Integration of the Mind – Part Thirteen

(Through the Process of Asking Questions)

It's easier to talk to God if he looks friendly.

Dear God:

What if everything I had ever been taught is a mixture of truth and untruth? What about that pesky tree called “Knowledge of Good and Evil?”

What if God answers back, “Interesting question and what about it, does this mean that you are finally coming to I AM for answers? If so, can you begin to imagine the infinite possibilities that are waiting for you?”

Okay, everyone pretty much agrees that there are at least two parts of the mind in/of these body-bags we occupy and those two parts are divided into what are most commonly called the subconscious and the conscious.

The science of epigenetics, which we’re told means above or superseding our individual genetic or DNA codes, tells us that the mind is not merely the brain and, in fact, the brain is an electronic switching station for the human nervous system which is made up of every cell and organ throughout the body and all of which comprises what we refer to as the “mind.”

If this is true and there certainly seems to be firm scientific evidence indicating that it is fact rather than fiction, then terms such as “he isn’t right in his head” may be referring to the switching station for the mind which isn’t reading the electric impulses correctly that are coming to it from the rest of the mind, which is spread throughout the body …or something like that.

If you're not using all of your brain, can I use it?


It has been asserted that the average human being uses only about 7% of the mind’s potential and that even acknowledged geniuses such as Albert Einstein only utilize 10% of the mind’s potential power.

How such percentages are measured with any degree of accuracy is at debate causing some researchers to laugh off any such talk of percentages of utilization as a myth. Some scientific evidence does suggest the possibility that 100% of the mind is utilized during any 24 hour period, but we certainly aren’t conscious of it.

What am I missing here?


I was just reminded what ‘J’ told me at the end of the most recent meeting with my Board of Advisors …and that was to the effect that I could meet with them 24/7 no matter what else I was doing. The full implications of his words didn’t dawn on me until writing this paragraph and I mean RIGHT THIS MINUTE!

That last meeting was about forty-eight hours ago …I have them gathered at the conference table with me right now and Sid just suggested that I read aloud our SPIRIT-PARENT’s words that I transcribed in Part Twelve – and Jere, rather sarcastically suggested I read the whole thing over again, because I obvious hadn’t gotten it.

Gather at the table and have a meeting. Talk to whomever you want.

I fired back at him, “So, okay, you are telling me that is where the answer to my question, ‘what am I missing here?’”

“What do you think?” he asked sardonically.

I replied that I wished he would lighten up a bit . . .

“Yes, Jere,” Zoe, who rarely speaks, added, “I really think you could break into a smile occasionally; the rest of us are enjoying his imperfections.”

“Because it reminds us of our own,” Baba said laughing …and to which ‘J’ contributed a commanding:

“Here, here!” with a benign smile across his face.

Jere responded with what reminded me of an infant’s gas pain that tends to make grandfathers think they are being smiled at and continued, “Okay I’m smiling, but let’s not waste any more time – you’ve just spent two days allowing your conscious mind to drift all over the place …I am going to admit something here, I need the same reminder …please just read SPIRIT’s words again.”

“A whirling dervish does not get to the point of awareness and truth that can be absorbed personally through the study of knowledge, uncovered by anyone else, no matter how highly esteemed by others who live within the expression of humanity. It is time to gather your Board of Advisors, as I will speak to you through them and this will be an important part of your new walk with I AM, which is always new in the NOW. You are going to learn how to change the paradigm that has been holding you back. You are ready for this and it will be a dramatic shift in complete awareness for you.”

I am chagrinned to say the least, I told them …

What the world needs now.

“Don’t beat up on yourself,” this from Sid who continued with a sidelong look at Jere, “all the various appearances you’ve made, Jere, may be considered to be within the ‘expression of humanity,’ and your grave pronouncements both past and present have been noted, but the most refreshing thing I have ever heard from you was that you needed the same words we all need …let’s get on to the ‘dramatic shift in complete awareness’ because that is the enlightenment that’s needed right now and let’s not dwell on what hasn’t been done over the last two days.”

Jere didn’t break out into any hilarity, but he nodded, accepting with much grace what Siddhartha had just said.

Lahti capped it off, for me, by saying: “Look, what the ten of us have in common and is important for you is that we all know, including Jere, that complete awareness is always now, right now and yesterday’s awareness belongs to yesterday.”

With that, together we all read the whole of #12 again and I realize totally, right now, what it was that I was missing and it was twofold, that is, the basic paradigm that has been ruling me all my life and the dramatic change needed in it that is required right now.

It is so simple, yet so profound, that I need to continue meeting with the Board in an almost continuous session for the next several hours for clarity.

Stop the inner struggle and unite your mind.

Here’s the primary clue as to what Integration of the Mind – Part Fourteen is going to contain: How I am to go about making an effective, loving partnership with my personal subconscious to actualize being controlled by our (your and my) SPIRIT-PARENT in everything I do and say.

I am humbled in an excited almost childlike way, realizing that so many of you are miles ahead of me in some areas of “oneness” and yet the Board is assuring me that many of you will have something to take away from what is coming as well as I.

I am being assured that what is ahead for many of us in spiritual and material abundance is that which we have been afraid to even dream about …we are going to learn the importance that virtual has above what we have considered to be real and that, in fact, virtual IS “real” and that what we previously have considered to be “real” doesn’t hold a candle to virtual.

‘J’ and all the other members of the Board of Advisors are as excited about this as I and as Jere just said, “It is high time to move on” – to the smiles of everyone else, including me.


NEW PODCAST: 98 – Integration of the Mind Part 13

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