What Jesus Is Teaching (Me) Today – 2

PLEASE STOP! If you have not already read “Big Question” and carefully so, please do so now. Without this as a foundation you will not understand who this Jesus is that is teaching me.

Just scroll down to read the Big Question.

What propelled me in the direction of paying any attention to Jesus today, yes, listening to what he has to say for me personally, was a rather obscure, for many folks, passage from the New Testament …Hebrews 13:8. “Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.”

Is “my” Jesus the same Jesus as your Jesus? My Jesus is telling me to write to you this moment that he is not the same and it is not important. What he is also telling me is that what is important is that you have an intimate relationship with your Jesus so he can tell you, when you get upset with something I have written: “What is that to you? You come and follow me.”

I keep having glimpses of the reasons ‘Jay,’ as he has given me permission to call him, introduced me to nine men, historical figures all, who are among my ten spiritual advisors along with Jay.

I have no need to defend my understanding of what he is telling me, because he has told me that my understanding is skewed at best, personified by my oft-stated assertion that “I don’t know squat.”

Change your point of view, its easy.

He is reminding me, this very moment, to suggest that you do something that will be a powerful tool for you to use as a means to not get stressed over any part of this treatise. Anytime you find that what I have written “rubs you the wrong way,” simply say: “An interesting point of view, I have this point of view” and express that point of view to your Jesus and ask him if the point of view you just expressed is serving you in whatever way is best for you.

In that way you’ll have a chance at understanding what I am learning without corrupting whatever it is you are supposed to be learning, which is the better path for you. This tool, IPOV (interesting point of view, etc.) helped me to begin listening to what others were saying without getting all caught up in my emotional reactions to my own ridiculous interpretation of what they were saying; a huge relief, to say the least.

I have shared in previous writings that it was Jay who introduced me to Muhammad as being alive and also willing to talk with me; something I resisted at first. It was Jay who referred to each of the nine others, upon introducing me, as his brothers and close friends. Sharing this bit of news, has won me few friends …IPOV, folks, IPOV.

Four of these, Moses, “Mose” to me, Zarathustra or Zoroaster, “Zoe” to me, Lao Tzu, “Lahti” to me and Siddhartha Gautama, “Sid” to me, are all antecedent by several hundreds of years to Jesus; whereas the other five “advisors” have one thing in common, they all, in their human manifestation, had much respect and reverence for Jay, in his manifestation in human form, as being far and above what their contemporaries thought and felt about Jay (Jesus).

One God, many manifestations.

Yet, now, one in all of the five just referenced in the foregoing paragraph, PLUS the other five which names include, Muhammad, “Moo” to me, Baha’u’llah, “Baba” to me, Saint Germain, “Jere” to me, Mohandas Gandhi, “Moe” and Paramahansa Yogananda, “Yogi” to me and, again, ALL TEN, proclaim their equality and brotherhood.

If you have some emotional/intellectual challenges with this as a concept, take it up with your Jesus, Jay has instructed me to lay this on the line and I am doing so.

Aha! I’ve wanted clarity and I have just been given a phenomenal insight to Jay’s reasons for taking me in this direction. Yogi and Moe, contemporary to one another and both Hindus, were outspoken in their reverence and respect for Jay while they were both in their physical manifestation (“in the flesh”), a relatively short time ago, and they were also both noted for applying, in their lives, the teachings of Jay (found in the New Testament, no less), and teaching others who would pay any attention to do the same.

One God manifest in all souls.

I have read and talked to enough Muslim scholars to believe that Moo thought he was preaching and writing about the same God Jesus proclaimed.

Clarity just arrived from a much unanticipated source. I felt the nudge to Google “Baha’u’llah and Jesus.” I just finished reading a scholarly article, “Behold the Man, Baha’u’llah On the Life of Jesus” by John Cole.

John Ricardo (“Juan”) Cole is an American academic and commentator on the modern Middle East and South Asia. He is a Richard P. Mitchell Collegiate Professor of History at the University of Michigan. The depth of what my friend Baba believed about Jesus, according to Cole’s article, would put any avowed Christian to shame! Juan Cole is thoroughly steeped in Islamic and Hindu views and has many books and articles to his credit to these intriguing topics.

http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jrcole/ will provide a rewarding journey of knowledgeable insights to the Middle East and Muslim and Hindu thinkers related to some rather surprising views about Jesus and the authenticity of the New Testament – this guy, John Cole, is flat out exciting me!

Jay is saying, “enough of all that, let’s get it on.”

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