Feb 12
Listening to Voices 8
(What If This Is True?)
Chapter Eight
“If it be thy will” …an e-mail I opened just this morning precipitated my going to our SPIRIT-PARENT and getting this little catch phrase, with which some Christians the world over, dutifully end their “praying” and wonder why they never get any results. It is a “voice” to which we can stop listening and also stop speaking.
“Interrupt the pattern and move into another entirely different way of effective prayer …that is, PRAYER THAT GETS RESULTS!”
Thank you Daddy! I just asked how to put the thoughts I’m receiving into an effective way of writing it for those who have the eyes to see it.
Interrupt the pattern of our thinking as well as speaking! …for many years I have railed and told many stories about inflaming the anger of people when they ask me with hostility how what I know about praying is any different or better than their way of praying.
Are you ready for my answer? Are you sure? Some of you will “get this” and some of you won’t. The prime criterion for “getting it” is the willingness to change, that is, to interrupt habit patterns of insisting upon bringing old religious traditions into the arena of what we perceive as “truth.”
This formal, respectful and “awe for God” sounding phrase, “if it be thy will,” exposes a dreadful hole (and lack of whole) in our spiritual armor.
Here is the reason some have more effectiveness in (meaning getting results from) their “praying” than do others: Those effective at getting results from speaking toward our SPIRIT-PARENT understand that it takes an entirely different mindset.
The italicized term, speaking toward, in the foregoing paragraph, is one of the key elements. In the words that were purported to have come through the mouth of Jesus it is very clear in the original language that the words which the KJV translated as “prayer” literally meant command and demand. Further, in context, it means to do so relentlessly and continually until what is being spoken comes into realization on the physical plane.
Before I could see this and put it into practice I had to see something else. I had to go through a change in my thinking. I had to be at the point of believing that I could demand/command anything from our SPIRIT-PARENT.
That is exactly where I started, that is, by asking how to do exactly that. How simple was the answer when I was willing to ask, at that particular place in my thought processes. The answer, of course, was my mind needed to be renewed!
The obstacles in the way of getting answers to prayer were in my mind. The obstacles to my being an intercessor on behalf of others for healing or whatever were in their minds and my mind.
I could easily command/demand when I knew beforehand that I was actually speaking the desires and purposes of our SPIRIT-PARENT, but those desires and purposes coudn’t be brought into existence on the physical plane if the obstacles were not dealt with.
People have questioned me as to the reason I will often refuse to pray for their healing. If they have things going on in their minds, our (YOUR AND MY) SPIRIT-PARENT knows it and I know those need to be dealt with first!
In general terms, I know it is always within the desires and purposes (“will”) of our SPIRIT-PARENT to heal everyone – the question, often lamented, “Why does God heal some and not others” is simply met with the understanding of all the foregoing (enough said).
I was soon able to tell anyone (after getting an okay from Daddy) who really wanted to know why I thought my praying was any different from, or better than the way they prayed that the answer was very simple:
“Because when I pray I know that the result I’m praying for will come into being and you don’t” (fairly easy to see why that would tick somebody off, is it not)?
I’m getting that this is enough (too much) for some and we’ll continue on this topic if we’re supposed to in a later (next?) chapter.