The 4th Dimension, Which Comes First? (Chapter Thirty-One)

Can you swallow up philosophy without bursting your mental bubble?

Philosophical questions are, one and all, swallowed up in the 4th Dimension.

One of those questions, which exposed the deep intelligence of the late and some would say “great” comedian, George Carlin: “Can God make a rock so heavy that He, Himself, cannot lift it?”

George insisted that this question earned him a whack from the nun-teacher in the Catholic school he attended.

With our 3rd Dimension mindsets, we immediately consider the question to be a conundrum, that is, a riddle with no possible answer.

With the renewal of our minds by being in the 4th Dimension and having a whole new understanding of “BOTH” (are true), that is, possibility and impossibility co-exist – Carlin’s question, if we allow it, gives us a deeper understanding that nothing matters in the land of religion, science and philosophy because there are no differences and they are all true …and “simultaneity rules” in the 4th Dimension.

Are you really asking? Really?

This being true, we can now laugh at seemingly 3rd Dimension-imponderables, such as, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg.” Instead of being imponderable, they are rendered laughable by our newly improved and empowered mindsets from the 4th Dimension.

What most of us want to know is just how do we deal with the exigencies in good old, practical 3rd Dimension living.

It may be exciting to see that we are on a whole new forefront of scientific breakthroughs that are rightly and properly shattering old beliefs about universal principles to the point that we can see that it is no longer this or that, but rather what emerges as the new truth is that and this are both one and the same.

Our minds are beginning to deal with the fact that there really is a 4th Dimension and that we  can be in the same place at the same time, so that not only is travel unnecessary, but the former things that used to be prime considerations about travel, that is, time and distance are irrelevant.

It isn’t that we can easily answer the riddle, which comes first, the chicken or the egg; we are able to merely sidestep the question as meaningless because we now know with confidence that they were brought into existence simultaneously.

In other words it is neither a simple question nor a silly one, but it no longer holds any importance to us because we now know, really know the real answer to which came first is BOTH.

To make what Brad says true, you must start cooking them at different times.

We also know that, at the 3rd Dimension level, “BOTH” is an inadequate answer to deal with simple considerations such as, do I do this? …or do I do that? Both exist but we are not in a position to put both in play.

STOP! If we allow ourselves to pose seeming pragmatic statements such as in the foregoing paragraph to rule over us, then we have allowed ourselves to get stuck in the rut of impossibility, when not only does possibility exist on the philosophical level, but answers to “hard, practical” questions are available as well.

Now then, how do we begin to overcome our proclivities to “write things off” as impossible when they are not? What is the mechanism for bringing 4th Dimension or parallel existent-ongoing kingdom POWER to bear on 3rd Dimension “practical realities?”

We need to bring this up again:

“We need an unveiling of our eyes to see that in reality we are already in the fourth dimension and what hinders our experience of it is our wrong perceptions of ourselves.”

If you haven’t asked yourself what Gary Sigler was saying in the foreword to this book, NOW IS THE TIME! We need to know what we are not so that we can begin getting back to who we are. This is neither philosophical nor religious, but a hard-core issue of identity.

What is this misperception many of us have been brainwashed into believing? How did it overtake us? What are the practical steps to having our misperceptions replaced and with what?

Tuesday is wash day at my house, so dont' expect any deep conversations.

We have reached the place of beginning which is actually the ending – however long it takes us has to do only with our individual level of resistance to transcend – “morph” (from metamorphosis), if you prefer, from misperception to living out our real identity – and it is purposely stated singularly because there is only ONE identity.

Let’s repeat the three questions posed two paragraphs ago:

What is this misperception many of us have been brainwashed into believing?
How did it overtake us?
What are the practical steps to having our misperceptions replaced and with what?

With chapter 32 we will begin, yet already did, and never look back …I just asked and was “shown” the title of the final chapter, which isn’t 32 … The final chapter will be “HOW?”

How what I just asked: The explanation I just received is that while we do need to see clearly how the misperception overtook us; we also need to see HOW to take the practical steps that will be outlined for us to escape the misperception.

But first, we need to answer those three questions so we’re ready …coming right up.

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