Nov 13
Want to create a better life?
Change how you think!
Almost no sooner did the above words cross my mind – than I sat up and wrote them down on a pad on the nightstand, that I also felt an urgency to get out of bed and check my e-mail.
Four different e-mail marketers saying the same thing with somewhat different words – I’ll stick to the words I’ve used in the above title.
I’m sure that this is not a new thought for me or anyone else and I’m also just as sure that I’ve seen it probably hundreds of times previously, but the words have just never hit me like this before.
One of the referenced marketers also said something, in his little introductory blurb, which is the essence of what the CEO of the publishing company which produces Brad Cullen books, Ryan Bruce, said to me during a telephone conversation yesterday.
“Listen to me,” he said, almost urgently, “what you are all about and what you continually do is urge people to quit following anyone, including you, and get their own connection to our SPIRIT-PARENT. You insult, you cajole, and you preach. Sometimes you say things lovingly, sometimes you come off like you are filled with hostility – the fact is that people get changed because you wake them up.”
Now, the foregoing is a paraphrase of what Ryan said to me …and if I’ve misstated the essence of what he said, I’ll leave it to him to insert an editorial comment – but that is what I walked away with after our conversation.
“I can only share my perspective, but your experience is your own” are the words the referenced marketer used. From this guy’s picture he is far less than half my age – how dare he demonstrate and reiterate the very same wisdom with an assurance about which I am still marveling! (Grin) . . .
Moving on …there are three other people, one a woman, all saying the same thing and selling their own spin of it with “transformational” programs. Here, I’m giving it away. I applaud their work; each and every one of them and not a bit jealous of what I hope are the millions of dollars they make from selling their wares.
Let’s get right to it: When Will You Learn? Everything You Have Already Learned is a DAMNABLE LIE!
If the foregoing abrasive statement isn’t true, then why aren’t you already living the way you want to live? I have the absolute joy of shaking a few (very few) people awake every now and then (rarely).
From the very open admission in the foregoing paragraph, by any account I am a failure – a failure of enormous proportion.
If I could get this one idea across to you, YES YOU, I would feel enormously successful. I have only one purpose, albeit with multiple subsets, in my life on this planet and I am already living within this purpose totally and completely; that purpose is to be connected to and living and operating in the presence and power of the SOURCE of everything (period).
I have no degrees, no certificate that says I’m anything except exactly what I appear to be in the picture on my driver’s license and that Ryan also sprinkles on the website from time to time – a guy in his eighties, just as you would expect any guy in his eighties to look.
I have no education or special qualifications or licensing from any esteemed Board of whatever in whatever state or country – I have only one thing going for me: a few witnesses that can attest to the evidence that somebody received their healing (again, VERY few who have awakened to come into the same presence and power that I enjoy for spiritual healing and healing power to facilitate on behalf of others – period).
That, you see, is not a lie, but a fact and you can have the same thing –and much more than what I have– if you will give up all your preconceived notions about what is important. What, you say, give up what is important to me to adopt Brad Cullen’s preconceived notions about what is important to him? NO, NO, NO, NO!
Upon what basis am I blasting away this time, pray tell?
As I mentioned above, yesterday, my long time friend, publisher of Brad Cullen books and webmaster of the Spiritual Healing Source website, Ryan Bruce, called and at the end of that conversation he admonished me to ask our SPIRIT-PARENT if I shouldn’t take a different approach to some training for a business association in which we are involved.
That precipitated my telling him one of the few stories from my past that he hadn’t heard before.
I was selling swimming pools in Southern California and quite successful at it; making several thousands of dollars in commissions in the season which ran from late May into mid August, just a bit less than three months.
The owner asked if he could count on me to return the next season. He offered to set me up as a manager of his long established operation in the Phoenix area …the season there started, traditionally, in April and extended through September. He basically made me an offer that I couldn’t refuse.
I’d have a crew of eight seasoned salespeople, he told me, and what he suggested is that I would start the season selling with them, so that they would see just how good I was (his words) and that would make them more amenable to listen to my tips and thus improve the sales-to-appointment ratio.
He met me and the other salespeople at the office/warehouse in the Phoenix area the following April and he introduced me telling the other guys that I had broken all records the season before for all of California and, therefore, he had persuaded me to come and manage the Phoenix operation, but, he emphasized, “I’ve told him that I want him to keep his hand in sales, personally, as well as service and installation. I have even learned stuff from this guy,” he said pointedly – “and as you all know, I’m the greatest.”
He meant it; and until I came along, he told them nobody had ever broken his closing record in twenty-five years in the business.
I told them quickly that I was nothing special; I didn’t believe in “bosses” and I would share with them the reasons that I had been successful the previous year in Southern California …I told them that my background was in the sales training business, but that I had sold my business and my copyrights to a large corporation and so on …and I emphasized, again, that anyone could do what I did …that it was purely technique and I would share it with each of them.
Toward the end of June, the owner paid us a visit in Phoenix and, in the sales meeting, asked openly why it was that I had an almost 90% closing ratio and the rest of the sales people were still in the 25 – 35 percent range.
One of the fellows who had been at the Phoenix branch for nine years said, “Nobody can do what this guy does. It isn’t that we’re not teachable, he just does things that are unbelievable.” He repeated the remark emphatically, and went into details how “he doesn’t even answer objections or follow company sales presentation” and then he made a special point that I never dropped the price to get a sale, he said, ”because he doesn’t have to …it’s like people just want to buy from him.”
At this point in the story I told Ryan that this is what made me realize I was glad I was no longer in the business of training salespeople, because it is true, “…I do things that cannot be taught.”
“That’s baloney,” Ryan immediately responded, “they just needed a coach and you refused to coach them. Ask SPIRIT if you shouldn’t find a different way to train people.”
“Oops, you nailed me. I will ask” I said meekly and sincerely, knowing that I needed to hear what he said …and I did ask …and you get to hear yet another story.
I went for a jog this evening during which I did ask the question – should I take Ryan’s admonition seriously? I was shocked by the answer and the answer I received is also the answer to my rather brash opening remarks to this article, along with the abrasive caption at the end of those few paragraphs – SO PAY ATTENTION as I repeat the caption and listen to what I heard from our SPIRIT-PARENT.
When Will You Learn? Everything You Have Already Learned is a DAMNABLE LIE! Frankly I had thought when I wrote that opening that it was just for me …not to upload for an article. When I did ask what Ryan asked me to ask – here was the startling answer:
“The truth is that nobody can do what you do, neither are they supposed to and that is the point they need to get.”
The truth came tumbling in and if you are now ready to be transformed, this truth is for you. The only reason you need to compare yourself to me is not to become anything like me – HEAVEN FORBID and nobody in her or his right mind wants to be like me anyway, right? RIGHT!
BUT, here’s the thing: If you cannot do what you perceive me as doing and want to have the ability to do it, I can give you the steps to getting that ability (period).
The fact is that some salespeople have learned the most important clue from me and have gone on to duplicate and even surpass the results I have gotten, most prefer to think they can’t do it. Wait a minute; this treatise is not about selling or salespeople. You don’t want to be a salesperson, anyway, isn’t that correct? – But you come to this website, because you are drawn by SPIRIT to be here, if not, I suggest you ask SPIRIT if you shouldn’t go elsewhere!
Ryan named this website Spiritual Healing Source for one purpose – to signal that is what it is about – CONNECTING WITH OUR SPIRIT-PARENT for spiritual healing for YOU and to access healing power to facilitate on behalf of others …and if you will apply the one simple lesson in the following story undergirded by SPIRIT’s words above, YOUR transformation shall begin!
How do I know this? Because others before you have finally come to the realization they didn’t need me or anyone else, but needed only to be connected directly to SPIRIT.
Let’s get something out of the way right now! As one who believes in the incredible power of the subconscious within these body-bags we occupy; I hope the following provides some illumination for those of you who feel the need to argue about whether there is also a power beyond the subconscious.
There are those who continually argue with me that they are already connected – that’s nice, but where is the evidence? In other words, to put it as bluntly as possible – how come you don’t feel like it? How come the seemingly miraculous doesn’t follow you around?
Are you ready for the story? Because, in this story, is the answer for YOU – not to be like me (good grief), but to be YOU …energized with your own direct connection with I AM!
Yep, I AM, by that same voice that spoke to that old Jew, Moses, out of a burning bush in the middle of the desert which began all this hassle we still have today in the Middle East. Don’t believe that old story? YOU DON’T HAVE TO!
Neither do you have to believe that the following story about a couple of Jewish prophets is literally true, I’m merely sharing it because I caught the essence of truth in it when I stumbled across it many years ago.
Whether it is a Jewish fairy tale, or historical fact, as many Muslims, Jews and Christians all believe, is not an argument in which I am willing to engage, neither will winning such an argument provide transformation for anyone!
IF, however, you are willing to remove your head from the sand and begin APPLYING the truth contained in the story, literal or no, you will experience transformation, but I have to tell you that you will experience it, only AFTER IT IS ALREADY BEGUN HAPPENING TO YOU.
If you continue believing, doing and saying what you’ve always believed, said and done – lots of luck in the transformational arena. It ain’t gonna happen!
All the knowledge you have gained from whatever human source, including, if anything, from this one, is USELESS unless and until it is applied and is getting RESULTS!
By applying what I got out of the story …it changed me and that is the only reason I share it, if it doesn’t change you I have a simple solution for YOU, which I will share at the end of the story – here goes, both the story and how I applied it – and the solution for YOU if you don’t think you can apply what I applied – AND THAT IS PERFECTLY OKAY – you don’t want to be like Brad Cullen anyway, correct?
Elijah, a man you can read about in I Kings in both the Christian and in the Jewish versions of the Bible – and please remember that the Qur’an refers to the Jewish prophet Elijah as a “great and holy man” – just one of the many things upon which all three religions agree.
This particular story is only about what Elijah said to a young man who was to receive Elijah’s “mantle” and when he did receive it …BANG! He produced as many miracles as the “great” one before him had.
Why we still hear more about Elijah than his protégé should be amazing to us. Perhaps the reason is that not everyone can agree how to pronounce his name Elisha (?) The “proper” pronunciation is hardly germane to YOUR transformation.
Elisha took it upon himself to become Elijah’s personal assistant – a valet and aide of sorts. That he was a nuisance to the “great one” is evidenced in the story by Elijah basically and continually telling the kid to “get lost.”
Finally, in obvious exasperation, he asked Elisha, “Look, just what is it that you want from me?”
Without hesitation, Elisha answered: “I want twice as much of the same Spirit as is within you!”
Elijah’s answer puzzled me at first, he told the young man, “You have asked for a hard thing, but listen carefully to what I have to tell you and if you do what I tell you to do, you can get what you asked.”
What I saw in the story, however, was that Elisha could tell that there was no way in the world he could duplicate what Elijah did in his own power. Elisha recognized that Elijah had something greater in him than merely being a “great man” …not only that, but Elisha also realized that in order to do what Elijah did he would need to have twice as much of that power.
Those who get their own breakthrough or “transformation” by listening to me finally get this: It isn’t “me” that does what I do – when somebody gets healed they receive it directly from the SOURCE. I often reference something else Jesus said, “It was your faith that healed you.”
If you are in need of healing (aren’t we all, at some level or another?) and if you are willing to see something differently than your current religious perspective dictates, you will understand something else Jesus said: “Physician, heal yourself.” He said that in obvious relationship to something that was going on within him that needed to be “fixed.”
About twenty years ago the revelation came upon me quite clearly that Jesus told his disciples, and the rest of us by extension, that we are to get the same faith he employed and which he referred to in the original language as “God-faith” or “the faith of God” and thereby be enabled to do the very same things that he did.
Further, I was shown clearly that he said he didn’t do any of these things for which he was noted. It was the “Father” (I supplant this term with SPIRIT-PARENT, because Jesus said that there is no male or female in the “kingdom of God”), in him who did these things and that the words Jesus spoke were not his words, but, again, the words of our SPIRIT-PARENT.
Now then, what the story of Elijah/Elisha revealed to me is an ancient template (again, historical fact or myth, the “truth” can still be gleaned from it) of how I could, be, do and say the same things Jesus was, did and said BECAUSE HE DIDN’T DO OR SAY THEM AND neither would “I” have to… the very same SOURCE, our SPIRIT-PARENT does, says and IS them.
The point is that it is BOTH the power resident within us and just as with Jesus and the power BEYOND us. Please don’t write me with your arguments – if you don’t have the ability to do what Jesus did, it simply means that you haven’t received God-faith as yet – and you can argue until you are blue in the face and your argument will not produce that kind of faith.
I’m being instructed to hammer this point home: People mess up this simple message Jesus brought us with religious nonsense that “he was the only perfect man” and so forth, when he said: “Any individual who believes in me will do the very same things you have seen me do.” Apparently Jesus was lying through his teeth, is one simple answer to the obvious riddle, or as one writer put it, or he had a brain we could liken to scrambled eggs.
Here is what I saw from the example of Elijah and Elisha. If I wanted to take Jesus’ words seriously I would have to do what Jesus said. If, like Elisha, I wanted to be able to do what Jesus was recorded by some followers as having done, I would have to have a lot more than twice the amount of the same Spirit that was in him.
Here is my simple application – I began declaring, “I want more of Your Spirit.” I still say it when I don’t feel adequate to whatever task, including writing this. “I want more of YOUR SPIRIT!” Daily, several times a day, I say this STILL today.
I don’t know squat, I cannot do squat, but the SOURCE of everything BY WHATEVER OTHER TITLE OR NAME = BWOTON …can and does. The stories I tell are true, but they aren’t about “me” …it isn’t “my” ministry.
Now then, I promised a solution for those of you who simply cannot “buy into” what I have written here – it is perfectly okay, really!
However, back to one of those four e-mail marketers that were using a variation of the same words I was given, said: “Don’t think you can go into the familiar to expect change.”
There’s the solution …stop arguing for your limitations which come from your religious programming. You can go, oh so much further than I have, but you’re going to have to hurry because I get better and better every day, because it isn’t “me” …get it? …the point of my favorite book I was given to write …Leapfrog – I expect you to soar way beyond what I can do, because, between BOTH the power within you and the power beyond you …harnessed together, you will be YOU energized for spiritual healing and healing power – as Ryan says, that’s what we’re all about.
P.S. Just in case you want to know what the one secret that a few salespeople have gotten and with which they went on to do far better than I – I prayed the following before I ever walked into a prospect’s home or office: “Help me to think more in terms of their interests than my own.” I don’t know if that is beyond you, but it certainly is beyond me …but I do believe that it is the “will” of my perfect Daddy/Mommy SOURCE.