The 4th Dimension, “We Pause for this Brief Interlude” (Chapter Eighteen)

Be carefull what you pick up.

This e-mail just in:  (5:28 a.m.)


Somewhere in the last couple of days, I read (you wrote) that you have a whole list of things traditions, churches, whatever, have us doing that Jesus said to not do. That list please!

So I just asked, “Where do I start?”

I have a tendency, smack dab in the middle of a series, to ask Webmaster and Publisher Ryan Bruce to post an “interlude” as an intermission of sorts. I’m instructed (scary thought to some) to make this chapter 18 and just upload it to Ryan as is. I warned in the last chapter (17) that we were going to go in a different direction, but I didn’t realize it was going to be this particular direction.

Oh my, I just got a shock …I hope it shakes you up a bit as well! I’m actually supposed to say this! The darling of Christianity, the self-appointed (some might argue with that) “Apostle Paul” – hey I think he was a great guy, just off the mark at times. Paul said, “Nobody can say Jesus Christ is Lord, without something of the Holy Spirit in him.”

Now that’s not exactly how it goes in the original language, but, as they say in some circles, it’s close enough for jazz. Which is a perfect metaphor for English “purists” since the American version is about as corrupted as jazz is for those who insist upon listening to nothing but the “classical” works of composers such as Bach, Beethoven, and others from that general era.

So “Jesus is Lord” is just such a tradition of Christianity. Why am I supposed to begin a list of things Jesus said not to do …that he even “hated” (no less) with this one?

The answer to that question is because of something he also said, that puts the term in perfect juxtaposition to head the list. Jesus said succinctly and clearly that there was no point in referring to him as “Lord” if there wasn’t a corresponding behavior that indicates taking what he said seriously. As a matter of fact he provided the illustration of a house being built with a foundation laid on sand for those who call him “Lord,” but don’t do what he said to do.

Just who exactly is this "Lord" you speak of?

Much of Christianity refers to Jesus as “The Lord.”

The further explanation is merely in order to drive home the point apparently (I’m just a messenger following instructions) that Christianity pays little attention to quite a bit of what Jesus said NOT to do.

At least some of Christianity promotes the following in direct opposition (hmmmm, anti-Christ?) to what Jesus said:

Public Prayer (Jesus said, “pray in your own closet”)

Appointed, “Ordained,” Leaders (Jesus said neither to refer to anyone else                  as our spiritual teacher/leader nor allow ourselves to be referred to by          any title that implies spiritual authority or superiority. “You have only one Leader/Teacher, the Christ, and only one Spirit-Father …the rest of you are       to minister to one another in the same equality as brothers and sisters. In my mind, the biggest blasphemy is perpetrated by Evangelicals who point           their  fingers at that part of Christianity that refers to their appointed leaders as “Father” while calling their own individual group leaders “Pastor” which means “Shepherd” and which title, Jesus said, was reserved for him alone.

Note: Both Peter and Paul promoted this title – which is the excuse used for the tradition – who appointed them to over-ride the authority Jesus said   was granted solely to him?

Bible Study (Jesus said, “You pore over the Scriptures because you believe that in them you have eternal life, when all the time they provide their testimony to me, but you refuse to come to me so that you can have that LIFE”).

Family Values (Jesus said that nobody can be his disciple unless they leave, mother, father, wife and children to follow him).

Law and Order (Jesus said, if somebody takes something that belongs to you don’t demand it back. Jesus said to love those who abuse you.

Jesus has come to thank these men for killing in his name.

Righteous” Wars (Jesus said “Love your enemies” …let’s all tune into “focus on the family, so that Dr. Dobson can explain what “tough love” is all about).

Enough already, the list of supposed “Christian” behavior is endless – and it has very little to do with what came out of the mouth of Jesus, which, don’t forget, he said, weren’t his words, but those of his SPIRIT-PARENT.

Each of us has the opportunity to demand that this same SPIRIT-PARENT give us clarity as to how our individual lives are meant to be lived. What Brad Cullen says is meaningless except for what I’m instructed to say to those who have ears to hear.

Go direct …don’t listen to anyone because, at best, you’ll be hearing a message through a human filter. Living in the 4th Dimension means getting the straight scoop directly from the SOURCE …remember, the 3rd Dimension is ruled by the “god” of this world – Jesus said that, I’m merely repeating it.

Editors Note:  This article is in no way meant to encourage you to stop attending church if you are currently doing so.  Brad has told a story on this website, repeatedly that he was told, “Come out of her”, a personal message for him. You must discover for yourself, from Source, what is right for you.

A warning to all who would take Brad’s observations to “heart”…avoid judgement or condemnation of the teachers and leaders of religious organizations.  Hold onto the wise  words of Jesus, “judge not lest you be judged”.


Ryan Bruce

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