The 4th Dimension, The Key to Entering (Chapter Twenty-Four)

how do you see yourself, let me count the ways.

(Part 1 of 4 Parts)

Four things we need to discuss in this section. To help us, let’s go back to the last paragraph of Gary Sigler’s Foreword which started all this:

“I have enjoyed reading about the fourth dimension and I wholeheartedly agree that it is a parallel universe. We can enter this kingdom at any time and enjoy the NOW of it. What makes it so difficult is we cannot enter by the natural thought process. We need an unveiling of our eyes to see that in reality we are already in the fourth dimension and what hinders our experience of it is our wrong perceptions of ourselves.

A power-packed paragraph in which Gary not only defines the 4th Dimension as a “parallel universe,” but also as a “kingdom” – that is, a realm over which the King has absolute rule …STOP.

This is the first of the four things we need to discuss. The basic difference between the two kingdoms of the 3rd and 4th Dimensions …one of the “unveilings of our eyes” that Gary said is needed; and from some of the e-mail I’m getting, is that some folks are still missing the fact that there are two kings!

Brad has taken a trusting leap, you should too?

This comes by revelation and not by intellectual understanding – which takes a huge leap of trust or our eyes never get unveiled.

If we can set aside our preconceived religious and anti-religious (two sides of the very same coin) ideas about the Bible for one moment and admit that whatever we perceive it to be – and let’s take two extreme views just to underscore the point: A book containing the words inspired by God and completely true …that’s on the one end of the spectrum; or a book based in Jewish myth and whimsy …that’s on the other end of the spectrum …or any of myriad variations in between.

The reason we need to set aside any and all ideas about the Bible is so that we can simply take a passage that makes enormous sense NO MATTER WHAT WE BELIEVE ABOUT THE BIBLE …because those beliefs will get in the way of the revelation.

Here goes and hoping we’ve stacked our belief baggage on the station platform so that there is room for all of us to get on the train …TOGETHER.

Religious tradition of every sort has been spawned by what some scholars insist is the oldest book in the Bible, that is, Job. Let me give you a quote that is intoned by preacher types at funerals: “The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh, blessed be the name of the Lord.” That’s what Job said in ignorance of the agreement between God and Satan that led up to the destruction of everything he had.

Brad talks about religion so much, I thought this would support the process, does it?

One religious view, taken directly from a literal interpretation of Job, is the insistence that God allows everything that happens to happen. Here’s a Brad Cullenism related to that view: God allows me to breathe, SO WHAT?

Does the book of Job contain some truths, even if we happen to be of a mind that it is a perfect example of the mythical end of the spectrum of belief?

Here’s more Cullenism: Everything contains some truth – somewhere between 5% and 95%. If we are willing to take the book of Job literally for just a moment, we’ll see something rather amazing about there being two kings and two kingdoms. Satan owns and “rules over” the physical, 3rd Dimension, realm because God gave it over to him. Which is something, by the way, that Jesus certainly thought and taught as clearly revealed in the original language.

Whereas “God” (again, By Whatever Other Title Or Name – bwoton), has absolute rule over the 4th Dimension. What becomes tricky for some folks is that they believe the Bible reveals that Satan is part of the Hebrew Elohiym (here in English characters) which is translated in almost every English version of the Bible as “God” – and that translation creates no end of linguistic and cultural challenges because “God” means, to no few people, a singular “Supreme Being” and “Elohiym” is a plural term that basically refers to many Spirit-Beings all of which the Godhead is comprised.

That being said, if true, means that “Elohiym” simply cannot be translated into “God” …the two are distinctly different.

Or you can use this 3rd dimension coin.

What does Brad Cullen believe? What difference does that make? No difference whatsoever, except for one key element: What Brad believes is the basis for what Brad is able to DO …which, if you don’t believe, Brad cannot do it for you. What Brad believes, also, is that you too, can get to the point of doing what Brad is able to do, which are the same things Jesus was able to do and said that anyone who believes enough can also do …so, again, Brad is nothing special.

The coin of this 4th Dimension Realm is what Jesus termed, “the faith OF God” or as some scholars translate it, “God-faith.”

If, as the foreword indicates, “we are already in the 4th Dimension” then the title (…And the Key to Entering) of this chapter is misleading – unless we remember the “BOTH-are-true” aspect of the 4th Dimension – that’s next in Part 2 and coming right up.

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