Integration of the Mind – Part Ten

Can It Really Be That Simple? Perhaps

Both are true.

Just because something is true for me, doesn’t mean it is true for you and vice versa. In the larger scheme of things, it could be that both points of view are true which simply could mean that there are now three points of view all posing as truth.

For many years I referred to myself as a “self-supporting missionary.” Looking back I can say, with a huge laugh, that the reason I was self-supporting was that nobody else would pay me.

That, of course, was before I received the education and ordination required, rather late in life – I was in my fifties – by and from a denomination. I soon learned that being self-supporting also meant freedom from the politics that goes along with being ordained and having my expenses paid by an organization which sent me.

Loose Cannon by Rob Cavanna


For far too long I had been getting my rules directly from SPIRIT – and therefore having finally arrived on the scene of a recognized denomination I was continually being cautioned, rebuked and so on for being a “loose cannon” or for being “off the reservation” …or as one vice president put it, “he makes up his own rules as he goes along.”

I was on a speaking tour of member churches for the purpose of raising money to pay for my travel expenses to the Philippines where I would be working “in the trenches” with some 500 + national missionaries there …a pet project hatched in the mind of the president of the denomination – “to teach them how I prayed and healed” – was how the president presented the idea.

I had become extremely excited about it, and since I worked for the denomination, I hadn’t really asked if it was what I was supposed to be doing.

Looking back I realize that part of the reason I was excited probably had to do with regaining some independence – the national missionaries were totally independent, although closely affiliated with the organization and had, at a convention in the U.S., asked for help.

Why Brad, what a nice tie you have on today.

So, in addition to being able to work independently, free both of the politics and the rules of the denomination …on the now admitted probable list of causes for my excitement was my not so tiny ego which was highly inflated by the assignment.

One of the last places on the tour was a comparatively large church in a small town in the western part of Idaho. This was the site of a conference of several churches from around the Pacific Northwest, including a few in Canada and in attendance were several pastors.

On the first night of the conference, a Sunday evening, a small group of members from a church on the Oregon Coast had invited a non-member and his wife …telling them that there was to be a healing service …she had been diagnosed as having Huntington’s chorea, now more commonly referred to as HD or Huntington’s disease and was totally disabled, confined to a wheelchair and not expected to live.

She was healed …which initially was received, as might be expected, with much rejoicing.

The doubt is palpable. Can you let it go?

There was a pastor’s breakfast scheduled for the following morning …and to which, at the last minute, I was asked to speak. What prompted the invitation was the healing the night before …those who had been present couldn’t stop talking about it and none of the pastors had yet arrived. To say they were curious is an understatement.

There were about twenty present at the breakfast and rather than speak, I decided to just make it an open discussion which I initiated by asking what they had heard.

There was a decided mixture of attitudes. The pastor of the church whose members had invited the woman and her husband, had met with them upon his arrival shortly after the event. He said he had been with them until almost midnight and shared with the breakfast group enthusiastically how the “miracle” had affected “his people” as the couple were now also believers.

Amazingly (it no longer causes me to be amazed, because I understand the phenomena) one of the pastors was openly hostile and wanted to know upon “what scriptural basis” did the healing occur?

Is the correct scripture is relevant to the woman who was healed?

I told them that technically it wasn’t a healing, but rather the removal of the cause of the disease – and read the passage from my Bible which I thought would satisfy him …it didn’t.

A few hours later the president of the denomination arrived and gave me some interesting news. He told me that three of the pastors, who had attended the breakfast and whose churches had a combined membership of over five thousand members, were demanding my resignation and had told him that if I remained at the conference they would pull their churches out of the denomination.

“I have no choice,” he told me, “I cannot afford to lose such a large number of members.”

He graciously admitted to me that it was his entire fault. By now you’re wondering what the issue was …further, you’re wondering why he so willingly accepted the entire responsibility, correct?

The issue was over the fact I had used the “wrong” version of the Bible to quote to the man who had raised the question about the “scriptural basis for the healing.

The president accepted the blame because, he said, he “should have told me that the version I was using was not the version officially approved by the denomination.” …thus ended my two year tenure as Chief Editor of the denomination’s monthly publication and designated conference speaker and back to “self-supporting” status.

Pick the version that healed the woman.

So, you see, there is just a small sample how something can be true for me and not true for somebody else. About two years later I heard that the woman, who had been diagnosed as having HD, was still totally free …since HD has been currently deemed as incurable …how could anyone accept a “cure” as being true?

The woman and her husband certainly believe, the members of that church certainly believe, the woman’s doctor certainly believes, as he told the couple that the “disease is inexplicably in remission” …I’m not familiar enough with the case to know if some of his colleague believe there might have been a misdiagnosis.

We could say that individual perception creates individual reality; can it really be that simple? What, you ask, does this have to do with Integration of the Mind? That is an excellent question.

How we got started down this track of the Integration of the Mind, was my observation of my own processes – consciously I can say I want many things, but I wind up not having them – a case in point is in what I would consider financial prosperity.

Hypnotized to accept less than extraordinary abundance.

Publisher, Ryan Bruce and I have both admitted to having what seemed to us as subconscious blocks to keeping whatever financial prosperity came our way as well as some obvious blocks to getting it in the first place.

The healing of others is almost effortless for both of us as long as the person wanting the healing doesn’t have a segregated mind …and what I mean by that consciously wants to be healed of something, but entertaining a hidden benefit at a subconscious level and therefore creating a conflict that prevents healing.

We began looking at this and wondering if we weren’t doing the same thing related to money …so we asked and were rather surprised by the answers we began to get.

Neither Ryan nor I were conscious of any subconscious conflict UNTIL we began asking the questions. Both of us are gaining clarity and finding ways to get our minds desegregated …so that conscious and subconscious are in harmony – in other words, we are learning how to bring the subconscious into agreement with what we know to be okay, consciously, to receive financially.

Can I control the wild horses in my mind?

We may get into specifics in an upcoming segment or podcast, but for now, I simply want to share an insight I just had to why I told the story of how I was fired as a missionary.

I consciously was extremely motivated to go to the Philippines; in an earlier book, Super Computer, I told the story how SPIRIT revealed the conflict to me – when I asked.

It doesn’t take a psychology major in college to analyze the subconscious conflict that got me fired.

Just a few of the more obvious conflicts, enjoyed the limelight of speaking and the credibility that went along with being ordained and licensed to marry and bury folks (although I always avoided both the latter, nonetheless being licensed, ordained and, yes, being paid does lend certain credibility), but living by “their” rules was obviously intolerable to me – so, the subconscious was simply carrying out my “true,” but hidden wishes.

I hope that makes everything clear for you about what I mean by a mind obviously in conflict and disharmony.

Be on the lookout for #11 …I have a feeling that it will be a doozy!


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