Nov 11
The 4th Dimension, What Does It Matter?
Chapter Ten
If something turns out better than we expected, what does it matter if it is different than what we expected? The challenge in the question is the fact that “better” requires a judgment and a comparison on somebody’s part.
One way of looking at the 4th dimension (sigh, how many times do I have to say this …THE WAY I’M LOOKING AT IT) is that all judgment is suspended.
Now, if you expected that I would write about the 4th dimension from your perspective, you may well be disappointed. You have several choices, just two of which follow:
You can attempt to see it from my perspective and keep reading. That’s one choice.
You can write me off as not knowing what I’m talking about and just continually going off on side trips with analogies, metaphors, ideas and stories that just aren’t making any sense to you – that’s choice number two. How many times do I have to say that I don’t know squat?
A question is in order …what if there is something to be learned, something vital by sticking with this just a little longer? It really is fairly easy; all you have to do is suspend your judging for just a few moments.
What has amazed scientists, who long resisted the departure it seemed to take from classic physics – and refusing to do so – to accept quantum mechanics UNTIL experiments in the quantum realm began to pile up significant proof, is that BOTH quantum and classic physics prove to be true.
It didn’t end the quandary they were in, why? Because they were trying to look at this 4th dimension reality from some of the solid foundations upon which they were standing that are proven in and by classic or Newtonian Physics of the 3rd dimension.
If those of you who are choosing to resist looking at the 4th dimension, from my perspective, will simply remember one not-so-simple thing, but nonetheless true, you can accept what I’m saying without giving up your own dearly held truths:
Things work differently in the realm of the quantum variety of physics than they do in the realm of what old-man Newton conjured up in his mind and which is now referred to as the “classic” version.
A primary example: In the 4th dimension of quantum, instantaneous travel by subatomic particles can take place or, for sure, faster than the speed of light, literally.
An ongoing argument among some scientists is whether it is actually “travel,” or is it that these particles simply have the ability to be in two different places at once? Impossible and preposterous some might say.
If you are willing to travel with me down this road (yet another metaphor, can you believe it?) just briefly and realize that it is also hypothesized that BOTH sides of the argument can be true – and there have been scientific experiments to prove BOTH!
What I love about the 4th dimension in which quantum takes comfort of being beyond criticism, ‘cuz everything can work there …is that it proves that the science of the 4th dimension/quantum mechanics is spiritual …well that is, in the way I have historically viewed the word: That is, that “spiritual” is synonymous with “unseen.”
Now was that so tough? That’s how I’m looking at the 4th dimension – simply “unseen” …yet proven to exist.
In the context that Jesus said “nothing is impossible to any individual who believes enough” …and I have proven this to any number of people who were bothered in like fashion, that is, being attacked by spirit-agents (bwoton) and that is the context, who are now free from what these “entities” were causing –“entities” was the name one doctor (M.D.) put on them when she could not come up with any other plausible medical reason for what some of her patients were experiencing– I’m not suggesting you go that far …just open your mind to the possibility that you can train the part of your brain which is beyond your consciousness, to do automatically what you want it to do.
Surely you remember that one of my favorite sayings purportedly out of the mouth of Jesus was; “Nothing shall be impossible to any individual who believes enough.”
In chapter 9 I threw down the gauntlet; I said: “As you can probably discern, we’re about to get to the part where I divulge how I trained the super/sub/un conscious part of my brain to be continually connected to this SOURCE (bwoton) by whatever other title or name; so that if you feel so inclined you can give it a try.”
We’ve arrived. Are you brave enough to begin dabbling in an experiment with your super/sub/un conscious mind?
Remember my thesis that Jesus said if you put the kingdom of God (and don’t forget that I equate this kingdom at least partly to the 4th dimension) into the number one position of priority …that everything else you want comes about automatically.
One way of training the subconscious (bwoton) is by making a declaration that what we want to be true is already true NOW.
My purpose on this physical plane is to be continually, constantly and intimately connected to the SOURCE of everything – in other words putting the “kingdom of God” in the number one position of priority.
The declaration I began to use several times a day, about fifteen years ago, to train my brain to be working in the background to subordinate this body bag I occupy to our SPIRIT-PARENT SOURCE was: “I am in and of the will of God. Your presence and power are upon me. I want and have nothing else and no other thought or feeling shall have a permanent place in me, I AM.”
I will tell you that everyone that I know who has applied this the way I have applied it in my life reports similar results …that is they know, without a doubt that they are, indeed connected to the SOURCE and that everything in their life is subordinated to their chosen purpose for living.
Try it for the next thirty days. Upon arising get into a private place where you can repeat this aloud and emphatically at least ten times. Do the same thing twice more during the day; then just before retiring for the night.
Believe it or not, this was the method Jesus taught. He coupled it with two metaphors; one that you declare whatever you want emphatically while banging on your close friend’s (Jesus’ metaphor #1) door until he gets out of bed and gives you what you are “demanding” (the literal meaning of the word in the original language). The other metaphor Jesus employed was that you be as a little child going to it’s over-indulgent mom or dad and keep saying I want, I want, I want relentlessly until you get it. In other words you have a BEST FRIEND/SPIRIT-PARENT available to you 24/7, but you need to break through into the realm.
So then, if you also have a resident automaton in that beyond-your-consciousness part of your brain that you can program with your conscious declarations to continually work this out, indeed you are employing a powerful force to continue working behind the scenes – automatically.
That’s it for now. I can hardly wait for chapter 11, how about you? I don’t have a clue, just what is coming this time, but I know it will be a doozy!
Note from Ryan: Please forgive the occasional echo in this podcast. We do not rehearse, so you are getting a raw recording that is never re-recorded just to make a point. Brad and I show up to every call “prayerfully”, so when we have a problem with a recording, it’s impossible to effectively remove all the interference. Thank you for your patience. Podcast 83 Fourth Dimension Podcast 2