Integration of the Mind – Part Thirty-Eight

Would You Believe? You don’t have to Believe!

You don't have to believe to receive.

In closing the previous part (#37), I promised to retell a true story that involves a simple phrase responsible for many people opening the door to receiving healing of a variety of diseases, diagnosed by qualified physicians and determined by them to be incurable …the story and the phrase follows, after this:

When I get into a mental conflict, i.e., the place in which there is no peace – I find that this phrase is always the ultimate antidote BECAUSE IT ENDS ALL CONFLICT.

I am about to make a bold statement: Conflict, whether it has external causes or is “merely” sitting in the subconscious is at the root of ALL human disease and disorder and thus a lack of peace. By conflict I mean having two or more thoughts that are in opposition …usually one of which is in the form of an undiscovered, subconscious belief, but sometimes may have an inexplicable, external, let’s call it an extra-conscious cause, that is, not originating in any part of the recognized human mind, including but not limited to conscious, subconscious and super-conscious parts thereof.

Once I came to the realization of the truth contained in the foregoing paragraph, that is, the part about conflict, whatever its origin, I began to realize how to avoid such conflict and all the stuff that it causes, including the “common” cold. Again, a bold pronouncement and you are not required to believe it, but if you open the door to the possibility, then the following story and the phrase may take on enough meaning for you to remember it and put it to effective use.

I just barely believe in God too. My senses tell me he's not real.

In the doctor’s office on a “consult” by request of the doctor and with prior approval of the patient and her mother …the patient was a 15 year old girl suffering from almost continual nausea, lack of energy and depression.

She had been through a battery of sophisticated diagnostic tests in an attempt to uncover any physical causes of her symptoms; the tests also included a comprehensive psychological survey conducted by a prominent clinical psychologist to rule out any causes from the mental side of things – the tests revealed no mental or physical causes.

The doctor had called another physician telling him that she was convinced that the problem in the girl was what she referred to as “spirit entities” and asked if  he knew anyone who specialized in such things. He referred her to me. In our initial conversation, the doctor told me that she had been raised a Roman Catholic, but had discarded all religious beliefs and now “just barely believed that there might be a God,” is how she put it.

Here are some men of faith.

She had asked me how I get rid of such things, because, as the doctor who referred her to me had told her, I “was a man of faith.”

I told her that I didn’t have faith in the way that I supposed she was using the term, but that I just knew how to exercise the authority we’ve all been given and that I never know what I’m going to do until we meet with the person and ask, “why are we here?” …and after listening carefully and interacting, related to the answer, ask (silently) our SPIRIT-PARENT “what now?”

In this case, after the preliminaries, I asked the girl who was very pale, listless and obviously did not feel well, she’d said weakly, “I feel like I have to throw up” …how it felt for her to go through all the testing to which she’d been subjected, only to have her doctor tell her she thought the cause was “spiritual entities.”

The girl told me that it was a bit scary and that she wasn’t religious and doubted if she even believed there was a God. I told her that was probably a good thing because religious people often have all sorts of preconceived ideas that they need to let go of before they can get rid of their problems.

Be sure about "Gods"'s important. Ask Source.

After a few more questions I told her that I wanted her to repeat something after me, but if she was uncomfortable saying the words to tell me, so that we could work through it together. I also told her that it wasn’t important that she believed it, but it would be extremely important to her if she could repeat the words. After that preamble, as might be expected, she was a bit hesitant, but she nodded her head in tentative agreement.

“Here’s what I’d like you to say if you can, ‘I want God’s will no matter what the cost, even unto death …all nausea, weakness and depression get out of me now!’”

She repeated the words almost verbatim, but far more emphatically than I had even said them.

A rather strange look came over her face, and I asked her how she felt. “I, I feel good,” she stammered. I told her to stand up and say it again.

She almost jumped to her feet and said, “I do, I really do, I feel better than I have ever felt in my whole life!”

I laughed at her and at her mother’s and the doctor’s facial expressions at the girls rather dramatic transformation and then instructed her, if she was ever bothered by the symptoms again, how to deal with them.

I have shared how these words have worked with others in the very same way. How does this work? The answer to that question is that it works quite well – now let’s get into a bit of background.

OMG! have you read this????

People talk about being aligned with the vibrations or frequencies of the Universe and other such theories that overcome diseases of all sorts and I don’t disagree …I suppose we could look at the employment of these words, “I want only God’s will, no matter what the cost,” as just one very rapid way of getting so aligned …could that be a possibility?

As can readily be seen, it didn’t take the girl saying “I believe in God” or any other pronouncement about an intellectual belief in God and, again, by whatever other title or name; so it doesn’t seem, to me, to have any religious connotation; or, perhaps, it is simply putting a different meaning on the words “religion” and “believing.”

Per usual and, again, I must say that I don’t know why this simple phrase works …I just know that it does, but I only use it after I’ve asked silently what to do and it comes to me as “the answer.”

It's not me that heals, it's you.

The doctor, by the way, was also healed that afternoon …although I wasn’t aware of it until a few days later when her husband called me and invited me to lunch.

He told me that she’d had a life-long sleeping disorder and, as a result, in his words, was addicted to caffeine, drinking enormous amounts of coffee and diet cola to stay alert during the day. She had not been able to sleep longer than two hours during their five year marriage. That might have to do, I replied drily, with the consumption of so much caffeine.

The night that I had met with the girl, her mother and his wife, the doctor, she slept over eight hours – and didn’t drink any coffee or diet cola the entire next day or since; “you healed her, man” he exclaimed.

I delivered my usual disclaimer saying that “I” hadn’t healed her; in fact, I only facilitated the healing of her patient, but that “I” was not a healer. That, of course, precipitated a barrage of questions and a long animated discussion. He told me that his wife was free of abdominal pain for the first time since he met her. She’d had cysts on her ovaries and had been unable to get pregnant …nine months later she gave birth to a baby boy, they confessed later, they had almost named after me!

This incident began a rather close friendship between the doctor and her husband and my wife and me. They began asking me to write things out for them that I had shared over a meal or on some motor trip that the four of us had taken together …and from these writings they urged me to write a book …while I’d had books published previously, I had never written before in the spiritual genre.


We’re going to take a breather here and pick up the rest of the story in #39 – but I’m feeling the need and the nudging of the publisher to tie up a few loose ends. This series/book is about the integration of the human mind and we’ve been touching on some things that indicate we may want to take a broader look at some components of the mind that some insist are external to it and others who insist that it is all part of the whole.

Why does it always come down to this?

Let’s see if it is possible to expand our horizons and see if we can reconcile some points of view that may only seem to be in opposition to what has been implied in this segment (#38).

It is fairly well agreed even between some of those attached to both religious thought on one side and those attached to scientific thought on the other side of the equation, that without a congruence or as some might call it confluence of both conscious and subconscious belief systems, conflict does exist and is a huge roadblock to reaching clarity of thought, peace of mind and freedom from disease.

A purely surface view, i.e. that there are only two main parts to the human mind which are the conscious and the subconscious can easily be reconciled with the expanded view that this mind is connected to not only the “Infinite” or “Universal” mind, but can even be connected to and controlled by some unseen, sentient beings that are “alien” and don’t really fall under the category of a “Universe” or “God” that is comprised of love; but that these “aliens” have an intent that is not for our better good.

Both a wave and a particle, depending on the observer.

The foregoing paragraph is over-long and doesn’t get resolved and I frankly don’t know how to clear it up …other than to simply complete the idea that the two points of view can be reconciled if those clinging desperately to one or the other can take a step back to a third point of view which allows for the possibility that both are correct.

BOTH – AND …the premise introduced by Niels Bohr the Nobel Prize winning physicist who brought the two warring factions within the camps of classic or Newtonian physics and quantum mechanics. How did BOTH – AND reconcile the two sides, when scientific experiments proved something was irreconcilable?

One of the battles that raged between the two factions was over whether light was made up of particles or waves. Again, scientific experiment proved that light was comprised of waves and NOT of particles. Another validated experiment proved the exact opposite. What ended the war? Proving that light acts one way in one set of circumstances, but behaves differently in another set of circumstances. Once both sides calmed down and realized that light is one thing AND light is another thing and therefore BOTH are true …reconciliation that the other points of view weren’t false, but merely limited …and opened both sides to even further possibilities.

If we can embrace the same concept with regard to the human mind, we can integrate it and, therefore, reconcile our differences. Now then, let’s get back to the story (that’s up next in #39).

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