What Jesus Is Teaching (Me) Today – 12

One Way of Breaking through into NO LIMITS

The limit is not in your sight and never will be.

What I am being given to say, right now, has a correlation to religious thought and spiritual healing power. Rarely, in my limited experience, do these two terms have any relationship to one another; in fact, I am being instructed to use the term disparate to describe just how far removed spiritual healing power is from religious thought.

Ryan Bruce, the founder and CEO of the company that publishes Brad Cullen books and sponsors the website www.spiritualhealingsource.com made an interesting observation over the phone the other day.

Organized Christianity was his introduction, the schoolroom, which prepared him for his own breakthrough into spiritual power for mental, physical and emotional healing and spiritual understanding, he said, but until he broke away completely from all the ties that bound him to that religion did he begin to understand the authority we all have as individuals.

Break away is another way of saying, letting go.

That is my experience as well. The limits religion imposes on some of us never seem to be realized until we have a complete break from it. The release and freedom feels amazing to everyone who experiences this break. As I am reflecting upon this truth it is also an inescapable fact that religion is often the school that launched an individual’s spiritual journey.

The apparent dichotomy is easily resolved when we respect BOTH terms in their respective places without confusing them as being similar. Einstein compared school with learning with this quip: “The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.” Since he hung around nearby (not actually a part of) Princeton University to the end of his life, he obviously didn’t disrespect the halls of higher education – he just realized the limits and the fact that it can interfere with real learning.

Religion, just as higher education, has its place and I must learn not to be so disrespectful, but I feel compelled to say that when religion passes itself off as spirituality it is conforming perfectly to the image of a great impostor. Religious thought is exactly that …an intellectual exercise that often interferes with a direct connection with our SPIRIT-PARENT!

For Spirit to work, you must let go.

Early on, when I discovered how to get into the “zone” of spiritual power to effect physical and emotional healing (that “how to” was to realize that I couldn’t do anything, it was SPIRIT’s work and to ask what is in the way of any particular individual receiving healing and resolving the conflicts that were revealed to me), I learned that I had to take an additional step:

I had to make sure that the individual who was coming to me for help had not given her or his authority (for making decisions) over to some human being; particularly someone who they referred to as “my doctor” or “my pastor” or some other authority figure or legal guardian.

This is a spiritual dynamic which became clearer and clearer to me for one simple reason; everyone, without exception, who didn’t have such an authority figure and wanted to be healed and had no other conflicts about receiving healing – received and quickly so.

When a human authority rules, there is no room for Spirit.

Okay, Jay, how do we bring all the foregoing into the title I was given for this segment, that is, One Way of Breaking through into NO LIMITS (?).

“Think about one of the many English translations of the words our brother Paul penned, ‘with the mouth confession is made unto salvation,’ and consider how long you were in bondage to a specific religious application of those words, because of how they were interpreted in your mind, particularly the meaning you placed on the word salvation.”

I think I have a glimpse of where I’m being taken. The words “saved” and “salvation” for many years meant, to me, being saved from never-ending punishment for all of the sins I had committed during my visit here in this physical plane.

In dialogue with many folks across myriad religious spectrums the connotation placed upon the so-called “life after the life” of these body-bags we occupy ends and to which almost universally is referred to as “death” …our destination is either one of two places, “Heaven” or “Hell,” with many different compartments, depending upon the particular division of the religion.

Salvation from hell is a widely held notion across the spectrum of much, but not all, belief systems within Christianity, Hinduism and Islam.

I’m often asked if I believe in hell. My stock answer to that is, “What difference does it make what I believe?” What I believe does not change what is reality to you (period).

“Enough, already, get back to the point, brother,” Baba said, as he just now entered the scene. Hmmm, all ten are now gathered and nodding in agreement, Jay among them.

Every word you say is true.You only speak truth.

Okay, One Way of Breaking through into NO LIMITS is by looking from a different point of view at Paul’s words in his letter to some of the people he had converted in Rome (Romans 10:10) “With your mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

I just turned back to the guys at the conference table …what do I do with the difference in words soteria and sozo (anglicized spelling) of two Greek words translated into English respectively as “salvation” and “saved.”

“Just tell the story Brad,” Lahti said …and, again, everyone else is nodding in agreement.

The short version is that one weekend, about thirty years ago, in a motel on the peninsula south of San Francisco while on a business trip, I was reading a Greek New Testament and doing a word study on the above referenced passage in Romans. I saw that both words in that particular context referred to being joined together again, as in the beginning, with the SPIRIT who spoke everything into existence.

What does this mean – I asked …and the answer was the breakthrough into NO LIMITS for me. Keeping with the short version, the words often translated in English as “eternal life” meant NOW, a place in which there is no beginning and no ending – NO TIME! Both “heaven” and “hell” are religious concepts and IF either or both exist they exist NOW in a parallel universe.

Some things can only be repaired by Source.

Now then, I saw that what Paul could have been …and certainly was seeming (to me) to be saying, that we enter into this NOW by speaking it into our reality. I was reeling with the revelation …and spent the entire weekend in that motel room knowing that I had broken through into a whole different way of thinking and believing. I was joined together with our SPIRIT-PARENT and knew it.

I could hardly wait until I could speak with business client-friends of mine who owned a Greek restaurant, a Greek foods distribution company, a large retail outlet of Greek foods, and a fleet of fishing boats all operating out of the town of South San Francisco the following Monday.

The word sozo was confirmed to mean what I had seen: “Joined together again …RE-PAIRED and that the repairs had been completed …finished. In other words, the old view of being delivered or saved from punishment, while not untrue, was a shadow of the reality of the UNLIMITED CREATIVE POWER that can reside in us by changing how we think and speak!”

Lahti is slapping his hand on the table and laughing, “Brad got through it!” he managed to exclaim through his chortling.

To get a clear picture...tune in to the Source.

Everyone was laughing with him, even Jere. Sid was making the motions of clapping his hands together in mock approval.

“Wait a minute, I’ve entitled this series ‘What Jesus is teaching me today’ and all of you keep joining in. . .” I’m sitting here just staring at them all and wondering.

“We are one,” Jay said, “and when you join with other brothers and sisters who are still in the limits of your human containers, for the purpose of ever- increasing enlightenment, you experience the same oneness …unlimited access to the SOURCE of Creative and Healing Power.

“NO LIMITS …he’s finally getting it,” Zoe said dryly – “you have seen the power of synergy that occurs when you get into agreement that isn’t intellectual, no two people ever think alike, but united in the purpose of being continually connected with our SPIRIT-PARENT with others who are committed to the same purpose gets us all beyond our limits …this is salvation and it is NOW.”

Mose added another mind blower: “Notice how in this appearance you don’t think of Jay and I as Jews and the others as distinctive from us, we are truly ONE. It is the reason Jay could say that Moe, in his appearance in human form, was an incarnation of Jay – he, a dark-skinned Hindu spoke the words that he was a Jew, a Christian, a Muslim and a Hindu.”

All are One regardless of your beliefs.

“As you go about today whether physically or in your thoughts – consider all men to be your brothers and especially love those who are filled with hatred and by so doing you are ONE with them …UNLIMITED and when in this zone, as you call it, we can all allow the I AM to speak through us because that is what we are all doing …get it?” Jay finished, asking me with his head cocked to one side.

“Holy mackerel this is what is meant by with ‘our mouths confession is made unto salvation,’” I practically gasped the words as the realization of the power and presence of our SPIRIT-PARENT is all over me!

“…and that by thinking, writing and speaking it – I AM …NOW continue in peace and power, knowing how to activate the healing zone more clearly than ever before.”

How can #13 be any better than this (for me)? …Ryan’s answer is ringing in my ears – “I don’t know, but it will be because our SPIRIT-PARENT will bring it about.”

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