The Past is Past …Unless We Relive It!

Some things can make avoiding tragedy easier. Read on...

Over and Over and Over Again

Unless we do something consciously about the subconscious we are destined to relive every mistake we’ve ever made. That is a tragedy that can be easily avoided.

If we don’t grab hold of the fact that our past is ever-present in that sub-conscious part of the brain, we are continually living in the past …unconsciously creating the same scenarios which have given us untold misery.

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.”

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that the foregoing “prayer,” which is made ever more famous and popular by those who urge the twelve-step program as a magic elixir, cure-all, formed earlier as the “ten steps,” by Bill Wilson the originator of Alcoholics Anonymous, is a horrid example of sub-conscious claptrap.

What on earth would cause me to say such a thing — I can tell you what is NOT the cause of me saying it …the unseen ruler of this world who tried to stop Jesus in his tracks, NO! The cause of me saying it is the one who gives the authority and power to OVERCOME ALL OF THIS RULER’S STUFF.

And Ryan Bruce thinks Satan is just a tool of the church.

Joy Scudder, the editor of my forthcoming book, The 4th Dimension, often says she doesn’t believe in Satan or demons, but admits she overcomes their attacks immediately by saying emphatically, “Satan, get behind me!”

If you are going to believe the words which purportedly came out of the mouth of Jesus, here’s something you may want to remember: The ruler of this physical plane is the individual Jesus referred to as “Satan.” Jesus said that Satan has only two primary purposes: To steal our faith and to kill these body bags we occupy; he referred to this entity as our adversary or “enemy.”

Now, the above referenced editor, Madame Scudder, is of the mindset that many hold, that is, that Satan is representative of the negative thoughts in our minds; nothing more, nothing less. Do I disagree with her? What difference does it make? …because we both use the same method, basically, to deal with the same challenge!


Whether Satan is “real” is purely a matter of perspective. The result is the same, “he” or “it” doesn’t have to rule over you, but unless you do something about it, you remain powerless, is that what you want?

Are you ready for change? Come on let's fly!

Now, let’s get back to this “prayer” about which Brad Cullen has the gall to refer to as “claptrap” …but only as a means by which to get your attention.

If we continually make the request of the ONE who continually creates everything to “grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change” then, dear friends, we are asking to be powerless over many things which are easily changed! Some of us just don’t realize it yet.

Granted, from one perspective, if you are of a mindset that your situation cannot be “fixed” – who could argue that you are probably better off if you accept it rather than going crazy over it?

What I will challenge you with is what happened to me when I accepted something Jesus said as immutable truth and began to practice my own understanding of how to put it into action …my life changed from one of being a declared victim, “I’m only human,” to the realization that nothing is impossible if I believe enough (the operative word is enough).

Brad say's this is POISON. Don't agree...? email him.

Those are the words that Jesus spoke and if you believe something else he said, they weren’t his words, but the words his (your and our) SPIRIT-PARENT was speaking through him AND EVER READY TO SPEAK THROUGH YOU AND ME!

So, from the perspective of accepting all the limiting ideas continually bubbling up from the unconscious and then WE ask to accept them with serenity, stands in the way of realizing our power and authority granted to us by our SPIRIT-PARENT – that prayer of serenity is not merely “claptrap” IT IS POISON!

Yes …there’s more to come, but only if you want it. By the grace of “God” (by whatever other title or name) I’ll continue delivering, you, however, have the power to turn it off.

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