The 4th Dimension, Want This? Don’t Forget That! (Chapter Twenty-Two)

If you can always hear me why do I have to shout?

Thank You, Daddy! Here we go again with something Jesus said – why do I so often bring what our elder brother said into what I write? ‘Cuz that’s what I’m meant to do …remember, “Its okay to do what you want to do until it is time to do what you were meant to do.

What Jesus said to our SPIRIT-PARENT: “I thank you, that you always hear my voice” …this just before he told Lazarus to come out of the tomb in which he’d laid dead for three days. Don’t forget that having an attitude of gratitude ahead of receiving brings about what you want. Grumbling doesn’t …this as evidenced by something Ryan quoted below.

I have a challenge for everyone this day, right now, in this 3rd Dimension which immediately catapults us into the 4th Dimension and in 4th Dimension fashion we realize we’re already there …so, not forgetting that being catapulted is just a 3rd Dimension figure of speech, away we go.

We can use any number of 3rd Dimension metaphors – “fuel” to keep this vehicle going is coming to me right now.

In a recent podcast our dear publisher, Ryan Bruce, quoted a coach saying to a questioner: “I am filled with energy.”

The questioner continued, “Yes, but how do you get so much energy?”

Just take one of these to fill up on energy.

“I am filled with energy.”

Frustrated, the “how come you have so much energy” (and I’m so tired) question was repeated.

Again, the response: “I am filled with energy.”

Finally, the coach capped it off with: “Do you think that repeating over and over again how tired you are will fill you with energy?

One of Ryan’s stated purposes for creating the website,, was to provide a platform for Brad Cullen articles about healing power and spiritual healing.

Neither publisher nor author believes we have a corner on the “healing market.” It is just that for several years I have been sharing how I have followed what I refer to as the “formula” Jesus provided for getting to the point of being able to do what he said that anyone would be able to do if they believe enough. What’s that? The very same things he did and in the very same way …also clearly outlined in my free e-mail offer referenced below.

Quite often I get e-mail from people who have come out, as have I, of a rather fundamentalist tradition, griping about the limitations therein. Many of these have left behind any and all reference to the words the Gospel writers (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) reported that Jesus said.

Now, I fully agree with some of their positions, one of which is that each writer seems to have a different spin on how he recalls what is obviously the very same story.

Is this what Brad means "fundie"? Attention Houghston...we have a generation gap!

The reason I continue to refer to what Jesus said is because, at the time, I began applying what he said, I was still very much a part of what some of us refer to, less than affectionately, as the “fundie” culture.

But I can also say, truthfully, that I was way ahead of the particular pack with which I was involved at the time in applying what I was so clearly seeing; and the fact is, applying these purported words of Jesus was getting rather dramatic results.

As a prime example, I was heavily involved in a “deliverance ministry” at the time …yes, “casting out demons” and was often invited to speak about “spiritual warfare” – the primary resistance to this “ministry” was quite pronounced from some fellow fundamentalists for some of the craziest (in my view) doctrinal positions one could imagine.

A close second and far more understandable source of resistance was from the mental health profession …until I teamed up with a Christian psychiatrist, with an M.D. after his name, who was the Medical Director of a 66 bed psychiatric hospital that a very large outpatient facility as well. This particular hospital was well-known as having a rather large inpatient population of people diagnosed with MPDS (Multiple Personality Disorder Syndrome).

This is Brad during his "deliverance ministry" phase. Nice tights huh?

It is quite a story and began with my telling him that the MPDs I had encountered were all “cured” when I cast the demons out that were masquerading as “personalities.” A true story I recounted in a book called “Supercomputer” – one of the mountain of things Ryan Bruce has on his list is to publish an updated paperback version and make it available thru and a free e-version on the website …ahem, Ryan… nudge, nudge, poke, poke.

Anyway, until that wonderful event occurs, if ever, I will be glad to e-mail you a draft – just send your request to, type in

“Supercomputer” on the subject line and it’s yours – it’s a quick read.

The words of Jesus I applied, which changed the course of my life and eventually helped usher me joyfully and finally out of my Evangelical connections, was Matthew’s version of the story about the little boy who had seizures that “caused him to fall into the water and into the fire,” and about which Jesus said, after merely rebuking the demon causing the problem, “Nothing is impossible to any individual who believes enough.”

To get to that point of belief and like ability (to Jesus) I merely followed his instructions about fasting and prayer also included in “Supercomputer.”

My point, of course, is that I still do these things today and I still apply what I learned from Matthew’s version of the story recounted in other Gospel accounts, but quite a bit differently. Why throw the baby out with the bathwater? …a hold-over question from my Evangelical days, sorry about that!

Brad and Ryan on church day, Brad is the tall one.

Again, if you listen to the phone conversations that Ryan records (“podcasts”) and don’t forget Ryan has “come out” of any organized religion as well; he also has experienced and understands what to do when he sees clear evidence of demon activity …the publisher is a religious whacko as well as the author, although he’ll probably deny it.

Okay, time for some other admissions that I am supposed to make about two other passages from the Bible that dramatically changed the course of my life …and the reason I share them? I’m meant to, while TOTALLY agreeing with those of you (including dear publisher, Ryan) who have the same problems as I with the distortions of truth that come from people who insist those distortions are “Biblical.”

This one can have a profound effect upon anyone who will let it wash over her/him: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8).

All you have to do is quit trying to make it fit into your preconceptions of who you fervently believe Jesus is and was …because that is like trying to make 3rd Dimension realities fit into the different set of realities found in the 4th Dimension.

This one came to me at 2:00 a.m., one Monday morning several years ago, while I was face down on the floor, under my desk, fervently asking what to say to a group at a breakfast meeting, later that morning, at which I had been invited to speak in a hotel in Hilo, Hawaii.

I heard the numbers “29:13” and knew that it was in Jeremiah – I’d never read it before: “You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.”

This one had a profound effect upon several people present who were part of a Christian Building Contractors Association in the State – my instructions were simple …just share what had happened to me at 2:00 a.m. and ask how this particular passage (Jer. 29:13) strikes anyone else and just let the discussion flow.

Brad''s day job...

This story was also recapped in “Supercomputer.” For those who would like to know how I finally came out of organized religion of any and every kind – in looking through the draft – that story is told loudly and clearly and I remember that it was received rather well when I first wrote it back in 2004 -5.

So, then, what now?

Don’t forget now, if you want “this” …give thanks for already having it. That’s part of the suspended judgment we’ve been sharing about the 4th Dimension …if you are harboring a “woe is me” victim mentality and voicing any number of complaints, STOP.

Begin, right now, being thankful for being led away from that and you will be. Please don’t ask me to explain the phenomena because I don’t have a clue. I awakened this morning being reminded not to forget to be thankful and to share the thought.

What’s next? …chapter 23 that’s what.

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