The 4th Dimension Subconscious – Subatomic (Chapter Nine)

The 4th Dimension Subconscious – Subatomic

Chapter Nine

Careful when Brad let's er' rip, things can happen!

In Chapter eight some readers might think I went a bit overboard in extolling the teaching and other virtues of our friend Gary Sigler …Stop! I write in a very strange way; at least in comparison to many writers who take a far more organized and disciplined approach than do I.

I basically ask, “What now?” but I ask it of the ONE that is able to provide answers and let ‘er rip. I’ve been writing professionally (the way I’m using the term “professional” has nothing to do with somebody else’s measure as to the quality of my writing, but simply means that one way or the other I’ve made my living at it) since 1962.

My focus in writing was wholly related to business until the late 1990s when a primary shift onto what I refer as the “spiritual” realm began.

Now when an idea strikes me as needing to be expressed, I simply ask our SPIRIT-PARENT if I should pursue it. Once that process begins I simply listen, hear and do the best I can at transcribing what I’m “hearing.” Since the thoughts originate outside the conscious part of my brain and often strike it as brand new, again, to me, and further since I can’t really put my conscious mind “around” some of these thoughts, I give them away, as they were given to me. No ego involvement, at least, uh, er consciously.

I never make an outline, or list chapters ahead of time; I simply write “as it comes to me” …including what I wrote in chapter eight (period).

Look there's Ryan working on another one of Brads books.

At times the CEO, Ryan Bruce, of the publishing firm which takes care of seeing to it that such things as a cover is designed and nice things are said thereon about the content and other details of getting a book I write prepared for print …I’m not a whole lot into details about much of anything in the physical realm; anyway, on occasion, he sends me an e-mail saying: “Are you sure about this one?” Meaning, quite obviously that he’s not so sure about it. Such was with the draft of chapter eight.

My response to Ryan, when he seems challenged by some article or another and/or suspicious that, just maybe, Brad Cullen is a bit whacko, is to offer to tear it up or I simply say, “You’re the publisher.” In other words I really don’t try to justify what I’ve said. After all, sometimes I don’t even understand it myself!

Moving on …it occurs to me that I need to point out what I believe is a mistaken idea many of us have about quantum mechanics. If, for example, a nuclear explosion is somewhat representative of quantum mechanics, then those who describe it as “the scientific study of atoms” have missed something:

What brought us kicking and screaming into the nuclear age is not the understanding of atoms, but rather the splitting of an atom into smaller parts …sub-atomic and sub-microscopic, the latter meaning those things which cannot be seen even with the aid of a microscope, but can be detected via experiment — enter the much heralded and anticipated Large Hadron Collider – use Google or other search engine to look up LHC and get a fascinating “look” at the unseen, but proven arena of quarks, gluons and other such particles.

WE INTERRUPT THIS BROADCAST FOR AN IMPORTANT BULLETIN (and example): Not only do I never, EVER, start a book in any organized fashion I never EVER do any research until I’m in the middle of it. I just stopped to do the above referenced Google(ing) and stumbled onto a site, “starts with a bang,”  you just HAVE to visit by astrophysicist Ethan Siegel who happens to now live somewhere in the Metro area of Portland, Oregon – some great science with humor and spiritual overtones, he even does a u-tube on “Creation” which is a must see.

Please make it a project to prepare you for the next chapter (10), no kidding!

This outdated model is extinct like the dinasaur.

In my first science class in public school some 70 years ago, I remember being introduced to the smallest thing in the universe …an atom. Well, even then, the teacher should have known better.

Let’s move onto “sub-conscious” which decidedly, again, the way I’m using it (that covers everything nicely, doesn’t it?), is not smaller than the conscious part of our brain …it is immensely and immeasurably larger because it’s the part that connects us to the intelligence behind the entire universe and the SOURCE Who/Which put it into motion (if that’s the correct word …and it seems so to me).

What I’ve been trying to point out is that I have stumbled on a way to train the super/sub/un conscious part of my brain to do what I’ve never been able to do with the conscious part …and that is (drum roll please):

Keep focused and connected to Whom I refer to as our (yes your and my) SPIRIT-PARENT SOURCE, the Creator of everything, that is, …that fascinating “Word” our buddy, Johnny, coined in his Gospel, John 1:1-3 get a load of this now, so you’ll really understand what I’m saying (in plain old Brad Cullen English):

“In the beginning, this Word”* created the universe and everything in it. He was with God at the beginning and was, in fact, the creative part of God.”

So far, and I don’t care who has taught you what, to me, the foregoing BC (Brad Cullen) translation is “dead-on-balls accurate” (a line stolen from the movie, “My Cousin Vinny”), an inescapable conclusion from the original language. Don’t agree with me? Hmmmmph!

Now comes the mind-bender: Please remember, now, this is all according to our buddy Johnny, I didn’t say this stuff, but I believe it even though I don’t care whether I understand or can explain it, I experienced it …and from what lofty position do you disagree?

Do we really need to argue over words?

Okay, really listen closely here: Verse 14 – “This Word became the man some of us refer to as Jesus.” If you insist on “Yeshua” or some other Hebraic equivalent, that doesn’t have to deter us from what Johnny (again, not I) is saying …and yet again, the Creative-Spirit-Part of God Who created the universe and everything in it became the man Jesus (bwoton).

* from the Greek “Logos,” about which there are enough commentators out there who will dispel any notion that the English term, “Word,” is adequate for any purpose but to confuse and, in fact, “Word” is woefully inadequate and even misleading to use as a language bridge).

As you can probably discern, we’re about to get to the part where I divulge how I trained the super/sub/un conscious part of my brain to be continually connected to this SOURCE (bwoton) by whatever other title or name; so that if you feel so inclined you can give it a try.

Go do your research please. I’ll meet you back here for number 10.

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