Feb 12
Listening to Voices 6
(What If This Is True?)
Chapter Six
“Don’t Preach …Practice”
These words came this morning after much demanding for clarity. I’ve been quite unsettled for two days and didn’t know the root cause.
Finally, the breakthrough – “Stay within your anointing.”
I asked what that meant, and heard that I already knew the answer.
Two more of those “rattling around my head” phrases are coming to me that I know I need to no longer pay heed. “Practice what you preach” and “Don’t talk the talk unless you walk the walk.” We’ll come back to these in a moment.
“My anointing” has to do with something Jesus said to Peter when he was asking about John …and I have been led to adopt it as my own, “What’s that to you? You come and follow me.”
If others think or believe differently than I …our SPIRIT-PARENT, when I ask about it, reminds me of this commitment, but not always, in fact, sometimes I’m led to do something specific, but often admonished not to judge, but to just keep coming to HER/HIM/IT and following what I am given.
If you’ve followed our website (spiritualhealingsource.com) for any time, you already know that when I quote the words of Jesus the quote is always in the context of him also saying that the words he spoke were not “his,” but the words of our SPIRIT-PARENT which, again, he said spoke both the words and performed the seeming “miracles” that Jesus was credited with performing. Hear this clearly: Jesus did nothing; our SPIRIT-PARENT did everything through Jesus.
“My anointing” has to do, in part, with also proclaiming that any individual who believes enough will not only do the same things Jesus did and more and not only say the things that Jesus said, but actually BE Jesus …and the reason I am “anointed,” that is, empowered by the presence of the very same SPIRIT-PARENT, Who was in Jesus doing and saying those things, but Who Jesus said was also available to any individual.
In other words, I’m not saying it …and not only did Jesus say it, but …our (your and my) SPIRIT-PARENT is saying it to YOU – and nothing less will do! Now then if those words are not for you, that is not my affair. My anointing has to do with those who have the ears to hear what I am given to say and write (period).
I am also being reminded to say that the basis of you and I “being Jesus” is because of the fact that it is NOT our “ministry” …if it truly is SPIRIT-PARENT ministry I have been instructed to say that it wasn’t me that did anything seemingly supernatural, it was our SPIRIT-PARENT.
Every time I see the words, “Jesus died for your sins,” I want to scream, WAKE UP! Jesus is alive and will live in you so that you are no longer “you.” If you are “receiving” this, it means your destiny is to become Jesus. Does this mean the term “Jesus died for your sins” isn’t true?
NO! I’m not saying that at all, but rather what I am saying is: Get beyond it! Because it is irrelevant to the destiny promised YOU. That is what the recent series and the forthcoming book, Being Jesus, which is based on that series, is all about.
Now that I’ve taken the lid off that, let’s scurry back to the need to stop listening to that voice which continually says, “Practice what you preach” and “walk the walk” (rather than only “talking the talk”)
The words which opened this chapter, “Don’t preach …practice” are making reference to asking and staying within the confines of continually asking our SPIRIT-PARENT “what now,” in other words getting constant “divine guidance” for every area of my life and that, moment by moment.
The issue (for me) is this: “Practice what you preach” implies an obeisance to an “inner truth” …which, as it turns out, is not true at all, but rather one of the “voices listened to” which are merely sayings long planted in that less-than-conscious part of our brains.
NOTE: I had just written “sub-conscious” …and was instructed to supplant it with “less-than-conscious” and, once understood, is a real truth that leads to a complexity of truths received from our SPIRIT-PARENT and which I am supposed to share here.
First, I am to clarify the difference between “sub-conscious” and “less-than-conscious” as I’m interpreting it at this moment and the reason for the correction:
Some people immediately translate “sub-conscious” into many different things – some even to a “super-consciousness” that implies “God” by whatever other term or name – two other interpretations that I’m nudged to mention is that some who use the terms “The Universe” and “Universal Intelligence” in place of “God” believe the sub-conscious is directly connected to this “Infinite Intelligence” (here we go again, by whatever other title or name).
Others limit the sub-conscious to “memory.” Yet others believe it is a mixture of what goes on in the brain including, but not limited to such things as mammalian instincts and DNA; but and yet mixed with external influences, both seemingly positive and seemingly negative.
“Sub-conscious” is merely, therefore, a term that doesn’t adequately communicate what I’m being given and, in fact, has a tendency to mis-communicate.
The reason for “less-than-conscious,” as a substitute, is that there is no inference to it being “spiritual,” again, only as I am using the term. I am not implying this is a universal definition that must be adopted by everyone.
Now, onto an example of “a complexity of truths” referenced in the note above …from my memory emerged something I had written nearly forty years ago during an intense study of the Christian Bible.
An Old Testament story of the Israelites transporting the Ark of the Covenant where one of the guys assigned to guard over it reached out with his hand to steady it while going over a rough patch of road or perhaps a small stream –Uzzah, I believe was his name, no sooner touched it than he was struck dead.
I made the point in my writing that this was a perfect example of people trying to control, or put their ego-based steadying hand on “spiritual things” which were over their heads, and should be left alone.
This led to a startling image in my mind. When I saw the need to no longer allow myself to be referred to as “pastor” or refer to anyone else by any title that implied spiritual authority or superiority …at that time I was heavily steeped in one of the chief tenets of the “Charismatic Movement,” that is the “five-fold ministry of the Holy Spirit.”
As with so many terms that many of us bandy about, it simply had taken on a different meaning to many different people. I asked our SPIRIT-PARENT what was wrong with it. I saw a picture of a hand with the palm facing me, thumb up – and then turning so that the back of the hand was facing me with the thumb down. This picture was repeated several times.
Thoroughly puzzled I asked for an interpretation. I began sharing this picture and the interpretation I had received, in both assemblies and small gatherings and which stirred up a maelstrom among a group of what was soon to become my former associates, church leaders all!
I was amazed at how they invariably justified their positions. I received call after call saying: “The Apostle Paul said . . .” and each caller would cite one verse or another from one of Paul’s writings as the justification for being called “pastor,” “bishop” and even “father.”
In denominations in which I’d been somewhat widely welcomed and invited as a respected speaker – the welcome mat was withdrawn as my position became more widely known. Here is that position as clearly as I know to put it.
Jesus was recorded, by the writer of the Gospel of Matthew, as having said, not to refer to any other human being by any title that would imply either spiritual superiority or spiritual authority. “You are all to minister to one another as brothers and sisters to one another; you have only one Teacher, Leader and Spiritual Parent.”
When I had the “vision” referenced above of the hand turning from thumb up to thumb down, I was told that the thumb up position was a picture of the five-fold ministry being designated and led by our SPIRIT-PARENT; the thumb down position was a picture of a spirit of control overtaking those (myself included) who dared to allow ourselves to be referred to as “pastor” …the word means “shepherd.”
The “five-fold ministry” was enumerated as Paul laid it out: First Apostles, then prophets, then evangelists, then pastor-teacher. What I was shown that these were not human functionaries as designated by men, but rather the work of our SPIRIT-PARENT through each of us at specific times of SPIRIT-PARENT anointing.
I was shown that denomination ordination (my own included) was a hideous mockery at worst and a shadow of reality at best.
The One and only Leader and Guide, “Shepherd,” is our SPIRIT-PARENT whom Jesus also acknowledged as his Leader and Guide. The One he referred to as only One who is good, not himself (Jesus).
Again, I didn’t say these things, Jesus said them and he said his words were not his, but the words of our SPIRIT-PARENT.
I just now asked: “What now?” sensing that I was to close:
“Include the explanation I gave you long ago relative to Matthew.”
The explanation is very simple. When I was being instructed to come out of organized Christianity and to be obedient to the instruction not to allow myself to be called nor to refer to anyone else by any title that implies spiritual authority or superiority – I asked about the apparent conflict between what Matthew wrote and what Paul wrote regarding spiritual oversight in relation to others in a group.
Matthew wrote his Gospel at least ten and probably more years after Paul had written his various letters to various groups of Christians and/or Christian leaders such as Timothy. Paul’s last letter is pretty much agreed by historians to have been written around 56 A.D.
The early church personified all sorts of things which John wrote in his “Revelation of Jesus Christ” (the last book in the Christian Bible in which he said that he “heard Jesus say he hated” – the very same things that Matthew quotes Jesus as saying not to do.
Both men were attempting to correct the practices that had crept into what we have a tendency to refer to, somewhat reverently, as “the early church.” John wrote his Gospel and “The Revelation” most likely at least twenty-five years after Matthew wrote his …A.D. 66 and A.D. 90 respectively. I’m not putting these dates out as historical fact, because there is always some dispute among historians. But most agree that these are somewhere close.
I was instructed to stop treating the “early church” reverently – for the above reasons. I’m now supposed to close. See you in chapter 7.