The 4th Dimension, Two Conversations (Chapter Twenty-One)

If you have ever listened to Ryan Bruce during one of our phone conversations which he records and then posts as “podcasts” on the website he “helped create,”, you know that he can be quite fiery and intense in his arguments related to some points of principle dear to his heart.

When I proposed doing a series upon which I’d also base a book with the title The 4th Dimension he unequivocally agreed, but later suggested that the title be changed to: How to Convert 4th Dimension Power Into Practical and Successful Living. He also tagged (A Brand New, Brad Cullen “How To” Series) as a subtitle onto it.

We both became quite excited and enthusiastic about doing both the series and Ryan gave his approval that the publishing company, of which he is CEO, will also produce the book when I finish it.

The way Ryan percieves it may be different becuase....?

We’re going to take a quick look at something back in chapter ten …I wrote:  “One way of looking at the 4th dimension (sigh, how many times do I have to say this …THE WAY I’M LOOKING AT IT) is that all judgment is suspended.

“Now, if you expected that I would write about the 4th dimension from your perspective, you may well be disappointed. You have several choices, just two of which follow . . .”

I wrote this on the heels of a rather intense disagreement Ryan and I had over the phone (which Ryan now denies …he later said I was just being defensive about a question he asked me) this is a direct quote as I recall it, (Ryan’s recall is different): “What the hell does that have to do with the 4th Dimension?” He said this rather intensely, just as the phrasing implies, and it is burned into my memory. I forget just what chapter created the outburst.

Granted, his initial question was much gentler and I may have gotten just a tiny bit defensive over it, who me?

Anyway the call degenerated into some huffing and puffing on both sides – which was resolved quite simply, as usual …and this calls for a brief digression to explain something.

For several years, Ryan and I have resolved any and all differences by agreeing that we would both ask our SPIRIT-PARENT and simply be clear about what each of us is directed to do, even if it the instruction is different for each of us. We both believe our SPIRIT-PARENT is genderless AND, yet, has both perfectly crafted female and male – Daddy/Mommy attributes …the reason I am couching this in these terms is Ryan and I have a code word, quick reference which is to refer to our SPIRIT-PARENT as “Dad” or “Daddy” just for the sake of convenience and we don’t have any hang-ups about what or how anyone else refers to HER/HIM/IT.

This probably stems from our resistance to the Christian tradition of referring to our SPIRIT-PARENT as “The Father” in very reverent tones …our resistance comes from the fact that Jesus introduced this “personage” with a very intimate Aramaic word that can only be fairly translated into casual English as “Daddy” or “Papa,” not with the more austere, formal inflection that “Father” takes on …that term misses the whole point we believe Jesus was trying to convey …INTIMACY!

Okay, end of digression.

We both agreed to “ask Dad” and later simply agreed to disagree and that it really didn’t matter; again, to be fair, I have to admit that Ryan did initiate the conversation with a simple question: “Are you really sure about this?” Further, I do admit that I have a defensive streak …so what the heck – I confess, I caused the rumble.

Now then, back in the previous chapter (20) I cracked up, laughing out loud about being given the green light to include this conversation because that is why I made the comment, that is, “One way of looking at the 4th dimension (sigh, how many times do I have to say this …THE WAY I’M LOOKING AT IT) is that all judgment is suspended.”

In other words,

Sometimes Brad doesn't like what Ryan says.

that I was writing what I was given to write and if he didn’t like it to kindly take it up with the giver.

If you listen to our recent podcasts you’ll notice the references Ryan makes to the line, “judgment is suspended.” When he first read it he said, with concern, “You’re telling us that in order to enter the 4th Dimension, we have to suspend judgment” and he would continue on from that point saying how we depend upon human judgment for any number of things.

In other words, the publisher, at first, didn’t “get it” the way I had intended, which was simply that there is no judgment in the 4th Dimension, it has nothing to do with our intent; judgment is simply a part of the reality of the 3rd dimension, but is non-existent in the 4th …once he saw that was all that I intended by the statement, he fully endorsed it!

Why I saw that as hilarious, as I remarked in the last chapter, is simply that it, illustrates the difference in the way in which Ryan and I process things and yet not only is our friendship quite close, we are almost in lockstep-agreement over many things in this realm which we both are comfortable in interchangeably referring to as “the 4th Dimension,” “the kingdom of heaven,” and “Eternal Life;” all meaning, remember, that parallel existence that is ongoing right this moment, but that we cannot detect with our five physical senses.

As I have said many times before, Ryan is one of the brightest business and marketing people I know, even bordering on genius; he’s far more well-read than I and a far better communicator than I …so I’m not implying that he is dense, he just doesn’t get things, at first, in the the way I express them – leading to some funny situations. I guess this isn’t very humorous to anyone else, but I felt the need to explain.

Eve knows how to stay off this road! Do Brad and Ryan?

Now to the other of the two conversations …Eve, who possesses more “horse-sense” and practical wisdom than anyone else I know …she’s not only in the “best-friend” category, to me she’s a gift directly from the SOURCE of everything. She has a rich sense of humor and a quick wit; but she thinks I’m a religious whacko; and what amazes me is she continually says I believe the very things I have written extensively and expressly about that I not only DO NOT BELIEVE, but people who insist upon them as “truth” can fairly quickly get my “blood boiling.”

Eve has also proof-read and edited two of my recent books, therefore, I ask myself, how can she think I believe in the very things I hate …along with Jesus hating the very same things I might add. He said it, why don’t Christians pay any attention to what he said? Especially that he said, “Why do you call me ‘Lord’ if you ain’t gonna do what I say?” Why indeed?

Anyway it seems as though I’m not to be specific about what she thinks I believe that I really don’t …the reason? It still doesn’t matter. It’s funny to me that she thinks that about me and loves me anyway, don’t you think?

Good grief, what’s next Daddy?

How on earth is any of this related to: How to Convert 4th Dimension Power Into Practical and Successful Living (?)

Surely Daddy give us something better for chapter 22? Or is this implied judgment?

4 Responses to "The 4th Dimension, Two Conversations (Chapter Twenty-One)"

  • grantadams says:
  • Brad says:
  • Ryan Bruce says:
  • grantadams says:
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