Would You Like to Know Why . . . “Salvation” is NOT the Answer?

Brad Cullen

The reasons I refuse the label of “Christian” to be attached to me are myriad, but primary among them is the focus on this word “salvation.” There are three basic “camps” within Christianity:

1. Those who believe in the doctrine of “Eternal Security” or, more to the issue, “once saved …always saved.”

2. Those who believe that you can lose your “salvation.”

3. Those who believe in “Universal Salvation,” that is, everyone is already “saved.”

What the basic tenet of “salvation” means to most folks, who give a hang about it, is that there are two possible destinations after one dies, that is, “heaven” or “hell” and what “salvation” is all about is the notion of being “saved” from having to go to the latter.

In “Gandhi,” the epic film about Mohandas K. Gandhi, I loved the scene depicting a fellow Hindu coming to Gandhi and saying he was doomed to go to hell because he wanted to kill the Muslim who had been responsible for the death of his young boy during the riots in India when India was becoming independent from British rule.

Channeling Wisdom from Source is Yours to do, just ask, What Now?

Gandhi asked the man if he wanted to be saved from going to hell, the man cried, oh yes. As best I recall, Gandhi said, “Go find a Muslim boy whose parents have been killed at the hands of Hindus, and raise him as your own, but raise him as a Muslim and you will be saved.” I thought it sounded something kinda like what Solomon would have said …but same/same loving wisdom from the SOURCE.

I’m going through the final proofing of a forthcoming book soon to be published under the title, The 4th Dimension, and this paragraph jumped off the page at me and practically demanded that I write an article for Ryan to post, whenever:

“Christians, particularly, think the great hope is ‘going to heaven’ after they experience physical death. There is a far grander truth to know and explore.”

Per usual, I didn’t remember writing those words and they hit me as if they were brand new – I forgot all about the task at hand, that is, preparing the draft to upload to the publisher and just kept on reading:

“Jesus said two things that would tend to negate the ‘great hope’ and draw the curtains open to the vista of the ‘grander view.’

“The first we might want to catch is that Jesus said death is abolished entirely.  That one is represented by: ‘Anyone who believes in me will never die.’

“Scratch very deeply below the surface of a graduate of Seminary and you’ll hear that Jesus wasn’t referring to physical death.

“The second: ‘Don’t look here or there for the kingdom of heaven …for it is within you.’

“If you have a hard time putting your ‘head around’ those two, think about the following one …again, out of the mouth of Jesus: ‘Nothing will be impossible to any individual who believes enough.’

“As I’ve said before, the words, ‘Eternal Life,’ are translated from a term in the original language that clearly and literally refers to a parallel existence that is ongoing this very moment …right NOW.” [end quote]

I guess one of the things on my mind has been what a neighbor of mine, to whom I’d handed a copy of “my” latest book, Being Jesus, a few days ago, caught up with me yesterday and said, “Well, after two years I finally know what Brad believes, well done and thank you!”

Salvation is not relevant to whom?

He is an avowed Christian and I don’t get into too many conversations with Christians or others of strongly held religious views, there simply is no point. He and his wife have tried to get me to comment on any number of issues that are important to them, in the context of some deeply held tenet with which I feel the same as I do about “salvation”—that is, IT IS IRRELEVANT!

My curiosity was piqued, Being Jesus, would hardly fit into this guys brand of anything.

So I said, “So you say, well done, are you being serious? Frankly, Claude, I thought the book would offend you, but I felt nudged to give you a copy and I try not to ignore leadings like that.”

“To be truthful, it wasn’t too long ago, I’m sure, it would have offended both Cleo and me, but we’ve been reading it together and talking about it, I hope you don’t mind – I loaned it to a friend of mine – insisting that he give it back – I’m going to read it again and again.”

“Really! …I’m gratified, I think the book was inspired, literally, so I don’t take any credit for writing it, but it still feels good to hear others say they like something I’ve written – but what grabbed you specifically?”

“Well, Cleo and I had a good laugh about that, because now we understand why you basically dance around and almost have never answered our direct questions …neither of us can explain it – only it’s about the best damn thing either of us have ever read about Jesus and some of the things he said that we just flat never paid any attention to before …and I’d agree with you, my friend, it is inspired.

“We’re going on the road for a few weeks and I just wanted to tell you that book is going with us.” Claude and Cleo travel all over the place in their huge, beautiful, diesel-powered motor home.

I told him that I would be glad to give him additional copies if he wanted to share them with anybody else.

“How much to buy, say twenty or thirty” he asked.

“My cost is around $3.50 per copy, including shipping at that quantity – would that work for you?”

He said he wanted to start with twenty . . .

The Being Jesus Distribution center, coming to a lake near you!

Here’s what is so amazing to me …I had a vision recently that if I would just start giving Being Jesus away and forget all my gimmicky, manipulative ways, of trying to get people to read it, that millions of people would read it. Could this be the start?

Where was I? Oh yeah …salvation and its irrelevancy. It doesn’t matter, really.

If you want a free copy of Being Jesus – first read Ryan’s foreword:

Being Jesus

Publisher’s Foreword

It has been almost two years since I contacted Brad Cullen through a mutual friend exploring the possibility of sponsoring a website upon which Brad could post articles of a spiritual nature,

somewhat regularly.

Back in the late 1990s I was first introduced to Brad. Both my wife and I felt that Brad should be published among a far wider audience. He wrote his first novel Leapfrog in 2003 and a

vision was formed in me to make a movie of it. Production is planned.

Leapfrog is a powerful book that has changed many lives, including my own, and is recommended “foundational” reading – I have made it available to download free on the website, www.spiritualhealingsource.com, it can also be ordered in bound and printed form from Amazon – by just a click on the website.

Now then, about this book, Being Jesus: As Brad says, in his Introduction, that I wanted to change the title to “Moving on from Discipleship” …for surely that is what it is; a huge forward

march from all the arcane Christian evangelical slogans related to “following Jesus.”

Being Jesus is vintage Brad Cullen, guaranteed to upset and shake many a reader’s traditional understanding and concepts.

I feel utterly privileged to work with this man and to promote his writings – Brad puts on no airs and insists that each of us can and, in fact, must go directly to the SOURCE for guidance and direction in every area of our lives – my relationship to Brad has changed how I do business, how I approach my marriage and every other aspect of my life.

It is my hope that you will find Being Jesus a rewarding “trip.” I am not in the publishing business to make money. In fact, I think the publishing of paper books is passé, but I can tell you that publishing the works of Brad Cullen is a rewarding experience.

My only plea is that you go and ask to see if you shouldn’t participate in distributing Brad’s books. The best way to participate is to tell someone else how life-changing Brad’s books are. After you finish this book, take the time to share what you learned, what changed in you and most of all how everyone has the opportunity to connect directly to their Source.

Thank you,

Ryan Bruce, CEO

Spiritual healing Source

If you want a “shelf” copy of Being Jesus free, with no strings, whatever, attached, just drop me a line brad@spiritualhealingsource.com and I’ll send you one as long as finances permit. Just be fair …I’m supposed to add, and you know what that means (I guess).

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