Spiritual Healing has One Important Condition, Are You Willing to Meet It?

Brad Cullen

Do you know that there is a single, most important condition for receiving healing power to use on behalf of others and receiving spiritual healing for YOU?

Here is a significant point of awareness for you …today, right now, this moment, are you ready to move into it? There are conditions – yes, healing power and spiritual healing are free, this is certainly true in the sense that there is no financial cost for either, but there are conditions that will need to be met; however only one, single, most important condition needs to be met and the rest of the conditions will fall into place automatically.

An interesting narrative that goes back two thousand years related to money being spent for a cure and receiving nothing for it …a woman who spent all her money on doctors hoping to get a cure for a twelve year, non-stop menstrual period… which the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible referred to as “an issue of blood,” the narrative is all the more fascinating because three important points are either missed or misinterpreted. Let’s list them:

1.  How the woman received her healing.

2.  What the healing power was that accomplished the healing.

3. Jesus told the woman, “Your faith cured you,” so, Why do so many people insist that Jesus healed her when he so obviously did not?

What causes some people to miss the truth is the statement in the passage which says that “Jesus felt the power go out of him.”

Is Jesus the Healer?

You are about to understand these missed and misinterpreted important three points of the how, what and why the woman was healed and thereby, if you are willing to meet the single most important condition which will open the door to all the rest of the conditions being met automatically …so that you can receive healing power and spiritual healing, now, today.

So then, are you willing to meet the single KEY condition? Well now, first you have to be ready to hear it. We’ll come back to the three missed and misinterpreted points referenced above, but first, you simply must be ready to hear the single, most important condition.

Here it is …drum roll please. In order to receive healing power and spiritual healing there must be a change in you. That’s it, that’s the single; most important condition …simple isn’t it? The change required is simple, so simple that many …no most people miss it and miss out on what can be theirs freely and automatically.

The challenge is that while it is extremely simple, it is also extremely difficult …because the fact is that we are hardwired to resist and fear change. Healing power and spiritual healing require change, a dramatic shift in focus.

I fully realize that some will feel that I am beating around the bush. I’ve been sharing this truth for well over twenty-five years; and the fact is that I am beating around the bush because I am afraid if I just blurt it out you will miss it, just as so many others have missed it over the past twenty-five plus years. You see, I too am hardwired to resist change. Okay, I give up, how about you? Are you willing; are you ready to meet the condition?

You have to release your preconceptions brought about by religious traditions. I slipped in a reference to the KJV a bit ago saying that it referred to the incident as an “issue of blood.” The misinterpretation isn’t so much from the translation difficulty as it is the tradition that accompanies it. Many editions of the KJV are captioned at the top of the page with italicized points that supposedly make reference to the text.

This particular one would be hilarious if it hadn’t been so misleading to so many people. Are you ready for this? Jesus healeth the bloody issue—when by Jesus’ own words, he did not heal the woman. In the text the “issue of blood” clearly refers to her menstrual flow …many modern English translations refer to it as a hemorrhage – pay attention here, it wasn’t a hemorrhage, she had a horribly elongated and bothersome “period” …talk about “the curse,” ladies, good grief!             She was so “sick” of it that she walked several miles to go to where a huge crowd had gathered around Jesus and it was widely reported that he was healing people.

Are You Ready for Change?

Let’s not miss the point here, or you will miss out again on receiving healing power and spiritual healing. You have to change your mind, that’s the condition.

If you refuse to see that it wasn’t Jesus who healed the woman and further refuse to let another truth overwhelm you, you won’t be able to meet the conditions.  That “other” truth is simply that Jesus himself clearly stated that he did not heal anyone or perform any of the other seeming “supernatural” or “miraculous” stuff …NO!!! It was the SOURCE, the “Father,” the SPIRIT in him who did the “works.”

Now move on to the place where you see another truth, which is that Jesus not only said that anyone who believes enough will do the very same things and more of them than he did – which on one side of the equation is to perform all the supernatural stuff too, but ALSO to realize it won’t be you doing it but the very same SPIRIT in you. The single, most important condition, therefore, is to stop paying any homage to any ego-centric religious healer or religious teacher who makes a big deal out of the “specialness” of the man Jesus with regard to healing power and spiritual healing.

In Freedom,


If you would like to hear Brad and Ryan dialogue on this topic, click here for the audio content.

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