The 4th Dimension, Let’s Go Beyond (Chapter Twenty-Three)

Brad and Ryan during pod-casts.

Let’s face it, at times, Ryan and I sound downright arrogant. One fellow in a recent e-mail said, “You sound like two guys full of yourselves.” As can be imagined, he had a perspective a few degrees different than either Ryan or mine; or a metaphor I am fond of using, is that he was looking through a window on the side of the building facing south, while we are in the same building looking through a window facing north.

…A perfect description of just one of the limits of the third Dimension of our physical senses.

Does that mean his view is wrong and our view is right? NO! He was getting a southern view which excludes seeing things from the view through the window which faces north (period). We do not complain that the southern view is inferior.

To carry the metaphor to its 3rd Dimension extremes, he is insisting that the northern view shouldn’t exist because it somehow diminishes the view from the south. Both are simply views – that he sees the need to look only out that window, at least for now, seems important to him, for whatever reason. It is pointless to argue, or to even attempt to force dialogue.

Brad and Ryan observing the 4th dimension.

Jesus told the story about two blind men leading each other into a ditch. They were both blind. Two of them joining forces did not enable them to see. In the 4th Dimension you get to see out of both windows at the same time …a feat impossible in the 3rd Dimension.

Going back to the foreword which I asked Gary Sigler, of Sigler Ministries fame, to write for this book-in-progress …it just came in moments ago – his final sentence nails what I’m trying to say here, don’t miss it:

We need an unveiling of our eyes to see that in reality we are already in the fourth dimension and what hinders our experience of it is our wrong perceptions of ourselves.”

Let’s look at the challenge of interacting with a person whose perspective is limited because he insists that the view through that window through which he is looking is the ONLY “proper” view. Our perspective is that he is one with us because he has the very same SPIRIT-PARENT as ours.

In several exchanges, however, it became obvious that he wasn’t interested in dialogue, but rather in arguing against our emphasis on this website which is how to go about acquiring healing power and spiritual healing directly from the SOURCE, as if that emphasis somehow interferes with the emphasis he has been given by the same SOURCE.

I am saying that our (Ryan’s and mine) arrogance was different than his arrogance, because our arrogance did not insist upon him being wrong because we were right, whereas his arrogance did insist we were wrong, that is, that by emphasizing healing power and spiritual healing we were missing out on his emphasis.

Now, in all fairness, in the 3rd Dimension, that possibility exists, however:


Enough already, if we’re ready let’s move on.

Ryan and I have both received rather dramatic physical healing (plural) and I’m supposed to share one of my own which I have never done before on this website. In fact, I’m not sure I’ve ever written about this particular incident, though I’ve shared it several times among small groups …I’m supposed to right NOW.

Brad and Ryan performing their custodial duties.

I was helping build a church in Alaska and had agreed to be its “co-pastor,” provided its Board of Directors agreed to two things: One, that my appointment would be temporary because I felt my calling, at the time, was to continue being a “self supporting missionary” in the Pacific Rim; and when I felt it was time to go back to that I would, without notice. Two, that both the sign on the front lawn of the church and the weekly bulletin would be changed to read,

Pastor: Jesus the Christ

Co-Custodians: Don and Brad

When Don had asked me to take a co-pastor role, with him, I thought the Board would never accept those conditions, even though I had already refused any compensation.

A bit of history about Don and me: Don had been the regional operations manager in San Francisco of the same company for which I was the sales manager over the five main counties of which the S.F. Bay Area is comprised.

Don went on to be quite successful in business, culminating in his becoming the President of the International Division of Allied Van Lines, headquartered in Broadview (Chicago area), Illinois and he subsequently went into the ministry, late in life, as a pastor of a large Assemblies of God church in the San Francisco Bay Area.

I had moved on to building a sales training firm tailored for Allied Van Lines specific requirements; which Don had helped sell it to Allied’s Board, and which proved to be very successful.

I had taken another road into the ministry (a term I now deplore related to human involvement), also late in life, with a large independent missionary organization as a self- supporting (meaning that I maintained certain business and career interests) missionary, primarily working in the trenches with 550 “national ministers,” training volunteers for evangelism, healing and spiritual counseling …this in the Philippines.

Don and I had not seen each other for about fifteen years and under what some would call “miraculous” circumstances Don heard about what I was doing and asked if I would come to speak one Sunday evening at his 2,000 seat auditorium in San Carlos, California.

We went out for dinner afterward and he wanted to talk only of working together, starting home-church fellowships in major population centers around the country.

I was excited about the idea and told him I would pray about it. Don and I had worked quite well together in the transportation industry and it felt like we would be a good fit for ministry.

We, instead, were separated for another few years and, during a period of intense prayer and fasting to get clarity about what I should do next in business, I awakened from a dream, around 2:00 a.m., in which Don was wearing a heavily starched white shirt, with the cuffs turned up.

I tried to call him at the San Carlos Christian Center where he’d been for several years. …Don and I had left it that we were both interested in small group fellowships working in homes independent of churches – and since the image of him was so vivid in the dream I felt it might be a sign I should call him.

I found out that Don had taken over a small Pentecostal church in Anchorage and got the number and called him there. Sure enough, he had been praying about me when I called. He knew my emphasis had been on training volunteers in intercessory prayer, healing, spiritual warfare, evangelism and counseling …and asked me to come to Anchorage for two weeks of healing and deliverance meetings and “whatever else comes along – you’ll have complete freedom – come help me build this thing,” he urged. I prayed and fasted and received the green light to go.

Two weeks stretched into two more and then a month… when he started making overtures about my taking the co-pastoral role, which I counter-offered that we would be co-custodians and Jesus was to be the only pastor.

Little did I guess that this would be the beginning of the end of my relationship with that denomination and the finality of my “coming out” of organized Christianity to the point that I would no longer even accept speaking invitations at any church; but that would be sometime later and some of that story is in “Supercomputer” available free by e-mail attachment upon request.

I’m supposed to share what brought about this particular healing – that is, how I received a brand new heart!

Several years previously, as a condition of business deal, I was required to get a $500,000 life insurance policy with which the company would use to purchase back my shares from my estate in the event of my death.

The electrocardiogram, which was a routine part of the required insurance examination, uncovered something which I had known for many years. I had a missing heart beat …every thirteen beats there’d be a “blank.” It was disconcerting because, as a medium distance runner …five to ten miles most days, I would routinely check my pulse after a run to see how long it took for my pulse to slow to its normal rate – at that time in the low fifties (beats per minute, less three beats for the missing one) and it verified every day that I’d had a heart attack when I was 24 years old …another one of my long stories, but not in this book!

As part of our new joint-custodial duties Don and I would make house calls to people who had placed a check-mark on the “request pastoral visit” box on the visitor registration card that we asked all visitors to fill out and drop into the offering plate.

A former Assemblies of God church pastor in the area who had been forced to retire because of poor health had been in the assembly both services, that Sunday morning and evening, had requested a visit.

When we arrived about 7:00 on Monday evening, his skin had a very noticeable bluish tint due to an artery that was partially blocked and that he was due for surgery that week to have it “fixed.”

The couple was in their early sixties; she had severe arthritis pain in her neck and the lack of flexibility was also very noticeable.

I had spoken the night before about the reality of spirit-agents (something about which, at least at that time, most Assemblies of God churches avoided any discussion) and I had related some true stories of people who had been totally healed of arthritis, as well as other things, as a result of getting rid of these spirit entities.

The couple told us a bizarre story about their son-in-law who, they were convinced, had murdered their daughter and how he had subsequently been killed, right in front of the house in which they now lived, just a few months earlier. He was a building contractor and was unloading some heavy piece of equipment with which he was going to do some excavating in a vacant lot he owned next door, when it toppled off the trailer, killing him instantly.

Their story told of how they believed he was evil and had led their daughter away from her beliefs and how he been abusive toward her and how the onset of both their poor health coincided with their moving into this house.

Because of the doctrines of their denomination they had simply never considered the reality or possibility of what she referred to as “dark energy” being the cause of their illnesses which had forced them into retirement, until my talk the night before.

They looked nervous as they asked us if we thought their problems could be caused by such things – the house had always felt strange to them even on the rare occasions which they had visited there over the ten year span of their daughter’s marriage to this man and for which they had given them the down-payment as a wedding present.

Don and I shared several experiences with them that further convinced them – and as a result of several things that evening they became totally free; his skin now shown with a ruddy, healthy appearance …and she couldn’t stop laughing as she moved her neck around to prove she was totally pain and stiffness free!

We urged them to become involved in the growth and ministry of the church. The next day Wayne showed up to help us with our building project …a new wing for the education building.

He told us that he had cancelled his surgery that was scheduled for the next morning and that he was going back to building cabinets – a hobby with which he had supplemented his income for several years; and now he intended to support himself with and be involved, however we wanted him to be involved in the church.

Wayne took over the supervision of the building project as he knew far more about construction than either Don or I.

What does this have to do with my healing? The previous night as we were leaving, we all prayed together rather spontaneously and joyously – Sybil couldn’t stop laughing or expressing her praise and gratitude for having been delivered from all the pain as well as emotional stress for what they had gone through over the loss of their only daughter.

In the midst of this I had a vision – I saw a picture of a beating heart – and I had exclaimed, “Wayne you just received a new heart!”

A bit long but cool anyway.... 🙂

To which he responded, “I don’t think so – my heart is perfect there’s no doubt I’m healed” –he said, as he looked at his bare arm which was no longer bluish, “but there has never been anything wrong with my heart …just the blocked artery.”

“Well,” I said, slightly confused, “I know somebody, somewhere just got a new heart, praise the Lord!” …and promptly forgot about it.

After our hard day of working on the building project the following day – Wayne had me digging the trench for the leach line for the new septic tank – at around 4:00 p.m. we quit for the day …and I announced that I was going for a run.

Six miles later, after cooling down for about twenty minutes, I did my pulse checking routine. For the first time in over thirty years no missing heart beat! I was that somebody that received the new heart.

When I left Alaska for Hawaii and became involved with another business venture – which again involved life insurance policies on the three principals – I was the only one who got a preferred rating, through John Hancock Life, no less …my two associates, both several years younger, had policies for which the monthly premiums were higher than for mine.

…and I’m getting younger every day. Life in the 4th Dimension is fantastic! Thank You, Daddy, for reminding me of that healing. We’ll see you right back here for chapter 24!

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