Seven Secrets Part 7, Choose to Use Your Authority!


Choose to use your authority and use it relentlessly!

Where does your Authority come from?

When I first understood that every believer has authority, and I began to use it, some people began saying that I had “the gift of faith.” I corrected them and said that I did not have faith the way they were using the term, I just understood my authority in Christ and knew how to use it.

Here’s how it came about. As you recall, Jesus appointed seventy disciples in addition to the twelve. He sent them out with specific instructions (Luke 10:1-24). When I came across this passage I was impressed by the clarity with which he spoke to these seventy. No parables here, just straight talk about what to do and how to go about doing it.

When the seventy returned they excitedly told Jesus, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name!”

I did a word study in the original language and discovered that Jesus’ response was very precise: “Yes I know,” Jesus answered, “I saw Satan fall just like lighting from above. I am telling you that I give you all authority and miracle working power to trample on these agents of the enemy and they will not be able to harm you. You will be able to undo their negative miracles.”

Are these the purveyors of Negative Miracles?

“What does this mean and is it for today?” I asked, and received an inner assurance that indeed it was for today. I knew that I had much to learn, but I also knew that what I had been recently witnessing and knew from experience was real, was for ALL believers. I knew that demons were real because I had seen them manifest. I now understood what the “negative miracles” were; they were diseases of all sorts as well as mental illness caused by these enemy agents. I had seen dramatic evidence that when you get rid of the demons causing these problems the problems went away as well. I also understood clearly that the ability to wield this authority over enemy agents was not something to “get off on,” or be particularly excited about – no, our excitement is to come from the knowledge that our names are recorded in the kingdom of God!

During this period I met a few people that were part of different groups that went by the name, “The Seventy.” They had no connection with each other, but they took their instructions from this same passage in Luke – and they had the same understanding that I had received. They had no apparent human leadership, but always went two by two according to those same instructions and they each knew of others in “the seventy,” but again, there was no apparent organization or connection.

Also, it was during this period that my “eyes were opened” to what Jesus practiced himself regularly and said was the only way to adequately prepare for using this authority and dunamis (pronounced doo-nah-meese and literally meaning the ability to perform the apparent miraculous) against enemy agents.

I learned that to build on the authority that each of us have, I had to be relentless and not give up because of apparent failure.

Is this how you build Authority?

Jesus told a rather long story about a judge that didn’t care too much about administering real justice. But there was a widow that wouldn’t leave him alone. Somebody kept stealing her stuff. She kept on bugging him and bugging this judge. She kept crying out, “I want justice for me from my adversary!” Over and over and over again she would go to the judge. For a long time this judge didn’t pay any attention to her.

Then it finally dawned on him… “This woman is going to wear me out,” he said to himself, “So I am going to avenge her.”

Jesus said, “Pay attention to what this unrighteous judge said. Now then, do you think God will not avenge those that belong to Him… even though they are far from perfect? I tell you that He will avenge them and speedily so. Yet when I come, will I really find this kind of faith in operation?” What kind of faith? This faith of relentless pursuit!

This is the kind of faith Jesus is talking about. It has nothing to do with how good we’ve been or how righteous we are – it has to do with continually demanding that we be avenged for all that has been stolen from us. We have been bought and paid for, but our adversary has stolen what belongs to us, i.e., perfect health, prosperity and liberty – yes abundance in all things including faith and the authority of our Dad.

Every day I get e-mails from people that are having horrific problems, and are filled with all kinds of theological and doctrinal understanding about what they call “faith.” Yet they miss the essence of this kind of faith… the kind of faith Jesus is looking for. Crying out day and night to the ultimate Judge of things, “avenge me of my adversary!” and doing so relentlessly.

One of the things that some people miss is that faith comes by relentlessly going after it. In other words faith is obtained through the relentless application of this kind of faith. It builds upon itself.

Some write to me saying that they have not seen what I have seen – therefore it isn’t for everyone. What they fail to realize is that the reason I am able to share these things, is because I took Jesus’ words seriously and relentlessly pursued what he said was for everyone that believed. I didn’t receive my first understanding of the authority we all have until I was in my fifties. That understanding grew and continues to grow today as I relentlessly pursue the ONE that gives it – the ONE that avenges my adversary so that I am able to do what Jesus said each of us would be able to do if we believe (enough).

This, remember, isn’t about me doing anything. It is about anyone being able to do the seemingly impossible by taking what Jesus said seriously, that is, that we can do all the things Jesus did IF we believe enough. Getting rid of all kinds of diseases and maladies, making the blind see, the deaf hear, getting rid of demons and the problems they cause – and yes calming storms. It most likely won’t happen the first day that you choose to believe and begin to actively and relentless pursue it, but it will if you keep pursuing the One that gives authority and faith.

Is He just another Sunday preacher?

In the 1960s I remember meeting an older man who was a Pentecostal preacher with a small “storefront” church. After chatting for several minutes and getting quite comfortable with him, I admitted that something was troubling me. I had been wondering if “speaking in tongues,” healing the sick, casting out demons and other such manifestations that occurred in Pentecostal churches and the basis for which is found in the 16th chapter of Mark were for everyone.

“Oh my no,” he said easily, “Jesus said these would be signs that would follow them who believe. So if you don’t believe it there is no reason to be bothered because they won’t follow you, it’s as simple as that.”

And so it is – just that simple. The good news is that if we don’t believe – there is a remedy for it. Don’t forget Jesus said nothing is impossible to them that believe. If we make excuses for not doing what Jesus said we would do, or argue against what Jesus said we would do IF we believe — don’t worry about it – nothing will happen.

In Freedom,

Brad Cullen


I feel compelled today, July 28th 2010, to add a postscript. The road to acquiring more faith is not paved with logic, reason and study. It is a simple path. Speak authoritatively, over and over and over again that you want the perfect will (desires and purposes) of the SOURCE (by whatever other title or name) including more and ever increasing faith. Keep doing this UNTIL you become aware that your faith has increased and is constantly, continually, ever increasing. You will find that the more you have, the more you want. The more you want the more you will have and the more you have the more you will continue demanding that the obstacles to acquiring ever more faith get out of your way. It really is that simple and defies all the logic and reasoning of man.

Don’t forget the podcast to go with this Fantastic Secret! Podcast 14 June 28 2010 Seven Secrets part 7

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