The 4th Dimension, “To Be Continued” (Chapter Twenty-Seven)

I was abruptly awakened at 2:30 a.m., that’s Florida time, which I felt nudged to insert, just now, with the words in the above title to this chapter, TO BE CONTINUED …imagine a giant-sized, red colored neon sign displaying that term, and you’ll have an idea, somewhat of what I was seeing.

A recent photo of Brad, yes he was born again.

That was roughly two hours ago. I spent the next hour just talking and listening to our SPIRIT-PARENT and finally asked, what am I supposed to do with that? I knew I was supposed to write and I knew it would be chapter 27. Will this be how the book ends, “To Be Continued,” I asked.

I fired up my trusty little laptop and wouldn’t you know it …an e-mail from one of several who corresponds regularly from the Philippines. Since I cleared my inbox just before I went to bed at 10:00 p.m. (why all these time references need to be in this I don’t have any idea, at least as yet), so this was the only e-mail so far.

No greeting, just this terse suggestion:

“You must be born again.”

“What, I gotta re-enter my mother’s womb?”

Even though great minds have tried to twist this into the moment of
getting fire insurance, it just makes zero sense to apply it to
anything 3rd dimension.

You might want to ask Daddy if you should do a slight edit to # 26
working in the ‘born again’ issue. “Born Again” makes far more sense
re 4th than anything 3rd. But then, that’s just my 3rd logic

My exact response follows:

Your timing is interesting … hmmmm I’m going to tell you what I just got,
which blew me away.

Brad and Ryan at the beach...timelessness.

The challenge to the words being meaningful is the word “again.” One point
to be derived from The 4th Dimension is …in that place of “eternal life”
there is no beginning there is no ending. It is transferring our lives and
our living to a whole new perspective and perception — one of “to be
continued” continually …timelessness, NOW.

I’ve never rejected the term “born again” out of hand, but simply on the
basis of the behavior of so many who insisted upon using it, who displayed a
religious mindset and values that, to me, didn’t correspond with either the
apparent intent of Jesus nor the context of how he said it.

I have often told the story of a man who became my business partner and
close friend. Upon being introduced to him the first words out of his mouth
were, “I suppose you are one of those who are born again.”

His continuation of that was: “All I can tell you is that every time I have
been screwed in business it has been by one of those people who say they are
born again.”

Twenty minutes later he was (Literally) yelling, “Jesus if you are real, take
over my life, I need help!”

He became re-connected — the term (“born again”) and his objection to it became

To be continued…

Have I said enough?  Obviously I am not sure and, per usual, I simply have to check in.

My, my, my …this is rather exciting – I’m going to try to quote verbatim what I just “heard.”

Your purpose is to co-create, what will you create.

“Share your purpose; for without the purpose of your life which you have chosen, there is no context.”

Okay, I’ve shared my purpose more than once; I’m not going to go back through the whole draft of this manuscript so far to do a word search – so here it is, again, if I’ve already said it before in this particular series.

My purpose is to be connected to the SOURCE continually and intimately in a daddy/mommy/offspring relationship so that everything I do, say and write emanates from that (period).

To put it in a somewhat-religious sounding context: so that everything I do is from a place of “it is no longer ‘I’ – but Christ.”

I’m to say this: This is not a Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Islamic or Rastafarian position (I just threw in that last one, I don’t have a clue about their beliefs relative to “the Christ” whereas I am somewhat familiar with some views of some Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Muslims) all of whom I can and do have open dialogue and fellowship.

Some things are hard to reconsile.

It is here I am instructed to share the following: All of these referenced in the foregoing paragraph with which I have fellowship and open dialogue, revere the man Jesus and his redemptive work and yet remain true to their respective religious leanings.

Each knows that I disavow any organizational tie to ANY religious belief system and each knows from having read my books and articles that I make reference to Jesus and what he said all the time. Surprisingly, none of these have any disagreement with me. This certainly raises the suspicion of some of those Christians who tend to be exclusive in thinking that it’s their way or hell.

I must digress, grinning, as I want to add, “What else is new?”

I worked for a time in east/central Africa and the Governor of the Free Trade Zone, and several of his staff there, including engineers, attorneys and other professionals – all committed to erasing poverty and homelessness in the region, were somewhat avid readers of my articles and books on my old website, “ministry of” (deactivated in 2004).

Our current model for religious unity, looks like this.

Eight of these and I made several tours of the area together during 2003-4 and had as close a spiritual connection with one another as with any other group I have ever known. All eight were of a different religious belief system. The Governor was Animist, the engineer was Hindu, the attorney, the only Christian, was Roman Catholic and so on, yet they all agreed with my views about Jesus and his purpose.

How can this be? With all the differences and arguments in the world, how can nine men with such diverse religious belief systems have such unity?

That’s the question I’m supposed to answer next (I’ve never even asked it before), so who knows what’s coming in chapter 28

…to be continued.

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