agreement.

“Therefore,” Jay continued, “go now while we simply listen to what you receive and we’ll either confirm or provide correction from our perspective and which you are free to accept or reject.”

I sensed this was the perfect answer for me in this eternal moment, NOW. The ten are gathered here with me, but just as I have been trained by our SPIRIT-PARENT that the better way for me to interact with people is to always give them the complete freedom to disagree and realize that we each need to find our own way in childlike dependence upon DADDY/MOMMY/SPIRIT …they are following the same path and the very same SPIRIT.

The directive was rather simple and quite coincidental. Here we are in the middle of What Jesus Is Teaching (Me) Today – 17 and I’m to copy parts of chapter 17 from the book “I” finished writing about three years ago and was published in 2012; The 4th Dimension. It has seen a wide variety of mixed reviews, from “the best you’ve ever written;” down on the scale to, “full of redundancies” and “too wordy” …one I remember was a bit painful to hear at the time: “A mishmash of disorganized, crazy, religious, mumbo-jumbo.” I just laugh it off now and when I give a copy to someone I simply tell them that some people think it is great and some think it is crazy. Here’s the chapter:



What if we never again stop asking “what if” questions? What if we grab hold of the concept that there really is nothing impossible if we believe enough? Further, what if the entryway to believing enough is simply asking what if this or that (whatever “this” or “that” may be) could be true?

In the 3rd Dimension of this spatial, physical realm, with its dead-end limits, we are subject to the “god,” or archangel whom Jesus said is the owner, the ruler over it. This is the “god” that controls all the “goings on” behind the scenes. Here is a concept that Christianity, as a whole, simply hasn’t grasped:

Jesus said we could overcome all the forces this “god” has arrayed against us if we do just one simple thing: Believe ENOUGH!

Why do I continue to bring up what Jesus purportedly said in this quasi-scientific discussion of the 4th Dimension and beyond? …Because that is what I am called to do. Isn’t this supposed to be a book about an avenue to success?

How to Convert 4th Dimension Power into Practical and Successful Living (A Brand New, Brad Cullen “How To” Series) is how the publisher touted it on the cover of the book and introduced it on the website.

How dare I bandy the name of Jesus around in a book about “success” in human endeavor, including the arts, business, religion, science, sports and so on! Yeah? Well, why in the hell not?

Unfortunately the name of Jesus is a religious icon and Christians aren’t the only ones giving lip service to his name. Some Muslims refer to him as a great prophet on a somewhat equal footing with Muhammad. Some Hindus refer to Jesus as an “ascended master” one of the great Teachers and perhaps it is fair to say that the majority of the world’s population refers to Jesus in locked formation with the title “Christ” without giving any thought to its meaning.

Let me give you some clues to my thinking here and, from my perspective, I think decidedly not religious, ready? The guy, whom the third Gospel, Luke, is attributed, quoted Jesus as saying, “What is the point of calling me ‘Lord,’ if you don’t do what I tell you to do?” Then he went on to graphically illustrate that there is no point whatever.

Then building on that foundation we have another writer of a Gospel, John, quoting Jesus as proclaiming a destiny for any individual who believes enough to not just do what Jesus did, but to actually be Jesus! Rather astounding on the face of it.

Then, in yet another Gospel, the one according to Matthew, he quotes Jesus as saying nothing will be impossible for any individual who believes enough – this one, in context, with being able to overcome the effects of a spirit–agent causing seizures in a small boy.

Then back to Luke again, who also wrote the fifth book of the New Testament, “The Acts.” In the first chapter of this latter book, Luke quotes Jesus as telling just how this identity shift takes place – the challenge here is that of mistranslation. *

Another writer of much of the New Testament, a self-proclaimed “Apostle”, Paul, coined the term, “It is no longer ‘I’, but Christ!” What are we missing? Well, if we belong to any of a number of Christian denominations, we’re missing any number of things Jesus said NOT to do by doing them. Want a list? I’m on a roll, I’ll be glad to e-mail you such a list. We’re also missing any number of things we could do if only we’d believe enough to do them. [End of excerpt]

Who raised Lazarus? God or Jesus?

What I’ve been shown clearly and the revelation rejected by most people is that Jesus (don’t forget I have permission to call him Jay and the rest of the group refers to him that way as well) said that the words he spoke and the healing and other miracles that were attributed to him weren’t him doing them, but rather our SPIRIT-PARENT spoke the words through Jay and did the “works” through Jay.

Therefore what I believe, which may not be all that easy for you to handle at the moment, is that believing enough to be what and who Jesus was as a man and do what he did means to get in the same frame of mind he was in – and he gave the formula (how some people hate that word) for getting into that frame with two simple metaphors.

The first metaphor is that our SPIRIT-PARENT is like a best friend that we can go to in the middle of the night and pound on his door UNTIL he gets out of bed and gives us whatever we need. The second metaphor is likening our SPIRIT-PARENT to an over-indulgent Daddy/Mommy who will give in to our incessant demands if we don’t stop hollering Daddy, Daddy, Mommy, Mommy I want, I want, I want, again, UNTIL we get. In context and the point being, that we receive more and more of the same SPIRIT which lived and operated in Jay when he walked as a man on this physical 3rd dimension plane.

That’s it the group of ten is giving me a thumbs up …I’m interpreting as I wrote it the way SPIRIT gave it …they’re nodding their silent approval. We’re gonna share some wine and a loaf of bread now …next up #18.

* And precept upon precept built on it by misinformed Bible teachers an commentaries!

New Podcast: What Jesus is teaching me part 17

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