Feb 12
Listening to Voices 9
(What If This Is True?)
Chapter Nine
What now?
“Tell them how you got to this point of hearing My voice and how you came to know the difference between the voice of I AM, and the cacophony of other voices …whatever their source.”
In the foregoing chapter (#8) I made reference to how I have irritated some people by implying that “my” way of praying gets better results than theirs. One of the most exciting examples of this, (I promise not to repeat the entire story), was a college student, in her early twenties, who had read a paper of mine.
She asked, “Why should I pay any attention to what you say about praying, I mean what is the difference between how you pray and the way I pray?”
The reason this story is so exciting to me is she walked out angrily, went home, got on her knees beside her bed and beat on the top of it with her fists and asked, “why can’t I get answers to my prayers like that horrid man” (that would be me) …I was later told by her professor that she did this for two hours and kept at it until she realized she was healed of a debilitating disease that was forcing her to leave school – gone, poof healed!.
That, you see, has become my clarion call to tell people to “go direct.” The only difference in the way she prayed that morning than how she had prayed all her life is that all the flowery phraseology and politeness toward our SPIRIT-PARENT was replaced with anger at me and intensity of her own desire …until IT WORKED!
I just asked if I was off-track from my opening instructions, the answer I received was to let the entire foregoing stand, as is, and to now move on to explain the point I was making.
That is, it isn’t “my way” of praying that is important, but what is important is that you not ask me to pray for you, but for you to receive results directly because our SPIRIT-PARENT wants to respond to each of us directly from each of us going privately and directly!
What I am supposed to share is how I got past a bunch of religious gobbledygook about praying to the point where I was communing directly because I began “hearing” how and what I was supposed to be doing at any particular moment – which is what is happening right now as I write this.
It matters not whether you like it …I’m writing for those who have a hunger for this particular slice of truth, because that is what I am directed to do.
I have a tendency, in “the natural,” to be a people pleaser. That has been supplanted in this realm by listening until I hear, making sure I’m getting it clearly and being obedient to our SPIRIT-PARENT’s leading; whether it pleases our audience does not rule me. Doesn’t stop the desire, it’s just not my purpose.
Part of the “religious gobbledygook,” of which I became aware that was blocking me, was getting involved intellectually in the arguments of others as to what was the primary basis of “spiritual growth.”
Some said it was an intense study of the whole of the Bible, meaning at the time, for me, what I’ve come to describe as the “Christian Bible” comprised of the “Old” and “New” Testaments.
What freed me up from that LIE was the fact that as I began to venture into a variety of church experiences, the churches in which I experienced both spiritual coldness and lukewarmness was in those churches that labeled themselves as “Bible-believing” or had the word “Bible” incorporated in the name on the sign in front.
If the sign out front proclaimed that it was a “Bible Church” it was an almost guarantee of some barely warmed over ritual – the degree of warmth is unimportant …it no longer met the criteria which had been sowed into my being, which admittedly had come from a passage in the New Testament.
Purportedly words that came through the mouth of Jesus: “I wish that you were either “hot” or “cold, instead you are lukewarm causing me to vomit.”
The feigned “heat” of some Pentecostal or Charismatic assemblies became to me as much a turn-off as the cold ritual of the churches that made up the “high” churches such as Anglican, Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodoxy.
What was surprising to me was that in the apparent cold of the ritualistic “high” church experience and the revved up fervor of the other, most often the atmosphere (to me) was an apparent deadness, but on occasion, in both, there was the pure white heat of the love and presence of our SPIRIT-PARENT.
Whereas in those churches designated as the “Bible” variety the atmosphere was neither “hot” nor “cold,” but rather “lukewarm.”
I began to ask if it was merely symbolic, or something else about the “Bible” designation of these churches. What I heard confirmed my suspicions.
“These have not lost their first love …they have abandoned any love for I AM and replaced it with an alien affection for what they mistakenly perceive is “My word,” this instead of My Presence and Power which is My Word! This is what will come to be known as ‘Bible bondage.’”
No little part of Christendom has forsaken, “Seeking first the kingdom of God,” and missing out on His righteousness by making the Bible their “God.”
Another argument that I became caught up in was between those who said spiritual growth was a process that took time; on the other side were those who said it took an infusion, infilling or baptism in or of the SPIRIT.
I’ve come to see that spirituality is a product of both. This still begs the question of what changed everything for me.
One more argument needs to be mentioned: The one between those who insist that by inviting Jesus Christ into one’s life and being, thus, “born again” we have all the Spirit we will ever need. The other side of that argument is that we need a subsequent dose of SPIRIT. This actually is just another way of stating the process vs. infusion argument.
The POINT…hurrah, we’ve reached the POINT! What changed everything for me was to understand that SPIRIT is always in the now. My experiences are always NOW. Not to be maintained or bragged about, but to be continually ongoing.
I have shared many times with groups and in writing that almost every morning I wake up with no faith, nada!
I finally asked what my purpose in life should be. The answer, at first, seemed strange – I heard that it was my choice!
Then it struck me: What I wanted more than anything else was to have the faith I saw as necessary for producing the kinds of things I most admired in so few others.
They had a deep peace about everything and power that did not come from force of personality, but rather the seeming “miraculous” healing at just a word or a touch; things I had witnessed but had not yet experienced.
As I began vocalizing this desire in my “praying” it slowly dawned on me that everyone I had seen with this strange combination of spiritual peace, power and purpose … had spent time fasting, that is, had gone without eating for days and even weeks and prayed continually.
I remembered that in Matthew’s account of Jesus getting rid of the spirit-agent that caused seizures in a little boy – and his disciples asking why they had been unable to get rid of it – when they previously got rid of such things – Jesus saying to them that they lacked enough faith to remove this particular spirit agent because they had not fasted and prayed sufficiently – because if they had, NOTHING WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE for them.
What followed was my asking, what kind of fasting and what kind of prayer?
Then I came to the realization that what people had and that I lacked was an intimate relationship with our SPIRIT-PARENT and that it was that which provided such a marked and visible difference in them – results getting faith was just part of the intimacy package.
What I needed was an entirely different orientation as to my purpose in life! In order to have all the faith I needed, I became aware that it sprang from an intimate relationship with our SPIRIT-PARENT. Our SPIRIT-PARENT is faith.
My purpose in life, from that point forward, must be a moment-by-moment, intimate relationship with “Daddy” (my intimately affectionate term for our SPIRIT-PARENT).
My point of awareness today has to do with several things, but the kind of fasting and prayer I was shown was a huge factor.
As the intimacy grew, my faith grew. As my faith grew I began to understand that there was only one sin and spiritual deadness came about as a result of that one sin and all the other junk in my life I had labeled as sins were simply a result of not spending the requisite energy coming into our SPIRIT-PARENT’s presence.
I also saw that our SPIRIT PARENT loved everyone and wanted that intimacy with all who are willing to go beyond their preconceived ideas and move into that realm.
Seeking first the kingdom of God – or, putting it in primary importance is the how of what Ryan and I have coined Universal Automation, meaning being in “that place” of the kingdom wherein and whereof everything we need comes about as a “matter of course” or “automatically.”
How I access it is to ask, what now? When I sense the dullness and deadness of faithlessness it is because I haven’t broken through into the NOW where our SPIRIT-PARENT exists. “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.”
I have taken a story Jesus told about two men who went up to the temple for prayer, seriously and literally. When I am “not on fire” it is because I am missing (not in the presence of) our SPIRIT-PARENT and I do the one thing and only one thing Jesus said about acquiring that “righteousness” …not of men and their religious nonsense, but in the “eyes” of “God.”
I beat on my chest and cry out for mercy for being such a sinner. I do that UNTIL I sense the presence and power of Daddy!
That’s it! Ryan says that so much of what I write is over the heads of some people because they don’t have the Leapfrog experience that comes from reading either the novel, available free on the spiritualhealingsource.com website, or taking the 21 day challenge also available free.
If you have trouble finding it on the website send me an e-mail and I’ll begin the process of sending you one installment at a time and working through it with you according to what I sense from your request.
I don’t know if it is true, about reading either the “21 day” series or Leapfrog, but I do know I’m being instructed to mention it. Both contain the kind of fasting and prayer that I’ve mentioned in this chapter. The point is to go directly to Daddy, to leap way over our heads and get what our SPIRIT-PARENT has specifically tailored to meet your individual needs.
See you in chapter ten.